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Show - THE Thursday, July 18,13077. TRI-WE1SL- V PAGE FTV3 JOURNAL, LOGAN, UTAH. Y coOooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooooooooO O o Performance Tlisj Tear Crown; D dAlenes,.sware that o the blowing up of ard on the O o fng Triumph. ynHug of Steunenberg' Cut of the concentrator atGardncs and o 0 f Testimony from, the train ra that world's o o ynr Rutgling Brother KJ This Wardner. from circus o in exhibit oo greatest turning, the train was possession of mob gan Wednesday Aug o Idaho, July nc:.n:.OT,iNC TLL iiigiitoD last stages of. the case against that blew up the cenceutratwr and noon performance- only) and n D the o men. killed two evi announcemeatttouid be that yards William D.Haywood, the witnesses ther witnesses x to O mow would dence contradicted, the o give pleasure tion put Alvard, ai physician otBurfa,. oau jIORE ABOUT COLCEABQ' of the mining towns-o- f. the Coevu AND COEUR D'AEENES he sawr Orchday. No differed: La tlx EINGUNCL ERdL ZZ2ZI. qfcTfrehr Career.-- - he- came - .wall: I8.-I- Boise, n u : the- in. h, Lo- - T, (after- A1 bi - -f- - prosecuon; mmi made o o o Kwmmm D for the defense and. said they saw lovers of' wholesome amusement.. O . ot5 that eo Orchard' playing' pokerIt is not necessary to speak O day at Malian, several! mile away the size of thin great circus as its O The claim of the "defense is that is well understood that it is the in W. of the J. Sale i strike Lake Mr. Grade tried to Increase his business too rapidly, he O GltACiE, Orchard' was not at Wardner and biggest enterprise of" the- kiixd city, stock. in Colorado during the tuceesaaud-omake couldnt was 14th June O forced to assign his business to the Utah Credit Mens im. 1904. The that does or ever did' exist.. In fcai ny part in period of 1903 and who sold same to us at Joooth Dollar, and we are now offering it at the SAME REDUCTION. O ation,. the day were A. T. Holmes swore in rebuttal the quality- of its features it? has O portant witnesses of O as called to contradict the showing of the testimony of ThomasWood, always set-thpace that no, others O Here are fhw of the bargains;, Hundreds of otbors are piled on ta O blenand counters marked with large price tickets, so you cant help made by witnesses for the defense a witness fo the- defense. Wood can follow- and this year- ib baa, O O tlndi alh the best bargains, bujt that there was no reason for the had safd that he saw Beck and organized a company . of .the O ColoMcCormick, the two men killed worlds best talent, such- as has O calling out of the militia of toon the rado other than a desire O Ob Big Lot of Mens' and Youth's Work by the explosion at the Vindicator never before been brought Pants, AH of Grades finest 115.00 Dress Suits in a big owners to drive is not a strain of .the Q be- gether. mine It the of the in level, "eighth mine, worth up to 1.50t Bankrupt Sale e part variety of light and dark patterns, some 69c Price members of the Western Federa- fore the explosion and afterwards imagination to "say that there are O of most them Summer Suits, but suitable for wear the year arouDd, all in oue tion of Miners from the mining found their bodies in' the sixth on exhibition more sensational O All of Qrantaa 75a Bib Overalls, big bibs, lots $7.77 big lot at of pockets, plain blue or striped, all .district. One witness flately con- level. lie said that Beck carried acts and more European novel39c goat tradicted the evidence introduced a revolver on that day and that he ties than have been seen in AmeriAll of Grades 82.50 Mens' Pants, this lot Includes 8&.GO Mens Suits go at. . the to of the in show ca All that of Gracias water defense on a past years twenty the any of box & saw powder some good Corduroys, in this sale.... by $3.69 $1.39 mine of Vindicator the bethe at foreign specialties Among level in the barrel explosion All of Grade's 12.00 Boys Suits, all sizes, just eighth v $L19 .....I go at was due to an accident. fore Beck and McCormick went origin seen for the first time in, Worsteds, 14 All of 00 Good1' Gracias was Boys' Suits, large going up to the sixth, where the explos- America, are :Riceobonog While the big trial $2.39 $2.39 variety, now....... on in the district court before ion occurred a few minutes later. Night horse and family, an aniJudge Fremont Wood an interest- The impression, created was that mal to which the reasoning powing offshoot of the case was being the two men carried the powder ers of the human inlelligence may heard in the small room used as a with them and that Beck dropped be credited j the Mirze Golem Your Free Unlimited Choice of court by Justice of the Peace his revolver, which exploded and troup of Persian 'acrobats; the Savage. C. W. Aller, the depot the powder went off. This would Patty brothers, who walk and Custom Tailored agent, who was arrested yester- account for the finding of the shat jump on their heads ; the De t, was tered and their wonderful oek$ a revolver near of tie day, charged with perjury, parts which stands on its hind brought before the magistrate for bodies. Orchard sworVMltat h$ Remember that Grade has employed at all times at his shop, 340 South West Temple, Salt Lake City, from feet and balances a man on its a preliminary hearingrrThe state fired the powder with: a pistol 10 to 12 workmen, manufacturing moafc pf his clothing Marnello-Marnit- e blmsejf and these suits are as good, both In workquar was represented by Prosecuting nolman was superintendent pf head ; the and as manship material, suits that ccst you at your custom tailors from t25 00 to 140 00, This lot Includes AttorneyKoelsch and the prisoner a neighboring' mine and formerly tet, who do a wonderful acrobatie All Wool Worsteds, Serges, Thibets, etc.f n Black, Biue and Grey, as well as the swellest new Plaids, Club of and by means of bells strapby Peter Breen, an attorney superintendent of the Vindicator. turn, Checkund shadow stri pea. Take your choice from . Grade's Finest Suits. Butte, who has been .associated He was one of The first to go down ped to their legs and arms, play Nothing Reserved Nothing held back. with Haywoods counsel, having the shaft of the Vindicator after operatic selections while turning union been retained by theMiners the explosion. " His evidence, given somersaults, or doing twistera O the watch to from shoulder to shoulder; the O of Butte, Mont., largely from a prepared chart of case. the interior of the mint, eontradic Borsenis in an acrobatic act done while balancing on rolling globes; Fred Miller, whov.was Orchards ted Wood on many points. ' counsel at his preliminary hearing LI G. Ramsey, a young man and the Holloways, who do acts on a in Caldwell immediately after the a'relative of McCormick, followed tight wires that are difficult to murder of Governor Steuneuberg, Ilolmari. lie was in charge of the perform on a stage; the Toreo All of Gracies 11.75 Khaki Pants and act Any Mexican list In the, values up to assisted Mr. Breen.-. 'H' ' f powder in the mine at the tune of dors . with a .clown hull-fig19c ' Coats in Tan and Olive $U9 .600, now.. The principal witness in the the. explosion. He knew Beck that has made all Europe laugh; 75c Felt Dats...... Grades best 12 00 Linen Dusters In the 45c perjury hearing wasOrchard him- and McCormick well and swore Alvarez, a wonderful acrobatic $1.29 Boys Bankrupt Sale self.' The prisoner was. brought that neither of them ever carried balancer; the worlds best woman w All of Grades 118.00 all Wool Dress Sult nebby,- - All of Grades Mens 82 50 Felt nats, all colors and in from the penitentiary in charge & revolver: that there was no bare-bac- k rider, Daisy Hodgini; Greys and many shapes, soft and stiff, many nobby $1.39 other colors, all on a big table at. . . . $9.69 the Legard troup of acrobats, and of Warden Whitty and a penitenpowder in the mine at the time, so 10c Straw Bats. 112 00 All Grades of Suits clown the go at.......... tiary guard. 5c far as he knew and that there was ridiculous Marno, $6.69 No more than half a dozen peo- no water barrel on the eighth gymnast. , All of Gracies 75o Knee pants, go now at Other great performers with ple outside of the principals in level as Wood had stated. 39c Mens 82 00 Fancy Vests on sale at. :: $M9 the case and the other witnesses Sheriff Routtan of San Miguel the circus are the five Bedthis and All of Grades 110.00 Suits go st. Your choice of any Mens or Boys Straw, Crash or were present when Orchard went of clever whom their $.29 "jump Linen nat In the House, values up to wit dog.ali county, Colorado, was the last 47c over the testimony as to his con8 of a the to LOO, all styles back All of Gracies 75o Rompers, Bankrupt ness of the day. He testified as to simultaneously 39c Childrens 25o Straw Bats, Fancy bands nection with D. C. Scott, the rail : Sale Price conditions. Under a search- single horse ; the Clarkonians, the lie strike road agent, who Aller swore inAll of Grade's Mens 8150 Felt Hats, a whole two greatest trapeze performers F. E. by Childrens 40c Felt Bats, fancy styles. . . . showcase full to pick from, Bankterviewed Orchard in Cripple ing admitted that ever lived; the eight Belfords o; 19c 97c Richardson, Routtan Price rupt Creek two or three weeks before act acrobatie new in an ; entirely that union miners were deported the explosion at the Independence Kaufmann the family of twelve the from and driven by force AH Grades Linen Collars, the famous Arrow The finest Meps Shoes produced la this country, depot on June 6, 1904. .Orchard while he was sheriff and bicycle and unicycle riders; Marand such famous lines as The American Gentlemen, county Lyon that sell the world : brand, was closely by that no attempt was made to pre- guerite and Hanley in a novelty The Bradley Special, over 2 for 25a In Bankrupt Sale each r The Glesecke 85 Shoe t Breen, but no amount, of ques: and wonderful of in and attractiveness, every Style Leather, Oxfords or Lace and vent or punish those who attackOne big lot of Gracies Manhattan and Monarch 85.00 and 80 00 Button Grades Shoes, tioning brought out any material ed the union men. ne said that the Jordan family in a trapeze shirts, that everybody knows sell at $2.88 In Sale at the 19c Lines, in n Bankrupt ' the orignal stor. Breen change 81 and 81.50. Out on Bargalntsb!esst fairly fills the dome of were the work act the deportations was more severe in the little magAH of Gracies 83 50 and 84.00 Mens Grades 20o Fancy Sox, large variety,! of the militia and leading citizens the arena with flying forms. $2.28 Shoes and Oxfords are marked at.... lie istrates court than was the cross. Pick at random any one of the go at of Telluride. A11 of Gracies 82 50 and 83.00 Shoes and examiner when Orchard was the mentioned specialties and no othAH of Gracies 35o Neckties, all sham. f $1.88 Oxfords, good selection of styles, go st star witness for the state in the shield and Baodtecks, etc., go ' inrealize that it is er circus in the world ever hadfor. to Bankrupt Sale at All of Gracies 82 00 Mens Shoes, solid Haywood trial, but Orchard mainits strongst feature an act hall as $1.28 to advertise while worth less leather, good wearers, Bankrupt Sale tained the same calm exteriqp and Grades 10c Shield Bows at And still a tenth has not good. on days when they have answered each question with quiet A Big Table Full of Gracies 25o Summerwelght Boys 81.50 Shoes, aU sixes up to 64.... been told of the wonders centered 88c ' or Undershirts Or Id -' Bank' the Drawers, positiveness. A number of other nothing really in-. Lace Misses and Childrens 81.50 Shoes and this season in Ringling Brothers I7C rapt Sale witnesses were examined, the case out of the oirdinary, or under circus. There are 84 ta 2, all on a big sizes Slippers, more many 98c All of Grades best 25c Suspenders go at table at taking up most of the day. A mo- priced, to offer. Hence when a great acts to speak of; there is tion to dismiss will be 40o Soft Sole Shoes, all colors. Sale Grades lOo Cotton Sox on sale at argued to- store does use a good deal of the greatest of all parades; the 19c morrow afternoon. Aller was re- valuable space it is. a sure indicaprice.. menagerie is complete, and posleased on deposite of $1,500 bond. tion that.it hAs real buying-op-poses any number of exclusive feaIn the Haywood trial Edward unities to offer you. tures; of cleanliness, of generosity and artistie finish looms as brightly as it has for many years. 1 tand today to rebut the evidence of the defense. Three' testified to condition? in the Coeur dAlenes 1899 and three to the situation - ... I - the-riot- - e - - - o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Gracies Finest oo o two-Piec- ao o o o o o o o o o dog-acroba- . - ht . - . - - -- cross-examinati- o o o o o o o o o o q and Suits at $12.50. o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o OPPOSITE THE TABERNACLE. o o We have sold Mr. Gracies entire stock of fine Woolens, o o 0 Trimmings, Linings, Buttons, etc., to MR. ED POHL, o 1st North Street, Logan, who will be pleased to make same into o 36West Trousers and Overcoats or sell it by the yard at exceptionally low prices. o Suits, Mr. Gracie made it a point to carry only the finest goods and Mr. Pohls ajways o is Pay Mr. Pohl a visit at guaranteed the best to be had. o workmanship his 36 West 1st of North Street, right west shop, Wilkinsons, and see how o reasonable can now a of Trousers made to order. or Suit you get o pair o - cross-questione- d - " Four-in-hand- s, - Store-keepe- rs note-worth- y, .. ri AH The World RELIABLE DENTISTS, Guarantees Good at any Office SALT LAKE, LOGAN, OGDEN, PROVO, PARK CITY. Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain. Plates. Free EVERY OF REACH ONE. OUR PRICES WITHIN Set of Teeth (Best Red Rubb?r)$7 $1 up pold Fillings 4 Good Set for Silver & Amalgam Fijings,75c , . $5 Cement Fillings . 50c $5 Bridge Work, Best Gold Crowns, 22K $1.00 Porcelain Fillings $5 12 Years Protective Guarantee. Free Examination and Advice. Honest Work, Fair Dealing Make Our Success Continuous. Both Phones. Open till 6 p. m. - Sundays 9 fn 12 LmIv Attendant German Spoken. Offices: lith ..... ! . knows that Ballards Snow Liniment has no superior for Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, Cuts, Sprains. Liimbago'and all pains. Buy it, try it and you will always use it. Any body who has used Ballards Snow Liniment is a living proof of what it does. All we ask of you it to get a trial bottle. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Riter b Bros. Drug Co. Stationery that is less than ALL RIGHT from any standpoint. should be banished from your business. Cheap printing is the costliest luxury possible for you to buy. If you get i' done at The Journal it will he done all right. OOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o |