Show NEPHI PIONEER DEAD John Borrowman Aged 82 Has Gone t His Rest Nephi March 2After a lingering ill r ness of many months John Borrowman died at his home in this city at an early I hour this morning Mr Borrowman would have been s ear of age on May 13 He as otc of the early pioneers pio-neers to these valleys and among the first settlers In Nephi where he started Ilo rnuKfc nis ioivie in 151 arid has sided here continually ever since Deceased I De-ceased was born in the city of Glasgow Scotland but came to this country In childhood H < 5 was a member of the > I Mormon battalion and active and 1 prominent In the early history of Utah His wife who was a member of the I first company that reached Salt Lake valley and the recipient of one of the gold medals presented by the Pioneer Jubilee committee last rear two sons and three daughters survive him and they have the sympathy of the entire community The funeral will occur at 1 oclock on Friday j i i |