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Show Friday, January 22, 1988 CRONiclf George Carlin to bring show to Salt Lake City comedy THE BEST COURSE TO TAKE THROUGH THE PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES from page seven program designed for students who wish to prepare for a career in acting," says program director Kenneth Washington. Reidel is quite an authority on Shakespeare. "You shouldn't read his play before you go to see it. He didn't want people to read his plays, he wanted the people to see them to experience them. He made his living by producing his plays, not by publishing them. If you read Shakespeare, you can see that they were written for the d. learned viewer as well as the He is All sit back have for do to explains everything you you. and watch." "The Comedy of Errors" is an excellent introduction to Shakespeare. It is a tale of mistaken identities, deep concern and love. Patrick White, Spencer Aste, Sam Stewart and Scott Cooke play the two sets of twins who are separated shortly after birth. They manage to run into each other (again and again) 23 years later. What " these actors do with these characters is a pleasure to watch. Spencer Aste is learning his craft well, while Patrick White seems to already have mastered comic timing. Heidi Burnett is doing quite well as the shrewish wife of Patrick's character or is it Sam Stewart's? Her sister is played by Holly Claspill. Holly tries very hard. Perhaps that is her problem. She needs to relax more, and her character will seem less contrived. It was a treat to see Richard Scharine onstage. We usually see him in the classroom, since he is a theatre professor here at the U. He plays Egeon, a merchant of Editor's Note: Comedian George Carlin will do his thing Jan. 30 at the Capitol Theatre, 50 W. 200 South. Tickets are $16.50 in advance. Trapped in Zion, it's hard for most of us to get out and sec some good, funny and irreverent decadence very often. weirdo George Carlin is Luckily, comedianfilm-sta- r to town. coming Over the years, Carlin has made 13 albums, five films, countless television appearances and six cable specials. And this is no mean feat for a man who typically performs more than 100 concerts a year. Carlin's comedic style is tough to tie down. When he's not making strange faces or certain bowel sounds with his mouth, He's subjecting the audience to biting satires and observations on religion, sports, politics and everything else on the planet. Carlin began his comedic career as an Air Force radio announcer in 1956. He moved on to civilian stations, sometimes landing in trouble for his "lewd behavior," and winning fans along the way. Eventually breaking into television and film, Carlin solidified his reputation as one of America's favorite Special Topics: Politics. Campaigns and Elections Political Science 485R-- 1 (5 hours credit) 11. 0 MWF am, Jan, r. lesser-educate- John Pecorelli pizza from page seven Instructor. Shari Sowards course will take you through the ins and outs of the election process at the national level by focusing on the 1988 presidential election. You'll learn how the rules of campaigning for and electing a national leader are made, broken and circumvented as the 1988 campaign begins. And you'll know how to analyze what's going on as it unfolds through the spring and summer months into the party conventions of July, to emerge with heated rhetroic and high emotions as it steams into the fall months, finally producing the next Presdient of the United States of America on election night, November 8! This Syracuse. I took Reidel's advice and brought my two youngest children. Emily, 9, said it was "great, even though it didn't have any singers." Jimmy, 6, said it was "awesome!" I heartily agree. It runs January 2124, 2830 at the Babcock Theatre. lack of sauce and general tastelessness of the available pizzas. However, despite their periodic disappointments, each panel member remains deeply committed to life, liberty and the pursuit of pizza. "I am the original pizza guru," Rich said. "No one knows pizza like I know pizza." The Chronicle thanks all students who applied to taste the pizzas, and the area parlors who so graciously donated their specialty pies. 25-Ma- 9:55-11:2- ... comedians. C THEATER GUIDE --i WW..- ."BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED" (PG. DOLBY STEREO) FRIDAY AT 530 films mN" "THE ute info 8) Unfortunately, those isolated moments are limited. Though Charles Grodin turns in a memorable performance as the best-sellipsychiatrist whom Aykroyd replaces, Walter role. Matthau is wasted in a demeaning second-banan- a It's a pity, because the premise has great comic potential which is never fully realized. Despite the cast's efforts, The affair not a bad film, Couch Trip is a largely but certainly a dispiriting one. krr UO HJ.ll) f 1:30. 3:30. 800 TRIP' (R) 5:30. 7:30. 930 TOUCHSTONE FRIDAY NOON DEVOTIONAL Trolley Corners. Trolley North. Check Theatre guide tor showtimes. Kevin Peay IN ACTION PART 3" (R) (5:10. 7:20. 9:30) MISSING '"THREE MEN AND A BABY" (PG. STEREO) "(5:00, h0. 9:20) Afterglow Superb - "FATAL and Joel McCalausaland ATTRACTION" (R) ' , 9:35) (7:10. "THE PRINCESS BRIDE' (PG) Every dream has a priced AN OLIVER STONE 7:00) (5:00. FILM HIDDEN" (R) 9:00 NIGHTLY' T Friday 9 p.m. Excellent Winter Formal Symphony Hall Music by Joe Muscolino $10 per couple LDSSA Good Fair Poor NO STARS: A blot on mankind WALL "3 MEN AND A BABY" (PG. DOLBY STEREO) (5:00. 7:15. 9:30) STREET "'THE HIDDEN" (R) (5:30. 7:30. 9:30) "BRADDOCK, INACTION. PART 3' (5:30. 7:45. 9:55) MISSING (R. STEREO) (PG-1- DEX30A MURPHY-RAW- (5.45, Now (5:00. 7:15, 9:15) DOLBY STEREO) "EDDIE TWtNTKTHCCNTURT FOI FROM THE TRAIN" "THROW MOMMA (OFFCIAL PRELIMINARY TO MISS USA & MISS UNIVERSE) MEAT DEAL! i. DANNY DeVJTO "GOOD MORNING (R, 1 DOLBY STEREO) 1989) "3 'Throw Momma From The Train MEN AND A BABY" (PG, DOLBY STEREO) (5:10. 720. 9:30) "MOONSTRUCK " (PG, DOLBY STEREO) 5:15. (7:15, 9:15) APRIL 9, 1988 (7:00, 9:00) Empire OFCT TT TRIP" (R) "COUCH 5:30, (7:30. 9:30) JUDGING ON: "BROADCAST NEWS" (R) Judges Interviews "WALL Cheese Plzias ltem 2- - ltem 3- - ltem 4- - ltem 5- - ltem - great deal ends 12488 This $8 88 Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas Pizzas S1037 S1186 $1335 $14 84 S16 33 Prices do not nciude Sales Tax 521-333- 3 Each adcfitona toDDing tor two 12 Dizzas 'S S1 49 Not vaid with any other offer Limited delivery area L. if STREET" (R) 7.75, 9:45) FROM THE TRAIN" P& ) l:'lTT, MA TINEES SA TURD A Y AND SUNDA EARLY SHOW FRIDAY Y "RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. PART 2" (R) 5:15, (7:15, 9:15) D 85204 (602) BROS. 13) STAMPED SEND A ENVELOPE (letter size) Your name, age, birthdate, and phone to: Regional Headquarters PO Box 8668, Mesa AZ SELF-ADDRESSE- WARNER playing at the Crossroads check theatre guide tor showtlmes Now (515, 715. 915) FOR FREE ENTRY INFORMATION necessary, but Call Us! "THROW MOMMA SUZIE LUNDELL Photo by Scott Peterson little more (of the tooomgs of your cncce on each pizza and you can make a great ' deal even better No is (4.45, MISS UTAH USA 1988 a THE "BROADCAST NEWS" (R. DOLBY STEREO) (5:00, 7:30, 10:00) - gular cheese ozzas ' (7:00,9:30) Evening Gown Swim suit K STEVEN SPIELBERG'S "3 MEN AND A BABY" (PG) 5:00, Iron playing at that theaters Midvalley. Trolley Square Check theatre guide tor showtlmas Now IWWWU.,.,,3 SALT PALACE Right now. Domino's Pizza is dealing you big savings Just can and get two rp V VIETNAM" (5:00, 7:30, 10:00) "MANON OF THE SPRING" (PG. SUBTITLED) (445, 7:00, 9:15) 17-2- 1, BILLY "WALL STREET' (R, DOLBY STEREO) (700. 930) MISS UTAH USA 5 Apply now ages 17 and under 25 by February (at least Playing at these theatres: Regency. Trolley Square. Midvalley (R) " 745, 9:45) RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, PART2"(R) (5:40, 7:40. 9:40) HERE'S A call vour carticicoting Domino's Pizza store now PICTURES playing at Family Center. "THE W$888 . f Midvalley. "BRADDOCK. Ratings Guide: 1 Wi IvM'A'' stress R Now Central Chapel coupon i'. .f "COUCH institute uasses hit-and-m- iss for S8 88 Pav 4. 7f "MOONSTRUCK" IPG. DOLBY STEREO) 1:00. 3:00. 500. 7:10. 915 JJJ Still time to register for ng k TOM SELLECK "EMPIRE OF THE SUN'fPG. 70MM 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO) 2:00, 5:00. from page eight Paqe Nise Now "JEAN DE FL0RETTE" (PG, SUBTITLED) (7:00, 827-040- 8 a 9:30) playing at the Centre. Family Center, Check the guide lor showtimes. Midvalley. 11 1 |