Show I AN EDITORIAL BYI BY I I FLORENCE DAVIES 1 PLAIN PACTS FACTS ABOUT LaWS TS rn-LAwsl rn A discouraged husband hUBband blacks the eyes eye of his mother-in-law mother and goes to Jail tor for 30 days because he ont apologize the papers tell us One hardly kno knows knos s which to pity more the tho husband of tho mother mother- mother law law In-law Without doubt the lady who gets hit In the eve ee deserves sympathy But the husband had had four long years of oC pro provocation The Tho home he said was no longer his His wife's mother bossed him bossed his wife bossed his children and said what should be bought and what be bought He stood It just as long as he could and thOn exploded Hitting her hel in the eY eye was WI no gentlemanly way aay ay to do but he prof preferred erred Jail to re reestablishing reestablishing lishing the old ordet ordes fit or things thing It 11 Is e easy y enough to laugh at law in mother law Jokes But they arent aren't so funny There Thero are vol- vol volumes volumes vol volumes umes of misery bound up In some of them thom There Thore Is the mother to think of Thousands of lonely women have been unutterably hurt because a ason's ason's ason's sons son's wife or a daughters daughter's husband has regarded her with suspicion Thousands of mothers have been ready to give the young people a chance If it only they would give her hera hera hera a chance But the youngsters be- be beIn belog be In log afraid of Interference resented even a Interest On the other hand perhaps there are aro more thousands of loyal daugh daugh- daughters daughters daughters I or sons eons who have virtually sac sac- sacrificed sac sacrificed all aU home life to make room for a lonely but a managing moth moth- mother mother er or The truth Is that people need to lp 4 I b good deal more straight on this subject Most people dont don't face facts The tact fact ot of the matter Is that every gener gener- generation generation atlon has a right fight to Its Ita own home When hen two people get married they not only have a right but an obligation obligation gation gallon to found a home Our civilization Is based on the home a D new home for tor each new family That should be the starting point That doesn't mean that there should be room In such a home for young and old It Is that parents should not be lovingly welcomed But they should should come as guests not ilot not as IlS man managers gors The Tho man who blacked his moth moth- moth or laws or eyes was wall merely fight fight- tight ml Int for the preservation of his own home borne No gentleman strikes a lady But the chances ate are that If It that moth moth- I er-I law er had recognized that the theman theman theman man who married her daughter had taken on the responsibility of ot a ahome ahome home and ought to bo be allowed the liege of ot directing that home she sho could have havo remained to the tho end of her days as ae a s welcome guest Young people who do not provide I generously and lovingly for tor their I parents are despicable No milder word applies But those parents will be bo tar far happier It if they learn that the doors of their childrens houses are arc always wide open but the management stays where It be- be be belongs right longs longs right with the tho head of the founded I newly founded home |