Show MOBERLY DIVISION ENGINEER POCATELLO Idaho July 21 21 E D E Moberly for tor se sewn seven en years as- as assistant assistant as assistant division Islon engineer on the Oregon Orlon Short Line of the Utah dl- dl di division vision Ison south of ot Pocatello has ben been appointed dl division 1 lon en engineer to till fill the s vacancy caused by the death ot of Richard B D Reasoner Mr r Moberly has hns been with tIe the Short Line since 1910 1 10 with Ith a sIngle break in his Ills sen services Ices bet between cen May 1416 and June 1916 1910 when hen heas he was as asIn In government ser service iee In 1910 lie he was as appointed assistant division en- en en Ineer at Salt Lake In n I 1916 1915 15 lie he was l transferred tr n to the Idaho division dh 1 lon at t Pocatello tello In InJune InJune June 1 16 after returning from service he lr re-entered re the 0 S I L ice as assistant division engI- engI engIneer neer neer in the tho same sam division dl In March 1921 he lie a was transferred to th Utah dh division ISIon where he lie sen sered Id I'd until the time of his appointments appointment as s division engineer of ot that divis divis- divis division division ion t |