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Show THE PAGE TWO TRI-WEEKL- JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH. Y f state that there will he 20 oil rigs ONE PRINCIPAL OPERATOR KATE k Christmas. before work at People FATAL MISTAKE. UNDER ARREST to and ia are ' beginning flocking f ' ; . j t Bid Wreck oa Southern Railway seek more locations. Young Mua Trying to , t r f to1 Six Persona Killed and Finance Filibustering ExpeSPAT UPON OLD GLORY Twenty Injured. 1 I , 16. A Los Angeles Juljl4.T. Yoni, a Japanese employed as a wiper in the Southern Pacific shops in this city, narrowly escaped serious injury at the hands of an engaged mob of American workmen today. Yoni was wiping an engine on which had been placed two small, American flags. While wiping the engine, Yoni turned and deliberately spat upon one of the flags. Ilia action was seen by another workman, who immediately pulled Yoni from the engine tu the ground at the same time acquainting the other - workmen in the building of Yonia act.' A crowd quickly surrounded the Japanese and he was being roughly-handlewhen he managed to elude his assailant and escaped. Knoxville, Tenn., July long dispatch telephone message to the Journal and Tribune from Johnson City, Tenn.,' say a ; Six persona met instant death and twenty were injured when vestibule No.' 42 .on d the Southern" railway, collided with a switch engine one mile west of Johnson City, at 7:30 o'clock tonight. The switch engine was in charge of a hostler, who when he saw the fast passenger train coming toward him, reversed his' engine and jumped to safety. Scarcely had he done so before the passenger crashed into the light engine with fearful force. The engine of the passenger, baggage car and mail car coach were 1 and second-clas- s and overturned, but the JUMPED FROM WINDOW. switch engine was not lifted from Delirious with fever, Linus W. the rails and with full head of of Salt Lake jumped from steam started on a wild run which Timby a three story window in St.Marks was not ended until a switch was hospital, and received injuries thrown for it and fc was ditched from which he died within an at Carnegie. ,l i hour. ' The lives of the mail clerks were saved because of the fact that BRITISH STEAMER SUNK. their car was of heavy steel construction. This heavy car, howOran, Algeria, July , 14. Fire ever, played havoc with the light broke out today with such viosecond-clascoach behind, which lence on board the British steamer was entirely telescoped. The Canada lying in the harbor that a d-class coach was occupied by destroyer towed her out into the George Moort, white, a labor roadstead and torpedoed her as agent for the Virginia & South- the of means saving her from only western railroad, who was condestruction. The Canada can be eonducting a party of twenty ne- raised without difficulty as she groes fromAIabama to North Carlies in shallow water. olina. Moore was perhaps fatally hurt and of the negroes six ON TRIAL FOR were killed outright and all the ,F0UL MURDER others maimed and aix unidentified negroes were killed. Italian Men and Women Accused ' Of the injured George Moore, of Kidnaping and Killing , labor agent, and F. 0. Shipe, mail - New Orleans Boy. clerk, were seriously injured. east-boun- d we-rail- " s secon- . MISTAKE OF OPERATOR 'Washington, July, 14. Word received here tonight by the Southern Railway says that the deaths from the wreck near Johnson City, Tenn., tonight number from six to ten and that the wreck was caused by the telegraph operator making a mistake in copying the train orders. ; KNOCKED GUN FROM HAND. George Dwyer, manager of tins floral store under the National bank of the Republic in Salt Lake, was held up while returning home at night about DESCEIiDENTS 5 12 oclock. lie lives on North Temple, between "West Temple and First West streets, and Was about a quarter of a block from home when he was confronted by a masked man, who shoved a gun in his face. lie commanded Dwyer to throw up his hands and in his haste to do so knocked the gun of the highwayman out of his hands. Dwyer then ran home. The holdup picked up his gun and started after Dwyer, but Dwyer had too big a lead on him. . Nashville, La., July 16. The small village of Ilahnville, consisting of a jail, a courthouse, one store, a river landing and a few farm houses, will tomorrow become to the scene of Louisianas most important criminal trial in a decade. Although the indictments, which charge the Italians with murder, call only for ferreting out men who kidnaped and strangled Walter Lamana, an New Orleans boy a month ago, the real aim is the suppression of Italian violence i nthis state. It is hoped not only to make severe examples, but to learn how extensive an organization was behind the plot, which induced ten persons, two of them womento par0 ticipate in an attempt to get ransom. Owinjj to the state of public feeling, GovernorBIatch-ar- d has secured a special session of the court and put the state militia at the disposal of the sheriff of this parish, although it now appears very unlikely that any militia will be needed. Four Italians, including one of the women, will go on trial for their lives tomorrow, two more will stand trial a week hence, s Ten are still at large. The leader of those to be tried tomorrow is Ignacia Campisciano, who revealed the crime after one of the most terrible sweatings imaginable. A posse of officers took him from Ins holne near here at night and in sound of the voice of his crying child, with a noose tight around his neck, and the rope over a tree limb, they forced Campisciano to break his word to his countrymen and tell what had been done with tho boy. The fact that he led this posse two miles through the swamp in the dark to the boys body has fastened suspicion on him, although he claims that the four men who have not yet been caaptured, committed the crime. $6,-00- BIO OIL EXCITEMENT. St. George, Utah, via Modena, Utah, July 15. Yesterday morning oil in large quantities was struck at the oil field in Virginia City at the Rio Virgin oil grounds at 10 oclock. Oil began to flow from the pipes from a depth of 670 feet and continues to flow in a heavy stream. Up to 4 oclock 50 barrels had been allowed to escape. The oleaginous fluid was struck before it was actually expected and the experts were a little surprised to encounter it so near the surface. The pressure seems to be quite heavy for the depth. People are highly elated, especially those who are interested in the fields. About 3Q0,000 acres have been ; located by people from Nevada, California and southern Utah. The merchant who is too busy Those in a postition to , know, to advertise, wont be very long. f W Thursday, July 18, v 4 dition. New York July 14. An alleged attempt to finance a filibustering expedition with the ultimate purpose of overthrowing the superior 'government of ' the Minas Geraes one of the federal stages of Brazil, led tonight to the arrest of a young man .who, according to the complaint,has introduced himself to prominent bankers and brokers here as Sebastine II. L. De Magali, a Brazilian. De Magali is charged with violation of the United States postal law. The identity of the complainant is withheld. The prisoner, who is but 22 years old, it is said, came to this city a few weeks ago and put himself in communication with parties who were likely to have money to invest. In a circular which the police claim to have found in his room at a boarding house, a plan is set forth for the invasion of the rich Brazilian state by an adventuresome band recruited elsewhere. Just how much money will be required to carry out this plan is in doubt, but it will usually be less than $500,000 and to those who fund the enterprise a half million dollars bonds is to be paid at half in cash and the balance in 4 per cent interest-bearin- g bonds of the new government when the old order of things is done away with. The circular is the the that author explains agent of the party in opposition in Minas Geraes, which party had resolved to adopt the only practical method of accomplishing the downfall of the present government. It is proposed to introduce the invaders into Minas Geraes in detachments of a few men each and guise of colonists or agricultural laborers. Other arrangements are explained for the importation of ammunition, firearms, saddles, etc. The pressing needs from Rio to headquarters, 100 passages from South Africa to South America, and 100 horses, to be bought at Buenos Ayres for $50 each. There are only eighty soldiers in Minas Geraes, the author of the prospectus says, and he himself as general at the head of 100 valiant men, he thinks, could easily overthrow the government and the rest without be easy. The Brazilian consul, Senor Antonio F. Xavier, was not accessible tonight, nor was Vice Consul Dr. F. P. Leno. , . BOMB OUTRAGE IN TURKEY. Notice ia hereby given that the Sons and Daughters of Pioneers who came to Utahprlor to Jan. 1st, 1858 will meetrat 'Assembly Hall, Salt Lake City, July 24th, 10:30 a. mi, for 'the purpose of forming a general organization to. be? knowet as the'Sona and Daughters of Utah! Pioneers;! for the election of officers; and for the transaction f t all ' other business that may properly come before said meeting. HEBER J. GRANT, REED SMOOT, SUSA YOUNG GATES, The business meeting will be followed by an interesting program and all 'descendenfs of Pioneers are invited to attend, regardless of present residence. -- ui Abraham Lincoln vas a man who, against all odds, attained the highest honor a man could get in tho United States. Ballards Ilorchound Syrup has attained a place, never equalled by any other like remedy. It is a sure cure for Coughs, Colds,Bron-chitis- , Influenza and allPulmorary diseases. Every mother should keep supplied with this wonderful cough medicine. Sold by Riter b Bros. Drug Co. yotJ.Q)o TONIC 1 called-Naturc- health-restorin- g 8 ' ! T . $9 Any one who aI Will take the time to look it up will find that I carry R. B. 0 - q only T Up to Date Clothing, q Not only for MEN, 9 But ; for, BOYS and 9 CHILDREN as well. a Q I also carry a very complete and select line of - g g 0 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,! NOTIONS, ETC. In fact almost anything you - may need. ER-Mile- Friend $ I s 9 JUNIOR Copyright 1907 by Brother Clothing Conpnay Milwaukee 9 SMITHFIELD, UTAH. ooooooooooooooooooaooooo fv r tr r CALIFORNIA THE IDEAL LITTLE POCKET PHYSICIAN. Hyomei is Guaranteed byy Cyrus E. Napper to Cure Catarrh. Thousands who have been cured by call the inhaler with comes' that every outfit the Littlr Pocket Physician, as it is so small that it can be carried in thep ocket or purse. There is really n excuse whatever for anyone having catarrh is so readily now that obtainable. If you have any doubt) about its value, Cyrus E. Napper will let you have a complete outfit, with then nderst a filling thatunless it cures catarrh, it will not cost you a -- cent. i outfit .The complete Little Pocket consists of the box and tie of Hyoa Physician mei and costs only $1,00, making it the most economical as well ns tho only guarantee 1 treat men! for the cure of catarrh. Rememcures catarrh ber that without 6tomaeh dosing, applying the medication and healing where the disease germs are present. ny-o-m- SUMMER RESORT tow Rates ei Hy-o-m- Two daily palatial trains from all Utah Points , next excursion Ask agents for rates for or write to J.H. BlfRTNER, D.P.'AV, Salt Lake ei Ily-o-m- ei The tranmutation of the 'things into ery day feat of cash is an want-ad- . ev- alchemy BUTCHERS BUTCHERS You can get your d Scenic Line of World the OF THE GRANDE EAGLE RIVER CANYON WAGON WHEEL GAP GLENWOOD SPRINGS . CANYON A Panorama of Natural Beauty all The Way... THREE DAILY TRAINS , OF THE GUNNISON GARDEN OF TnE GODS MANITOU SPRINGS THE ROYAL GORGE CANYON - SKEWERS THROUGH and Pullman and Tourist Sleepers to Denver, St. Louis and Chicago G. A. P. LARD DISHES of the EARL & ENGLAND PUB. CO. Logan, Utah. WOOD not-neede- ! run-dow- SCALDED TO. DEATH Donough of this city, known to his friends as Bob. a traveling freight agent for the Oregon Short Line," was killed at Kemmerer, Wyo., Monday morning. An engine upon which he was riding turned over upon him and escaping steam from a burst-e- d pipe scalded him to death. Archibald Lake, another traveling freight agent, also of this city, was on the engine at the time of the accident, but escaped injury, as did also the engine crew. Donough was checking wool shipments, and was riding to the North Kemmerer yards when the engine overturned. A broken rail caused the accident.The body was not recovered until a wrecking crew had lifted the engine to an upright position. It will be brought to this city. Donough was about 28 years of age and not married, ne came from Indianapolis six years ago to engage in railroad work. For a time he was with the Rock Island, but later went over to th$ Short Line. Ilis parents live at Indianapolis. One sister, Mrs. J. L. Yundt, the wife of the local agent for the Wabash, resides in this city. Inter Mountain Repub- lican. -- Every one should take tonic la the Spring their systems require h The blood has become thick and sluggish with the accumulations left in nT system from the Inactive, indoor life and from the heavy, 'rich foods of th Winter season. The blood, being in this unnatural and disordered ' ia enable to furnishr the amongt xf nourishing necessary for the more energetic life of Spring and Summer, and the Suffers from debility, weakness, nervousness,; fndi&kstion, loss 'of sonetS and many other unpleasant symptoms of disordered 'blood cireuiatinB n And disordered condition? it When the system is in this lr not iai MT WW? muauvwu concofctions, safsaparillas, compounds, etc., because the usually Contain potash or some other equally strong and harmful min ingredient," which acts unfavorably pnd often dangerously on the deoleUH weakened system at a time when it needs gentle and Aatural stimulation throwod the impurities and recuperate It lost eierry, S.S. 8. is apwonri s tonic. . It is made entirely of roots, herbs and bslrti ately from the great storehouse of forest and field, selected for their ! purifying qualities, and as it does, not contain the slightest trace mineral in any form it is perfectly safe for young r old. S.-S directly on the blood, ridding it of all impurities and poisons, and restorin' the lost properties of rich, nutritive strength so that it is able to supply system with the healthful, invigorating energy needed to pass the trvin season of the jxir. Its 8 :tion is the most pleasant, prompt and of all tonics, and those who feel the need of such a medicine will satisfactory do well t Commence the use of S. S. S. at ouce. S. S. S. restores lost energy relieve worn-out the tired, feeling, helps the appetite, aids digestion, and adds tone and vigorto the system. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. 1 Ily-o-m- ei 15. A Constantinople, July bomb ex'ploded last night in front of the summer quarters of the American embassy at Yenl-Keu- i, a suburb of this city. Four persons were slightly injured. Otherwise no damage was done. The authors of the outrage ' have not been traced. Washington, July 15. Ambassador Leishman cables that no one connected with the embassy was injured in the bomb explosion last which occurred at Yani-KeamThe the evening. explosion, bassador reports, injured several bystanders and broke all the glass iu the building. The perpetrators escapaed and no cause is given for the act. 5 NATURES : S' C3 PIONEERS OF . ; 1907 For Folders, Booklets, etc, address L A. BENTON, Salt Lake City, Utah.. -- |