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Show J 60000000000 are S Bargain-finder- peo- - s .0piewie'lh8r8!?,EB'? 0 out of their A VICE Xogan xxvhl yoluhe CONFERENCE AT PRESTON 9 I KINBXR- - GIRL DIES t.ttTT-'- garten concert, Ward conference of the First ward was held in the ward chapel yesterday in charge. Bishop Henry, FRogers pRESTONpIda-.Jul- - 15. y congregation assembled. Prest. Sol. H. Hale and Jos. S. Geddes, Bishop H. T. Rogers of Preston and Elder 0. D. Merrill of Riverdale addressed the Financially, spiritually Saints. and socially the First ward is in an admirable condition. Changes were made in the Y. L. M I. A. and in the Sunday- school. Sister Jennie Barton was sustained as president of the ward Y. L. M. I. A. with Sisters Eva Parkinson and Elva Thomas as first and second assistants respectively. X splendid - Brother J. Q. Smith tendered resignation as Sunday school superintendent, and J. W. Condi was sustained as his successor with C. F. Pratt and W. R. nobba his - assistants. as Sad Heath. Lenora, the 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ThomasSmith, died last Wednesday of the much dreaded disease, diphtheria. Where she contracted the disease is not known. Every precaution was taken to eliminate the malady hut despite the splendid sacrifices and careful maternal fade little Lenora passed into the deep sleep which knows not waking in mortality. Mrs. Smith is al- prostrated with grief and sympathy of onr whole community goes out to the stricken most the in .this hour of anguish. Ne funeral services eould be held pub ones Interment was in the eity liely. cemetery. Kindergarten Courses. Miss Nellie Thomas, our talented kindergarten teacher gave a public eoneert in the opera house last Saturday night. Not a very large crowd was present, owing 4o the rumors and counter rumors in relation to the diphtheria .contagion but those who came were delighted with the given by the little Thomas is deserving exhibition tots. Miss of consider praise for her work. Iet me able . touching the diphtheria that a careful quarantine has been maintained, and remark, epidemic, fears in relation re not only to its spreading, groundless hut idle. Visit of Board of Regents. Last Prest. the state and Senator Lewis and Sweet members of the Board ames Mr- - Saturday evening McClain of uni-versi- ty Regents of the big' Btate school Moscow were guests of Hon. C.Parkinson who is president 0 the Board. They were shown over our city in an automobile by V ( a rhinson and were, quite thriving bust-bo- g bhv town of upper Cache. sighted with the Baseball Dope. past week was a strenuous oe in baseball affairs locally. The 7, ev. team catne to our town as Monday and played two one n Monday and one on oesduy afternoon. A large crowd of people came in to see e contest. Murphy and Jensen 7.ere opposing pitchers on and the contest punctuat- 0D 0De error an at ,.alked up a gainst Ely, was by the prettiest contest ever n tius neck of fen the woods. It ?s a dea(Hy pitchers battle Mrr porphy having the best of tie r8ament. Preston won the game Mr. MSurphy struck out . ien, passed none, hit none, and ed only, two hits and a scratch. Not an Ely man reached the second cushion W ellsville and Smithfield mugwumps please take notice. On Tuesday Mr, Settle twirled for the locals and Mr, Hopkins shot them over for Ely. Preston won 9 to 5. The Ely men were dead game sports; after the second defeat they put up $300 for the third game same to be played on "Wednesday. The quickly covered the money but while the Ely. boys were driving around town on the water wagon, singing and taking their defeat so sportsmanlike, Mr. Sol. Hale, town masbal (to the shame of that Anglo-Saxo- n cognomen) who by the way Is nothing if .he is not officiousness personified, stepped out insulted the boys and threatened to .arrest them. The Elyites were so piqued at the indi-nitso incensed threat , and that they drew their money down and caught the first train out of Preston, nats off and hoot on to Sol Hale! Tally No. 1. . Last week Messrs nenryKnight James Edlefson, Ben Mortensen, Ike Barrett, Earl Daniels and Mr. Lyman, representative of the Tampico Fruit Co., all sober, reliable industrious' young men stood on Main street in front of Hys Cafe and gave three cheers for Hyr cafe. The Marshal arrested them and his honor J. C. Jensen promptly fined the hoys $7.50 apiece. - Tally No. 2. Town marshal. Yells come high. I gess somebody was badly in need of a suit of clothes the want haa since been supplied.Let me quote Shake speare on the matter. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Wednesday Preston trimmed Lewiston, which was a homogenous mixture of Richmond, Wells ville, Smithfield and Lewiston, to the tune of 16 to 5, with Hank Bair and Ewing in the box. Sat urday the boys went to Salt Lake to play two games with theDu-bei- s and one with Bountiful Mr. Editor your correspondent would suggest that' a lunacy commision he appointed to inquire into the sanity of the Journal Wellsville He talks of the correspondent. team playing the kid act Preston and going off the field., Why not ! the umpire never touched terra firma during the nine innings he was in the air all, the while. Who was it Ifr. Wellsifillian (or to' be more acurate sick ci,vil-athat offered to pay the money to get Mr, Stoney of Logan or Mr. Dixon of Salt Lake City, men who knew somtbing about baseball, to come and umpire the game f The shingles must he loose on your dome of thought,' or else the gray matter in your think tank must be off on a vacation. Now to the point. Dont you want a dose of Wellsvillians the medicine that Smithfield took! Here is the proposition! We will play you on neutral ground with Stoney, Dixon or Dad Gindin as umpire, for any old sum you farmers can dig up. Now either shake the coin, or take to the tall corn. Pres-tonit- es -- y, I l n) Tbe ,aT LOSES LIFE WHILE BATHING Milford, July 15. While bathing in the Beaver river on Saturday, Ole Johnson, a resident of Oasis, was drowned. Deceased was an employe of the Salt Lake Route. He leaves a wife and one child. T FATAL FAMILY FEUD. Petersburg, Va., July 16. In a pistol duel late last night John Wheelhouse was shot and instantly killed, and his nephew, Richard Wheelhouse, perhaps fatally wounded. The fight between uncle and nephew was the culmination of a family feud of long standing. 0 0 The who does not read .the classified ads. is opportunity-blind- . 000000O0 CLW X' Q0O0OOO Q ooooooooooo investor 0 0 i city, utah, thcksday, July is, mot. 0 0 000 NUMBER 133. ing from an attack of appendicitis Miss Pearl Cragun, who . has been visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. Douglass, returned home to Pleasant View yesterday, ' .Funeral services over the remains of 'Mrs. ChristopherRoberta ALL SWELLED UP PROGRAM were held Tuesday last in theFirst OVER EXCELLENT SunPARADISE, July 15.-- 0n reward STORK. consoling OVERWORKED meeting house, BIO AND FINE PROGRAM. day morning July 14, quite f painmarks were made by Bishop Wm. ful and annoying accident hapSMITITfIeLD, Lewiston, July 15. Lewiston 16. Pio- L. Winn, Bishop E. R. Miles and July to Mr. JohnRichmans chilpened has been lying quiet and listening neer day will he fittingly celebrat- Ralph T. Merrill, 0. J. Plowman, dren and horse and buggy as they at the other towns blow of the big ed under the management of the John Plowman and George Doane were going to Sunday school. Mx. times they had on the Fourth. officers of the Sunday schools. The Sister Roberts leaves a husband Richman lives on his farm two Wte are not going to give you .twin sister miles north of town following program will be carried and one daughter, during the any hot air hut the real thing in out: Mrs. Rosa Morrell of Logan and summer months as the chilj and regard to our celebration for the Salute of 24 guns at day break. many friends to mourn her loss. dren were driving along the coun24th. John Toolson is building an ad of flag at sunrise. Hoisting ty road with a single horse and. We have, engaged the famous Public will, assemble on the dition to his home. buggy, the horse became frighThatcher band for that day which Mrs. Maggie Roskelley is slowly at9 ;30 to view the pioneers square tened at a dead sheep that lay by concert will give a free open-ai- r improving from a case of spottec the roadside and the whole outfit and Indians camped there. in the afternoon. fever. Mhisic by the cornet band. was thrown into a wire fence, We also have a treat in store at Mrs. RebeccaPitcher was agree , Meeting in the - tabernacle scratching and bruising the chilfor all lovers of music. Prof Chas. 10:30 where the following pro- ably surprised on Friday after- dren quite severely on different Rent of Salt Lake and Miss Ellen will he given : noon, by the sisters of the Relief gram ; of thei bodies. The buggy Thomas of Ogden will stop off on were parts school choir. societies.Singing-ySunda- y t Refreshments top and box were torn to pieces, their way from Pocatello and give - Chaplain, Robert served and a beautiful volume of an axle broken' and the horse Prayer a grand concert in the opera the Doctrine and Covenants was ruined. Besides, the children's house. This alone is worth spend Thornley. Pil- - presented to Sister Pitcher. Male Quarett William best clothing was torn to shreds, ing your celebration in Lewiston and company. , kington and it was a most fortunate ocWhat other towns in the county Music-Si- lver Cornet hand. currence that some of the chilcan secure such talent! Back From Ely. of Welcome by Rudolph Speech dren were not killed. All this is The morning program is as folV. Larson. lows:. Mr and Mrs. C. A. Cummings, due to the criminal neglect of Aflie Toolson. Song some sheep herders that had just Firing of cannons at daybreak. and Miss Ardell Crockett have reOratkm-f-R. T. Merrill, Jr. driven a herd of sheep through Hoisting of flag. Hard Times, Alice turned from Ely, Nevada, whither this Song Marshal of day parley F. part of the country. After Doane, Annie McCracken and they v?ent some time ago. Miss the herd had Smith. gone on, one of the Crockett will remain here, hut Mr. Raynold. Zilpha in men Music Band. charge of the sheep came Comic recitation Helen Tim- and Mrs. Cummings, after a visit Meeting at 10 a. m. with relatives and friends will go along with a team and Bishop i mons. Hansen called his attention to it Ringing Choir. Cornet duet E. B. Lundquist & to Los Angeles, where they will and told him he ought to remove Prayer Chaplain. locate. I conpany. he the but carcass, passed on and Singing Choir. Pioneer t experiences James Mr. Cummings says the boom at Addresses of Welcome Parley ' paid no attention. Ely has dwindled down to alCantwell. I Such proceedings are reprehenF. Smith. most nothing and & great many Music Lela , White. sible and the officers of the law Comic Recitation Effie StephSinging4-th- e Sunday School people are leaving the camp now. ought to punish such offenders. enson. He ia of the opinion however that choir. . Sometimes when these sheep Piano Solo Annie Egbert.' - A children's dance in the opera as soon as the big smelters are herds Oration J. C. Larson. pass through here the sheep m. hall games, rac- ready to he put in operation Ely at house 2p. the wires off the fences and pull Duet Harry Coley, and Mrs. ing, tug o war, track meet, and will come to the front as one of leave the wires lying in the road McQuiarie. other amusements will be held at the great mining camps of the to horses and cause seri. Toast . (the pioneers) J. M. the country, for there are vast quan- ousfrighten , ! city park. accident. The sheep do quit Bernhisel, Jr., Miss Violet Iladfield will be tities of ore there. Mr. Cummings a lot of Male Quartette Geo. Rawlins damage to j fields, and did very well while there, and was of Utah. Queen some places where there are dug-waand company. much taken with the place, hut Marshal Charles 0. Roskelley the roads are almost impasBudget Box. when business fell off decided to " of the sable day. after a herd has passed Selection Band. seek other fields. ' arts To the represent Painting through. Very often, too, if peoSinging Choir. CarlsOn ;Music ,Lizrie Clark; Vera ple remonstrrate with them, the Prayer Chaplain. Minnie AgriculBain; Education, Autos and Horses. herders are very insulting, especiIsnt that program 0. K. Luella Pioneers, Hanson; ture, the Take a pleasant ride to ally to women or children. HamMesdames John Messrs and We have no objection to sheep green fields of old Lewiston and A local autoist was relating and John Merrill T. R. Sen., or mer, herders as long as they keep 24th. , spend a pleasant some of his experiences the other in their proper places, and make Ewing. Afternoon Program. day ,and speaking of trips made Bar-dell- a Eva Indians .at 1:30 Thornley, at dance Childrens into the country districts, remark- right what they make wrong. Leverna Most of the people in Paradise are Smith, Pitcher, Ivy ed that he which will be distributed $25.00 supposed most of the Covey, Mabel Nelson, Leland and drivers of team he met assumed a law abiding people and are kind worth of candy and nuts. Foot xaees of all sorts and Edward Pilkington, Willie Read, that he was . indifferent and hospitable to strangers, and entirely w Earl McCann and Osborne Low. kinds O, 00 in prizes, to their welfare or safety because will suffer considerable annoy- GardMessrs Willie Glenn and Broad jump, High kick, Relay he did not stop when their horses ance without saying or doing anything, hut the patience limit) is race, tug of war, wrestling mateh, ner of American Fork are visiting began to shovefright. Mr. Mrs. and Hill. with about reached. It" is about time and concert Joseph baseball. The grand But the fact is, he went on, was who Mjrs. Boynton that kw defiers were taken in operaball at night will wind up the that most autoists dread on at the ted hand for the sake of innocent peoBudge hospital Ih Cache upon celebration best county as much as the teamis last progressing nicely. Friday ple and the country at krge on Pioheer day. sters fear and the autos, meeting 4 The people here are enjoying Dr. T. B. Budge spent Wednes, reason we dont stop is because our in , day city. prosperity and ' prospects s are we have discovered the fact that Social. Mrs. C. A. Nyman of Greenville quite bright for the future. a horse will carry on worse if we 1 was a visitor here this vveek. we turn out and conif than stop SunAnd still they come; our Mrs. Robert Murdock was pleastinue going. The Funeral. of members the day schools and humane societies antly surprised by have" never stopped my auto I her family, on Tuesday evening. have labored long and talked loud for a horse to pass, but I have Funeral services over the reIt was the good womans birthday in their effort to suppress cruelty had and after a good deal mains of Pioneer Amenzo grief, ensuch an and in to animals, and her family insisted upon Baker, yet of trouble have come to the con- were held in Mendou on honor totheir worthy ma- lightened city as this fair spot the Tuesday. clusion that the safer way is to They were attended by a great tron. They decorated the home poor overworked stork is being side one the road of far as to get many people, for the deceased with sweet peas and nasturtiams, called out every day, notwithal- as possible and keep going. was he well thought of. Addresses has the that fact a" after fine and prepared standing supper, ' ' to babies us contained much of praise for that which the guests had ready brought eight partaking-o- f ROCK. A BY STRUCK the departed were made by Elder a merry time with the usual so- during the past few days. The to arrivals Andrew Anderson, Jesse Jensen, a from are Greek latest fyaby girl cial amusements.. Those present Augusta Andros, a Mr. and Mrs. Lofter Bjomson, Lopaz, Nev., employed on the Andrew Sorenson, .Alfred Gardwere : Messrs and Mesdames Ilyrum and boy babies to Mr. and Mrs. construction work fox; theWestern ner, Roy Baker and Bishop Bird. Ilay ball, Geo 0. Ilayball, Robt Royal Tidwell Jr., and Mr. and Pacific, was painfully injured at The funeral procession was a miles long one. Murdock Jr., Preston Thatcher, Mrs. Joseph Peterson. Deykes, a station sixty-fiv- e havAmenzo Baker was bora on west of Salt Lake, by a rock rollCyrus Jones Jr., Geo Cole, R. A. Mrs. Mary Griffith reports Nelson, Bartley Cardon Gilbert ing had an enjoyable trip toManti ing down the, embankment and June 19, 1832 in Herkimer Co. Cole, Mrs. J. C. Green, R. Mur- to attend the Postmasters' con- striking him on the head. The en- New York, ne went to Nauvoo dock Sr., Nellie, Edith and Lucfle vention. Our good lady was hon- gine and caboose of the work with his parents in 1838, and from train Were coupled together and there came to Utah with the pionayball, Lavon and Gladys Mur- ored by being chosen second -of the association. the injured man brought to Salt neers in 1847. ne moved to Cache dock and Mr. Grant Cole. ' Miss Maggie Hill will spend Lake on a special trip yesterday county in I860, and lived here It may be that one ad in to- Pioneer day in American Fork. morning. He was taken to St. until his death.- - - He was a man days paper is of such a nature as john Pilgrim has accepted a Marks hospital and found to he of many excellent qualities and, from a deep scalp had a large circle of friends. cause you to sit up. position in the Richmond flour suffering wound. His skull was not fracAnd" it may be a little hard to mill. The merchant who is too hu-'of tured and no serious results are the Cumorah Hill, daughter find; hut yon should not run to advertise, wont he very long. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill is suffer anticipated. risk of missing it. LEWISTONS SMITilFIELDS ACCIDENT PIONEER DAY PIONEER DAY AT PARADISE - 1 - " ys - ! meet-ingteai- m f Baker 1 vice-preside- 1 nt - to-real- ly y |