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Show Paqe Twelve ChRONicU FRidAy, HOUSE! Avenues S bdrm. 2 bath, newly renovated historic Victorian home Has 3 separate entries, all appliances ind COLLEGE DISCLAIMER The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4:00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words $2 75day. $10.00 per week; 16-3- 0 words $4.25day, $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call NOTICE dishwasher, wahser & dryer, air. cable, covered porch, garage. 3 car off street parking, hillside terraces, trees, grape vines! Lots of charm in quaint "Memory Grove" secluded neighborhood on private lane -- just block from downtown and close to U of 01 Available soon - prefer group of 5 student girlsguys to share joint contract Also, right upstairs, a "smallish" but charming 2 bdrm apartment, for 2 students, which has seperate entry. Covered balcony stairs, picturesque views, additional 2 car off street Music, smoke, parking! Liberal landlord O.K. but No Pets! $165mo. each or $2O0utils paid! See at 226 N. Spencer CL (4th Ave. and 140 East - right turn off Canyon 8 Rd ) Then call John at for details. study, drink AUTOMOTIVE 122 1978 PLYMOUTH V0LARE WAGON. Small. automatic, AC. good rubber, two to choose from. $450 each. Call evenings. 122 Dolby Stereo, plush interior. 87 HYUNDAI. front wheel drive. Great gas 125 mileage. Call 1978 VW RABBIT. Cheap transportation. Runs 5 after 6.00 weekdays. great. $500. 126 BUS. Body and interior in good shape. Needs engine. $600 or offer. Steve. 129 VW CAMPER TOPAZ. 4 door, AM FM cassette, 1 127 AC. Great Condition. Call B4 MERCURY AC S AMFM cassette Stereo, good condition, economical 128 79 Toyota Cillci Sedan, 5 speed Heat, hot water included. 2 bedrooms, applainces. carport. Close to FREE RENT! University. $319. 1 BEDROOM CLOSE 1286 E. $280mo. 304 So. water TO UNIVERSITY. $200 deposit. Gas & 126 paid. STUDIO APT CLOSE TO U. 304 So. 1300 TYPE East. $210mo. $150 deposit. All utilities paid. 126 2 BEDROOM. S265M0. Free heat, parking. Roommates Leave message. OK. 4. 128 LARGE 3 blocks to U. RENT REDUCTION. Lance or 5 1 6 28 2 large bedroom apts. Heat and other utilities included. 126 $210. Large, clean 1 bedroom drapes. Near U. No pets. 660 Grand. Sugarhouse area. Hot tub, washer, dryer. $200 plus 12 6 utilities. 3 eves. 126 days. 2 BLKS FROM U. APT. 127 LARGE I min to Rent a mobile hot tub and sauna. Call Splash Transit at PARTY MACHINEI 127 Bogirt ind Birgmin The perfect combination in the ultimate classic. Come see CASABLANCA this weekend at the Union Movie. 1 22 7 Call for times, prices. 1466 S. BEDR00M.$220mo. 1 100 E. 5 Covered parking. U. 128 Quiet 4 room duplex apt. and kitch, bath, strge. fenced yard $250. children OK NEAR 128 ONE BEDROOM large, quiet and furnished. Close to University $285.00. All utilities included except lights. Washroom and or storage available. No Lease. stop by: 228 South Douglas Street (1250 128 E) 6 21 277- - 8516. 2 12 BEDROOM DUPLEX at 1837 So. 1700 E. $265 to qualified party. Yard care discount. 21 or bdrm. Quiet, clean. Washer, dryer included. Lots of charm. Ask for Vic. UPPER AVES. 1 23 278- -4414. remodeled studio. all utilities paid. AVENUES. Large newly Washerdryer hook-up- 25 $275month. I APT. High BDRM. BASEMENT ceilings, fireplace, covered parking, laundry. 129 $275mo. 3 BDRM NEAR CAMPUS. Meat $580. , & hot water incl. 128 University St. 2) ONE BEDROOM. FOR RENT 128 Apartments. $215 and up. APARTMENT 2 BEDROOM DELUX LARGE Dishwasher, disposal In carport. 125 & Lease for $330. Rent for $350. IN OLD APARTMENT BEDROOM VICTO-RIA- Close to U Great House. Great People. 131 So 1200 E. Stop by or call 359-25129 Jory 1 6 2 BEDlMMAPARTTENTS.$265-$295mo- . pfus utilities. 949 East 800 South. Mon-F- ri HOUSE. ' 122 bedroom basement wwindows. Free gas. Single female only. No dogs. $150mo. After 8:00 p.m. 2 BLOCKS FROM U. U. LRG. 1 Garage, Air. No 255 S. 10th East $275 1 22 9 or BEDROOM. petssmokeing. includes heat. NEAR U. 2 J)drm. Heat paid. $300mo. $200 122 deposit. 184 Q. St. No pets. ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT. Separate entrance, living room, fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, heat, hot water paid. $250mo. Free thru Jan. No deposit. 1521 E. 0 or Laird Ave. Call Lazlo days, 581- - 6698, eves 122 $200. Close to BEDROOM AND BATH FOR RENT. Kitchen & laundry shared. Utilities included. Owner works evenings, leave U. message on answer machine. 122 1 BEDROOM APT. $260mo. $150 dep. Utlities included. Close to Westminster. New carpet, levelors, washerdryer. NonsmokerAdult. 1 25 9 or Renee. 2 BEDROOM AVENUES INTERESTED PROGRESSIVE STUOENTS CONSIDERING RUNNIN6 FOR ASSEMBLY MEET UNION DEN. FRIDAY SHOULD BUSINESSLAW Judge Raymond Brent Counsel Hercules Shimada-Leg- Aerospace. Renee 21 EMIGRATION CYN. 1 person. 125 Avail. Feb. 5; call eves. LARGE BEDROOM BASEMENT 0 Washer & dryer. $200. FURNISHED APARTMENT. 1 127 or ROOMS RENT. Duplex FOR month plus 14 near U. $165 a utilities. Call Randy at 28 532- - 5813. HARD CORE MOUNTAIN climbing in China: Eric Per man presented by the Outdoor Program Monday, Jan. 25, Behavioral Sci. Aud. 125 7:30-$2.5- 0 Olin Mark IV Comp skis with Tyrolia 280D bindings, only $100 for the package. SKIS- Good condition, recently tuned up. Call Scott. nights. 129 Van Cott Hall. Call FOR SALE. DORM CONTRACT 122 584- - 4266. Wonderful, immaculate, two - $59,900 bedroom bungalow located on a quiet street close to the University! Plush carpets, elegant fireplace wall, tiffany lamp! Call Gerry Johnston, or 6 WOOD 122 REALTORS. Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah. DIAMONDS: Large selection. Men's and women's 63 settings, earrings; wholesale. SKIS Dynamic 17 200 cm wSalomaon bindings. Like New. Call 125 $175. GREAT FOR A VR GREAT DEAL SKIS. 2 pr. 205 s, $115 TELEM ARK ea. wk.539-120Nilssen. 125 Ask for Tore hm. PICK UP SOME VERY HOT DEALS TO SHARE WANTED ROOMMATE 1 Bdrm, new kitchen. Living room, dining rm., balcony. Storage porch. Heat 125 paid. $285. ONE Lots of BEDROOM. 756 Green 125 Street. Tom. FEMALE STUDENTS TO RENT THEIR OWN SMALL 3 BEDROOM APT. Walking distance to U. $250mo plus utilities. 5pm. SHARE EMIGRATION CANYON HOME. and stream. $150 plus 1 8 after 125 ON GREAT NOW AT COSMIC AEROPLANE. 40 off list on every music item! The selection is still good, so hurry while the sale lasts. Cosmic Aeroplane, 258 E. 100 S. Open every day. 122 I.8.M. COMPATIBLE P.C. Tandy 1000. Color Monitor, two disc drives, printer & lots of softwares. $890 o.b.o. 126 125 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX. New carpeting, linoleum, applianpaint. Levelor. drapes, hook-up- $300. W Bachelors!. Njo3V PFeolAIC NICE HOUSE. TO SHARE MUPfc'W witM 129 MFIN A3 BDRM HOUSE OFF FOOTHILL. $165 plus utils. Lots of extras. Call 127 HEYI WE'VE GOT NICE ROOM FOR A A SERVICES 583-040- 125 $230, ONE BEDROOM. All util. paid. Fireplace, no pets. Ave. location. Cute, must see. 8 eve. 6 22 days, 1 WALK TO U. bedroom. $225 plus util. Free 126 laundry, off St. parking, decl. NEAR EATING Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret 41 Thompson for information, CHEER UPI SALEI EVERYTHING MUST GO LAMPS, TABLES, DINING ROOM SET, MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING, ETC. FROM Call 127 deals on great music now at Cosmic Aeroplane. 40 off list on every music item! The Selection is still good, so hurry while the sale lasts. Cosmic Aeroplane 1 22 258 E. 100 S. Open every day. BEEN ROCK your skis, SELL TRADE fine audio names like Denon, Klipsch, JBL, Mission, Soundlab, Nakamichi. B&O, HH Scott, Hafler, JVC, etc. Now buying used CD's BUY. EXCHANGE-- WE MBC-55- I'll professionally tune ONLY $10.00. Free pick up & 122 wprinter Call Tony 1 1 A 125 Prescision Cutting, Newest Styles. Discount to U. Students. Cal the Mane Tamer at Programmed 212 125 REPAIR. PICK UP AND 122 A'h Mo. old female, golden retriever. University area, call Pam at 128 583-11- PERSONAL TRAVEL VICTIM OF A SEXUAL AT THE BAY. High & low impact Body sculpting elastic resistance exercises. $25mo. or $3class. 2100 S. 1160 E. AEROBICS THE SOCIETY FOR THE APPRECIATION MEETS OF EVERY WEONESDAY P.M. IN UNION 311. This week's topic: "Mating Habits of the Monitor Lizard". Guest Lecturer: Dr. Omar Habib. Ph.O. in 1 25 Reptile Studies. All folks invited. AT 7 SCIENCE ORGANIZATION meets Mondays at 5:30 in Union 275. All interested students are welcome. 125 Why not? $3.00 visit. 10 677 S. 7th East. m Charts, graphics, on bond for image. Macintosh, IBC, IBM. Call Robert or Ida at "Secretarial Specialties". Downtown, 12th floor, Beneficial Life Tower. EXPERT Lowest Theresa WORDPROCESSING: 127 WORD PROCESSING USING IBM WORD OF CASSETTES. 218 CALL 24 -- 212 isr7 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: FEMALE PERSONAL AIDEHOUSEKEEPER FOR STUDENT IN WHEELCHAIR. 5 days per week. Room-Boar$210 EDITING TRIP TO LONDONI Only $500. Coupon 1 22 good until July 4. Call ROUND experience. years U of correct spelling. JAN, 311 90C pg. 13 Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley. WORD PROCESSING. EXPERT TYPING. Papers, reports, theses, dissertations. Fast service. Aztec Typing Service. (264-- 1 1 82). 21 1 WANTED Expert word processing. East 300 South. 311 PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM PC w Wheelwri-te- r printer or IBM Sel. II. 90tpg. double 122 JOBSI$20.064 START! prepare now! Clerks Carriers! Call for guaranteed exam 4 ext. 192. 122 workshop. (916) POSTAL AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets, Delta, Western, etc. Up to $350 ea. 330 311 WP. Resumes, term papers, manuscripts. Fast. Accurate. Call Dorene. 311 years old. in good health, 6 earn money for medical research. or 127 PERFECT KirJrJrJfJrJrJr? Pregnant Need a Friend? MEN WANTED: 18-4-0 531-609- 0 Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing g Steege, WANTED. ARTIST NEEDS INTEREST-INPEOPLE TO MODEL FOR PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS. JERRY. .122 MODEL Bx 7 LARMC, APO N Y. 09180 with your name, address, and phone number to: tate Night Study Dept. of Comm. Univ. of Utah Salt Lake 2 between 8:30 City, UT 84112 or call am and 5 pm 122 postcardletter , only need apply. Pay and dress code 122 negotiable. Call 537-172- 3. Professional Legal and baby. Tues. Thurs. BABYSITTER FOR Business Environment. Part time afternoons. Excellent Training. Starts at $5.00hr. Must be creative and MACINTOSH FLUENT. "Secretarial Specialties", downtown, 12th 125 flooor, Benficial Life Tower. references, experienced, own transportation. Avenues. 8 NEEDED VOLUNTEERS 128 for telemarketing promotion for Camp Kostopolus on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from pm. Volunteers will be paid 10 of money Call details and to for generated. 9 TO RESEARCH PART TIME CONSULTANT MEDICAL ISSUES IN MALPRACTICE CASES. 3 Must have medical training, good research and writing skills. Flexible hours. Send resume to 50 West Broadway, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101. 126 127 sign up. Highest commissions paid. Models, actors. No experience. All ages. MODELS WANTED. JW v,v,v.w.-.v.v.5- 22 PART TIME MARKETING OPPORTUNITY! EARN ft MONEY and gain experience marketing FORTUNE 500 Companies' products ON CAMPUS! Flexible hours! References given. Call AMBA at: 127 IHHiqiMUIHHiai!Ullllllliailllllb for Metropolitan car dealership. Professional appearance and attitude a must! Must be able to work evenings and Saturdays Apply in person only! Mark Miller Subaru, 3734 South State, Salt Lake City, Utah. 127 RECEPTIONIST 364-347- S S- FORM THE PACK develop your personal skills and earn $5,000 to $10,000 AWAY U this summer, we' train you to be the best. Travel, guaranteed income, company benefits: insurance, savings program. IRA, social security. Give us a call if you want to WANT TO BE YOU MAIDI cleaning your house The mere - s S 22-2- 6 NIGHT OF THE LIVING Wednesday 10:30 HOLLYWOOD EROTICA Thursday 10:30 . THE "ROCKY" COMING: you delightful FUNNY SHOW lWtiwuaiiiiimimaiiMiiiiiiioKi Tfr m m Face45307So DAVID LYNCH'S "THE GRANDMOTHER" with "BLUE VELVET" sno "STREET TRASH" 1030 EjUWJ HAJ a 7:so UJL JU J to Communicate, to Create, to Love. non-thinkin- 6:30-10:3- 0 272-354- 278-581- 1 5 Q s S n s S 5 BUSINESS ASK ABOUT UNIV ID DISCOUNT f1f"1f CINEMA In Your S DEAD Fri. & Sat. 11:00 thought of rogues tantalizes me beyond speech. Call 1 25 0 me evenings. Rita. FUN' ' 5:15. 7:15. 9:15 "A night al Ihe meets Opera" "Amadeus". A bold tunny excursion .Jan. S H 1 THE MOZART BROTHERS PUU- L-j voluntary atmosphere, we will explore together the adventures structure, myths, personal power, magic and possibilities of love. Hie practical science and dynamics of exactly how to attract, maintain and build the very best relationships imaginable. Dates: Thurs., Jan 21 and Fri, Jan 22 Place: Howard Johnsons 122 W. So. Temple pm Guests $15.00 Introductory Evening: Thurs. To register for more information call Kathy Bonny 6494259, Brian pin 219 VIEWERS University researchers need subjects for study of LA TE NIGHT viewers. To learn more, send a ATTENTION LETTERMAN Power gJrJrJrJrJfJPJfl mpiflp yr. during RELATIONSHIPS Unlimited and Personal Possiblities In a Birthright 1 STORES need part-tim- e retail help. Pipe and Cigar smokers should apply. 1 22 6 for appointment. Call I TIME WORKFULL TIME PAY. $5.00 to $1 1.50 per hr. Guaranteed salary. Order Dept. expansion createSIO openings. 20 to 33 hrs. eves and weekends. Call Scott, PART and family nnd 3 bdrm house or apt. for a fellowship. Excellent references 1 child (5 yr.) July 1 '88-'8- 9 Under $450mo. In Salt Lake City contact: Pat 0 or write Dr. Timothy Wooley at MD THE TINDER BOX be part of a winning team. Call Erik Farley collect for an interview. 122 TYPING. 311 ). text- books & dissertations for logic, style & .311 continuity. Winslow's. TYPING I EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, 28 25 hr. course. Small Bartenders evening classes. Call 487-826- 2 Incredible 222 122 TYPIST NEEDED. pay 1 CLASSES BARTENDING 5 MONTH OLD BABY light housework. Experience necessary. 3 days wk. flexible hours. Sugarhouse - own transportation. BREAK WE evenings; provide own transportation; negotiable Amy TEND RITA. RITA. NEED A MAID. Duplex, a fixer-uppe- r, with 4 affable young.rogues is crying out for attention. WE NEED A MAID! Females children Sat. or Sun all day, occ. SITTER: 122 per month. 125 TION THE CHRISTIAN STA-TA- WORD PROCESSING. PLANS? Get the best deal in town! ULTIMATE TRAVEL 211 LIZARDS PROFESSIONAL PERFECT, AND DICTAPHONE TRANSCRIP- WORD ASSAULT. Any age, any gender. Shocked!? Outraged!? Get involved! Attend Rape Crisis Center's Training Session, Jan 22nd - 24th. Call 122 NIGHT IBM reports, resumes, theses. Typesetting. Put it in print. 943-741- MONITOR PRINTING! Call Jeff, spaced. Fast, accurate. Please call: Sue, CAN BE THE LASER GOOD ENGLISHI U UNION. Leather Jacket (Bermans), Back Pack (Blue with leather bottom, EASTpack). CONTENTS: Calculus & Political Science hardback books. Coonsu-me- r Studies Manual, 3 notebooks. Please or call ANYONE EDITING. 126 PROFESSIONAL TYPING. FROM LOST "PHOEBE" TYPING 216 ' advanced. Studio near U. David Rishton. $30 per month for 4 lessons. ' Computer, 4.0 Word Perfect, Letter Quality Printer. Dissertations - Theses - Manuscripts - Resumes - Forms - Equations - Tables. Twenty years of experience as a Secretary Typist. B.S. Biological Sciences. For fast, professional service call Diana Fox instruction on pronunciation of American Instruction. Comprehensive and efficient. interme-diat- resumes. Will also editrevise WORDPROCESSING 311 Beginning, TEACHER 311 TAME YOUR MANE WITH PAULA. PIANO INSTRUCTION. 311 ENGLISH manuscripts, 311 Call Beverly at PROCESSING. 25 yrs. U of U. BA English. Close to A WRD your chunked-i- n WordPerfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. TANNING SALON. 1030 2nd Ave. Call ACCENT MODIFICATION. - editsword processes dissertations, reports, texts, FORMER 6ET A TAN FOR THE WINTER AND START ONE FOR SPRING BREAK AT 2ND AVENUE 28 LOST & FOUND STOLEN: exp. 15 yrs. at Campus; diate students. Have teaching experience. Call Bryan, NEAR U. DONAHUE EDITING SPANISH TUTOR. For beginning and interme- Apple He COMPUTER 0 WordprocisslngTyplng- Minor 1. 21 Editing. Spelling. 58) 0947 or 583-30- 1 - QUICK SKIING? TV. VCR. STEREO DELIVERY. 311 216 delivery. FOREIGN 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 $1 a page. Call Diane, years experience. 219 5130 South State SANYO " and ask for Dee PICK UP SOME VERY HOT SOUND fast service, 20 years experience. Resumes, 210 thesis, term papers. research and clean and tighten your grammar. Call 3 EXPRESS. Quality word processing, WOROS Dee will help you fix your essay or paper. Dee will repair your spelling tutoring services at Wolfe. PROFESSIONAL WORDPROCESSING. U. Fast, accurate. All formats. Check spelling, etc. Joanne. 211 Free information session DISORDERS: MOVING Large yard 3 utilities. Call now! 582- - 7708. ces. Near University. Tkf Near 1800 S. 22oo E. Own bedroom, living room wfireplace, bathroom, dining study area. Microwave, enclosed parking, cable TV. Washerdryer included. $250mo. MUSIC NEAR U. cupboard space. $170 month. HOUSEKEEPING" large eastside home close to resorts, freeway to U. Washerdryer. 2 fireplaces, kitchens. $260 mo. incl. utilities. Call Anna, 125 FEW FEMALES f,: NOW "PRIMITIVE" $275. heat paid. Rommates wanted 415 University 1 22 Street. $135 per bedroom. TWO BEDROOM.Unfurnished - U OF U. UNFURNISHED Julsrrle ROOMMATES 535-137- Efficiency studio. Heat included. Parking, laundry. $200. V25 ONE BLOCK The Day the Teleprompter Went Down Industries Tues. January 26, 1988Presented by JASACall 125 deposit. Beige carpet, levelors. Robert. FOR RENT Third District h Court. WOLFE TANNING BED. Great business opportunity. Call for details. 583- - 5528. 129 APT. $245 mo. $150 531- - 7648. LOFT SEMINAR featuring Uno-Uta- 122 12-- 1 1 122 NEAR Ik 23 counselor. Condo, own bedroom and bath, covered parking, pool, tennis and 128 laundry. $200.00'MJtilities. FOR SALE UNMOUNTED THREE 126 Our loving marriage provides all but a child to love. We want to adopt white newborn to fill our hearts and life. Legal, confidential. Call Susan and or our adoption Murray collect ADOPTION. NONSMOKER Avenue (1600 So.). Includes garage. $190. or $10 discount if paid early. 266-333- 9 9 Bresnahan. 582-582- 0 at 979 E. Logan APARTMENT OUBLIN 130. U FOR RENT CUTE BASEMENT 126 MISSION. Party in Park City IRELANO 217 Heat included. $295. THE ULTIMATE ous"3 e" M.iz'J POUND-BOUN- PLEASE HELP! Call D. I eriy a few ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT. SPACIOUS I 8E0R00M ENTERTAINMENT more days before he's i i cameras. 122 CUTE POOCH! Needs loving home Only vv 1 T 23rd at 3 pm in the Redwood Multipurpose Center. Since it is a public meeting and they'll be there. University Security is invited. They should bring their January Carpet, 583-31- 86 HONOA CRX AM-FCass. 5 yr. Warranty Low Mileage, great condition. Must sell. Call 25 1 3. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE MEDICAL CENTER'S GESTAPO TACTICS and their waste of pets m research, come to the CAM P S. meeting. January 22, 1988 & |