Show t ES anti ana nd t Dept ept l 60 50 10 Classified Ad Ad- 56 6 16 Ad Dept 28 2 EditorIal anti and hews e Dept 71 RANDOM REFERENCES Mother Charles Dies Charles Lippin- Lippin Lippincott Lippincott cott cott 33 r nty Cs street leases lea today tor for Pittsburg Pa on ac- ac account account ac account count of ot the tho death of ot his mother's mother s 's S was 84 tl ears ol ot age ae Ogden Typewriter house Homi to fo t and repairs 2423 2422 Hud flud Hudon son avenue Phone Phon 36 Marriage ec County Licenses County Clerk La A Van Dyke Dike Issued the follo II marriage licenses toda today I Frank Hunt Bunt Coy and Myrtle Myrtll yrtle Blay Blaylock lock loce both ot Ogden and to r B Smith ot of Las Vegas Nev and Lucy Ethel Dickey ot of o Honeyville ICE ICE water ly ly Iy Ogden Oden Os City Ice Ico Company Comp Phone Gunn Gwin An Director Director An oath of ot ot- ot ottice tice o-tice flee tice was tiled flied with County Clerk Lawrence A Van D ke Ie yesterday afternoon by F F Gunn as ns a di- di director di director rector ot of the tho Murphy Wholesale Grocery company Fifth raUb Fred Vard Ward Frid G Ta Tailor br or orthe Orthe the Mt lilt Ogden stake high hith priest quorum presidency will deliver an address at the thi regular monthly of ot the quorum to be bi old heidi Sunday at 2 p m in in the Fifth ward chapel President James H will preside and Invites all 11 members of ot the quorum to at- at te at-te- ted tid d Third Ward l Ward M Charles Woods ot of Mt Ml Ogden stake hIgh council will dell deliver m vcr an n address q at t the e Third ward r chapel Sunday at at 7 P m will be bi in charge ot of The ten ser ices the ward genealogical committee committe A special musical program will 1 be l given Rug Rag Stolen Mrs Ellen Williams Will 1921 1321 Washington a reported reported re- re ported jams iams i the theft AI- AI AIA ot of A a rug 12 feet teet after atter- flom her back yard Friday noen Visiting II SS Bessie Bessle Ie 1 Mc Mc Crady Superintendent Cready secretary to lent dent H C Johnosn of ot the San SanI schools Is visiting In Ogden the ETho o was vas formerly clerk of ot rd bo ot education In III this city I Given FOI Two Two WO vagrants va Bo lUtter IS 1 S of ot Lamore North I ola 1 and George Hensler 29 2 ot or Jlko e were gIven a suspend suspend- suspended I eo tJ ed sentence ot of fh file I da das s each by city court today tody to allow altow bern to Icily Vl I town they were ere B arrested at midnight Friday by Officer Ed I and James Hearn In a leant i-leant house houa near Twenty sixth Tn 1 enty enty and Va Wall avenue nue I CR Cane Ci o 6 V t St- St StI Sot W L I L 21 was as arraigned in the elt city court the th's on charge charf ot of o disturbIng disturb disturb- inv Ing the tl pace p ce The Tho complaint al- al alleged alleged le al-le ed that th ardleigh struck Eu- Eu Eugen Eu gen gone ritt lon rion Jul July 20 Hi Re posted 52 25 G fiall all The Thi case caso was WIlS sot set for tor next Wednesday July 25 2 He d not noi guilty to the thu charge charn I was arrested lod by Officer Le LetOy oy Shelby at noon Friday I |