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Show TOE PAGE FOUR r; "V TRI-WEEKL- JOURNAL. LOGAN, UTAH. Y ?F EL"'13 -P- UBLISHED BY Earl A England publishing Co. o nterad at tae Thursday and Satorday, aa aeooad class matter. erery Pwrt-offl- at Toedr Logaa, Utah, -- - Editor AUGUSTUS GORDON, TELEPHONES BELL 7. If it INDEPENDENT 7 be conceded that if Harry Orchards story told at Boise was Federation true (he Western . didnt hold much edge over the Mine Owners Association when it eame to deeds of lawlessness and violence. The road between Logan and Bear Lake should be put in pas sable condition as soon as pos sible. When the road was goot Cache wraa getting some very desirable trade that is now going - fOS sale begins auo ist bio remodeling Cache Countys Polite Store for Men and Young Men. -- tee on industrial education to the der Rollings died on the exact day taining $5.00' gold place WANT COLUMN $5.00 greenback. Finder leave recent annual convention of (he an d at the exact hour .that the at this offieS snd be rewarded. association has attracted wide- young Rollings had had his death ) pictured 0 him. Not only that, FURNITURE .. Storage spread attention room, This points the newer And bet- the latter said, the elder Rollings WANTED Three nicely furcigh-e106. , phones before he said rooms for light house the ter way. Under passed away, just old'apparen keep, standson his see tice system the boy was kept for that he could. A. C. preferred! ing. of Vicinity ICE FOR SALE Eggs and poul- PhonC 147 Z. several years performing menia ing by the bedside. The strange Isaac Smith. wanted, , try by was vision in the room offices and only learning of. the explained FRED SCHUTMANN trade so much as he could acquire by the statement that (fie family Barber RENT FOR Cood close homehouse, inold moved from had the shop. Opposite court house east. by observation. His actual in... Enquire st Johnson - Jew- Hair eut' 25c shaving 10cy struction was confined to the last stead to another house in Bedehildrea . hair- - sot 15c. Logan Utah. two years. The new system is to fordshire, and the absence of the elry Co. teach the younth not 'only the sister from the room was explainFOR SALE Good driving team A SYSTEM OF ESPIONAGE. practical work of each trade, but ed by the statement that at the or single driver. Bell, phone The Emperor of Korea, Who its (heoretical, technical features time she was ill. . a ii ( 62 K. 1 at the same time he is acquiring Nervous, Establishes" Very (Jhe "ST. JOE IN DARKNESS. a high school or collegiate educa WANT to buy LuCenu.Hay in Tokio, Jafy 16. afternoon. It tion. It is being urged now in so 4 fields CL jsstack. in reported1 from Seoul that the or St- - Joseph, Jaly 15. The supBalling, many influential quarters that it must before long prevail, that ele- ply of natural gas in St. Joseph 316 South Main, Phones; Ind. 342, emperor of Korea, nervous and-- ' Bell 169 Z. agitated, is assorting to an elmentary manual training be im was cut off last night by a break aborate system of espionage, foparted In the common schools of in the pipe line which brings the a survey of (he proposal-madthe country, that all boys and fuel from southern Kansas, and PURE RIVER WATER IGS for llowing deliversale.. Made daily, and by the government of Japan,! girls may in a measure prepare the city was without breakfast for useful lives and the country this morning, natural gas being ed to any part of city. Hi MUR- through Foreign MinkterHavashl be filled with skilled laborers and used for fuel in practically all of DOCK & SON. There may be sueh things as honest citizens instead of tramps. the houses. There is no comparison between The terrific ' rain , last night LOST On county road west, uninteresting and unimportant the two systems in the efficiency washed out four 'lengths of the . babys white jacket, with mo store advertisements but there of the graduates of the respective pipe in (he field at Weston, Mo., buttons. Finder leave at this of- trev none in this newspaper. schools. The apprentice graduate twenty miles south of St.' Joseph. fice and.be rewarded. All kinds of job1 printing done acquires manual dexterity alone. The break had not been ' repaired t (his office. The graduate of (he technical at a late hour today. Gas is Used LOST Small brown purse con1 school obtains not only this, but lor fuel at the electrie light pliant also the related science pertain- of the city andthe streets were in ing to his trade. Thus he will be darkness after midnight. "Gas is able to test the chemical purity also used 'by the typesetting ms- -' v or Tensile strength of his mater- chines of local newspapers, and . - ' ' J ials, work to a scale, and know they will issue today with diff' ' all the whys and wherefores of iculty. JWe are pleased to announce' that we have just received a direct from the factory in The rain last night was the shipment) .of .high .! grade stone-wa- re every operation involved. He is ,. We-dnot wish prepared to take full charge of leaviest in years., A Chicago carload.. The quality of this ware-mtware-whicwill allow the confused vinegar or Balt with, cheap operations upon a large scale, and Great Western passenger (rain, it itto direct the labors of others. In which was due to arrive here brine to filter through - Ouirware is leak proof. It is very every particular connected with from Chicago at 2 oclock this hard and strong and ..not easilyv chipped. We have, a very larg his trade he is thoroughly compet- morning, is held ten miles north and well assorted, stockjand ouirpriees arc the very lowest: ent. It is the coming system. of St. Joseph by a washout. The ICSTCLUDHSSc OUR- railroad four Burlington reports Stone Chums 2 to 5 gal Stone Jars 1 to 10 gat h.t A PSYCHICAL EXPERIENCE. bridges out near the city and serscrew-op. The same1 aglass jars but Stone Fruit 'Jars' with vice on all lines is demoralized. Flower pots large and small. much better. . 1 Rev. Henry Rollings, Three Thou - Stove pans, spittoons, combine ts, chic founts- efcev Yon may not be able to guess sand Miles Away, Saw Death DONT FORGET THE STOVET.MEN SELL STONEWARE Of His Father. who is buying real estate in this and other oppressions," and, have the moral support so long as acts and keep they restrain their ' them withitf legal ( reasonable bounds--- of that .very large proportion of tbq publjejwho believe labor should have a square deal, without reference to the politics of any party.' By allying themselves with the Socialists, they alienate the kindly feeling and sympathy of Democrats and Republicans and make their cause not so much one of abstract justice, as of politics. In return for Socialistic support the twiners must, of course, advance Socialistic theories and vote the ticket straight; and having tied themselves to a political party must not complain if other parties do nothing for them. ' THATfHFR EUNS 30 DAYS N0 0LD oeshoddy G0 DTO GET RID OF. THE CLEANEST STOCK IN THE STATU, BARRING NONE, WE MUST HAVE THE MONEY TO REMODEL OUR STORE. IF YOU KNOW A GOOD THING YOULL WAIT FOR US. THE JOURNAL VV Jfhtibsday, Jdiy jg, -- - d - - e THE APPRENTICESHIP 'SYSTEM. , The old method of making artin another direction (o the mutual loss of both valleys. isans, the one bpr which & very pecuniary , . heavy majority of the mechanics Goodwins Weekly tells of a of the present day t learned their woman physician who broke off a trades, was by tip apprenticeship marriage engagement with an un- system, by - whicir they learned dertaker by sending him a bill for more or less thoroughly, accordprofessional serivees she rendered ing' to the5 skill of their instructIhim when he was taken ilLThough ors, the practical working ofthe various trades and this mercenary exhibition upon landicrafti her part .might have, so to speak, requiring' "manual tilled Cupid, it should have sug- skill. A position as apprentice gested to the undertaker the pos- was open to almost jmy lad wilsibilities that would lie within a ing to serve the necessary length silent partnership with the lady; of time for nominal remuneration, she to answer the calls of the sick and it was a long, tedious period of servitude. ' and him to do the rest, 3.. Since the thorough organization of labor, however, in nearly all of And now it is said that having Exhausted a most extensive vocab- the trades the number of appren-ice- s has been, restricted in order ulary, its available assets and reputation in its campaign of villi that (he number of craftsmen ficatkm and abuse, and learning might be limited, so (hat in the ' that its supposed thousand ton event of strikes employers would succumb because pile driver with which it has been be compelled to secure competent to knocking is nothing more than a of inability Ettle tack hammer, (he Tribune is men to take the place of strikers. says in seeking to make terms; which is American Industries but the precursor of uncondition- this connection : The labor problem is not to New York, July 16. "What ap- city today but you can guess al surrender. Ilad its zeal been more moderate, its language more be solved now, nor at anytime, as pears to be a remarkable psychi- who is selling it after you have Mem. temperate and its ultimate aims a problem in mathematics is solv- cal experience has just been un- looked over the real estate ads. . further above suspicion, it might ed. It is to be solved rather by dergone, it is stated by Henry have been the means of doing the constant elimination of theor- Rollings, now taking a special some good ; but out of its own ies and systems found to be im- course in IheNewYork homeopath mouth has it been condemned. practicable, and by constant ad- ic medical college, in that he saw Reforms, where needed, are never vances toward better systems. In as in a vision the death of his either induced or promoted by this greatest of all problems it is father, although 3,000 miles sepafalse accusations or insanely in- now fairly clear that the appren- rated father and son at the time. .as temperate violence of either ticeship system is an impractica- Moreover, (he death bed scene bis in y ble it not be fonnd that the young clergyman saw it speech or pen. 1 manual the training a' school and minds eye, was corroborated in The manufacture of paper in the trade school are a long ad- every detail in a letter two weeks such vast quantities from wood vance in the right direction! The later. Rev. Mr. Rollings received" his PRESTON VS. OCCIDENTALS, OF SALT LAKE CITY., pulp has been so rapidly deplet- evil results from the apprenticein education in recent in theUhitedStates England theological of years THl CRACK COLORED, TEAM OF THE WEST. ship system ing the forests in some sections as to cause seri- many if not most of ihe trades and was ordered in the establishous alarm ; not only for the pre- make is a serious menace (o the ed church. He came to America servation of the forests, but the prosperity and progress of the and for a time was curate of St. source of future paper supply. country instead of what it might Andrews parish of Rochester, N. At the BallPark Immediately after the ball games. Prof, and; Madam .Godfr rising. to & of which (he Rev. Algernon S. Already the timber suitable for be, ideally, the best of all systems Y., height of 2000 feet in the air and making a bloodrmwdling. leap, ia a parachute to was then rector. Rev. " pulp has become so scarce that for the training of workmen. The Crapsey the ground. Mr. Rollings father was Geoffrey pulp has raised within a few years point of view of the labor unions from forty or fifty dollars a ton, with regard to the apprentice- Rollings of Bedfordshire .England PROGRAM AT THE OPERA were much attached to each 1. Free fon all trot wr pace, 2 dolto from eighty to eighty-tw- o ship system is very similar to la- They HOUSE in 3; mile heats. Parse $200.00. lars. These conditions have em- bors invariable attitude toward other, and kept in close touch by 10:30 to 9:30 letter. 2. 3 minute class trot or P06 phasized the necessity for finding the introduction of labor-savin- g . Rev. Mr. in 2 conausRollings, describing 3; mile heats. Purse $100.00. some substitute, and it is claimed machinery. Labor is never Meeting to be held under the 3. Half mile dash. Parse $75. pices of the Four Ward Bishops. that a very satisfactory one has vinced by past experience that a his experience, says that after arduous day he 4. mile dash. Purse $50. machine will particularly been found in rice straw. Capital- new labor-savin- g bed his himself exhaust on 100 yard foot race. Purse $25. ists have been so satisfied with not be an evil.- - The labor unions threw CHILDRENS AMUSEMENTS ON SQUARE. the experiments that they have in- attempt to restrict the hnmber of ed and fell into a sleep from 10 per cent of purse charged vested in a paper mill upon a apprentices because they fear that which he was awakened by for all entries. 10:30 a. m. to 12 m. vivid picture. He saw his father large scale to convert the rice the supply of skilled' labor will Lunch 12 oclock to 1 p. m. In all races 5 to enter and 3 ta straw into pulp. It will be a fine become too great as if the sup- as distinctly ns be ever saw him in y life and heard him call My start. thing for the farmers of the rice ply of skilled labor could ever be- his AT PARK PROGRAM I am dying Purses divided as follows: .60 growing sections of the country come too great. The attitude of boy, my boy, he His was father, lying says, BASEBALL ... .10:3Q TO 12 as well as assisting in solving a the National Association of Manper cent, to first and 30 per cent, in in he which did a'roora bed, of one to second, 10 per cent, to third. problem that has been becoming ufacturers has always been 12 to 1 for Lunch not from the knew but recognize, ever more urgent. t,he greatest cordiality toward Entries close at 9 p. m to be English, ne saw furnishings schools. HORSE RACES. . . .1 TO 4 P. M. . trade manual training and 22nd with L. H Ballif at C. W. all of his relatives there except members that evidences ofMin-er-s are There The Western Federation 4 TO 6P.M. BASEBALL & hi Co. office. his sister, and he wondered in his has made the mistake of ally- of the association individually and in largo numbers are making vision why she was absent. He ing itself with a political party saw his father sink back on the via the Socialists. Union amongst a step forward in this question. for a bed be knew and certainty, the miners for the purpose of They are no longer only cordial m. he said, though it was not an, act fighting against the usurpations they are beginning to be active be was performing, of (he union of jnine owners, is workers in the practical establish- of sensibility was dead. his father not only legitimate but necessary. ment of this new plan for the (hat Committee J. S. Marrom, W.Chatterton, D. P. Thomas, J. S. McCann, J. D. Larson, L. H. Ballif. If they had no union they would training of skilled workmen. The The letter from England a fort el suffer from long hours, low wages remarkable report of the commit night afterward said that the por-ion- s. Stoneware Headquarters. nl - -- - he - - very-best.- h 1 . Tr XittJE: ' , , - ' 1 EVERTQNi & SONS, The Stove one-ma- 2 2 ......PROFESSIONAL BALL GAMES GRAND BALLOON ASCENSIONS hair-raisin- g, Horse ' Races hs w f 1 ...... Special Train will leave Cache Junction at 6 a. m. Wellsville and tiyrum. Arriving in Preston 8:40 a. Leaves Preston 10 p. m. 2 |