Show Utah Commercial and Savings Bank General banking business Interest paid on savings deposits F Armstrong president J E Jennings cashier 24 E lit South street CITIZENS COAL COMPANY V J Wolstenholme treasurer T R Ellerbeck president 53 West Second South Tel 49 The Eeeley Institute For the cure of liquor opium and cigarette habits The only Keeley institute in-stitute in the state Address lock box 4SO Salt Lake City ojp > Health Everyhody Vapor baths are the greatest known help In preserving and restoring health Orders left at SO East Second South will receive prompt e attention Highest cash price paid for lucerne eeed South at Bailey SonvG3 East Second Dr E M Keysor dentist Auerbach building rooms 200 and 201 Specialty of crown and bridge work gold and silver sil-ver fillings l l NOTICE TO INSURERS The Home Fire Insurance company of Utah Is now writing insurance on the i contents of dwellings without segregating I segre-gating the various items In other words issuing blanket policies on the j entire contents of a residence It also r gives protection against damage b lightning and permits the use of gasoline t gas-oline stoves No additional charge is made for this new form of insurance P Rates the same as those of foreign r companies f HEBER J GRANT CO General Agents 0 L Ice r Beware of slough Ice Ask your physician I phy-sician or any of your neighbors how p 1 compares with our Park City or distilled dis-tilled water ice We guarantee you n r prompt and satisfactory deliver Our solicitor will cal on you Remember c the red wagons Telephone 43 SALT LAKE ICE CO F J C LYNCH Manager I > There ere three little things which do more work than any other three little things created they are the ant tai bee and De Wits Little Early p visers the last being the famous little pills for stomach and liver troubles i ft C Smith C D Swift W E Smedley Co the prominent fire Insurance agents announce that I they have changed their office location fiom No 160 S Main St to the more spacious front rooms on first floor of frst foor No 142 S f St I i 1 r S200 BOUND TRI TO TINTIC Via Bio Grande Western Bailay On Sunday March C 1Iareh special excursion excur-sion to Eureka Silver City and Mammoth Mam-moth at 8 a m Returns at 9 p m Special opportunity for a days outing > Children and adults 1 tortured by I burns scalds injuries eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using De Witts Witch Hazel Salve It Is the great Pile remedy A C Smith I C D Swift WANTED GOOD COOK Mrs DInwoodey S15 East South Temple BOY TO learn ths electrical business wages small Enquire 45 East First South street GIRL FOR general housework Must be goOd cook Apply South Seventh East A MALE STENOGRAPHER Address Box CO Herald LADIES to learn drafting free Joy Fashion Co 358 Main street SECONDHAND FURNITURE at 207 209 State street Goods sold on easy pay ments 31 Webber YOU TO LIST your property with me and see how soon I san sell It for you A RIchter 5 West Second South P C box 193 MEN AND WOMEN to work at home I pay JS to JIG per week for making crayon portraits new patent method portris anyone who can read or write can do the work at homo in spare time day or evening Send for particulars and work at once Address H A Gripp German artist Ty PLUMBING AND TIN WORK THE JJAVID JAMES CO plumbing and I I cornice work No 67 Main street < r I 1 FOR RENT FIRSTCLASS FARM 17 acres J E j Wesley 223 East Sixth South E i SROOM HOUSE strictly modern every t way nice lawn Enquire 617 McCormick block FURNISHED HOUSE six rooms bath electric light at 161 C Enquire roms at I 7 North State street for key C4 HOUSES all prices kinds and loc I tions furnished and unfurnished the i only complete list Tuttle Bros I TWO 7ROOM twostory brick dwell ings strictly modern gas or electric I light with chandeliers and fixtures complete com-plete fc closets hot and f8s water on both floors good dry cellar sewer connection close in Utah Title Insurance and Trust Co 160 Main street or Tuttle II Bros lG an Tutte I FOR SALE SALE OF household furniture balance of the week at 312 West Second North Single pieces sold 133 BICYCLE E3 Patee crest como and see it I will do the rest 333 Main Books Stationery office supplies Mime ograph supplies Tel 474 Margetts Bros A FIRSTCLASS mahogany upright piano at J210 Also I very fine Conover upright case damaged very cheap Good organs from no to J30 Cable Piano com street pany J W Van Sant Manager 23S Main Auction Sae On Thursday March 3 at 343 East Eighth South at 1020 I will sell cook and heating stove tables chairs bedroom furniture fur-niture bedding Hoe lounge good piano sewing machine carpets rockers laundry and kitchen furniture W D CLINE Auctioneer PERSONAL MAZIB Palmist 3 Main street MARRIAGE PAPER Best published FREE J W GUNNELS Toledo Ohio WATCH CLUB 0 per week no lot tery everyone gets I o i watch Par ticulars of J H Miles 333 Main street LESSONS IN FRENCH by the simplest sim-plest and most effective system of teach ing Apply by letter to Phllllppe Leuba 33 South Seventh West City f MRS P FONTYN clairvoyant and trance medium sittings daily spiritual I meetings every Sunday and Thursday at S p m Admission lOc Ir 31 C Tripp magnetic ple healer leI South West Tem MIND READING and clairvoyant tells present and future gives names and i itials correctly etc Dora Randolph 1 South State street up stairs rooms 1 end 2 Price c r DIES I Chaicsters Ensfish Pennyroyal PITs ttj Diiooad EraaJ aro the Best Sf RIUM J TJ no rthfr fmd 4 uus loc uUxIan R le i f L i i irrrex by Return Mail At Unrciiu Cftlcbesicr Chemical ul 1hllaili i > 3 MONEY TO LOAN HOME MONEY no delays favorable terms on real estate stocks bonds or personal security C L Rood Masonic building upstairs Salt Lake City I LOAN only my own money No commission com-mission no eastern company no third party no trust deed no mortgage tax no attorneys fee Special options Russel L Tracy 49 Commercial block ITGURIUN S CO 33 West Second South have money t led at low = te Privilege of prt payment at any time ON CIT farm property notes Insurance In-surance policies etc notes mortgages boucht South Elmer Darting 9 Vet Second STEAM REA TINGE TING-E G HARRIS with the David James Co steam and hot water heating No 6 Main st eet BUSINESS CHANCES J150 INVESTED enables you to Join enterprise en-terprise now yielding 130 per cent monthly No stock or Klondike scheme Safe practical prac-tical success David Sloane 110 St Paul street Baltimore Md WARMING VENTILATING f P J MORAN STEAM AND HOT water heating and ventilating apparatus No 79 trst Second South SOCIETIES UTAH CHAPTER NO 1 R A M Stated convocations held on the first Wednesday in each month at Masonic hall at 730 p m Sojourning companions hal cordJelly invited to attend vM B GRANT M E H P M C PHILLIPS Secretary ARGENTA LODGE NO 3 A F AND A M Stated communications held at Masonic hal the first Tuesday In each month Members of sister lodges and so lourntng brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend Invite gtUnd cordlalY WM T DALBY W M M C PHILLIPS Secretary AOUW Eagles Gate Lodge No 10 meets every Wednesday night at the Odd Tellows temple on Market street Geo W Barrows Bar-rows M W rows WA O U W Salt Lake Valley Lodge No 1 meet Sal Thursday evening at the Gladstone ever building Main street buiding a G W MOWER 1L W IJTMORIAH LODGE NO 2 F and A M Regular communications held at Masonic ball the second Monday of each month Members of sister lodes and Burning brethren In good standing are sojouring cordially invited to attend cordlaIy Invie < A C STATEN W M CHRISTOPHER DIEHL Secretary MISCELLANEOUS Card of Thanks ON BE EARNEST MOULTON BE MR IULTO ON halt ot V his brother and sister wishes toSS pubbically thank the many kind friends for the consolation rendered his mother In the hour ot her bereavement for the loss of her son Edgar whose pure patent spirit passed after four months ot intense in-tense suffering into the great beyond But especially those who so generously contributed con-tributed floral offerings asslstrin the fu oferngs nerl preparations or officiated at the services vices work done by ALL KINDS scavenger the K City Scavenger company 221 East Eighth South street SCHLITZ MALT EXTRACT a food a tonic 120 ° a dozen The Kentucky Liquor to Co 0 1 E Second South agents 1 Petpr b NATIONAL CASH Registers Oscar Groshel Sole Agent Utah 221 Main PROFESSIONAL CARDS ww < w ATTORNEYS RICHARD AttorneyatLaw W YOUNG 2 Main street Salt Lao City tARSHALL BOYLE HEMPSTEAD Thomas Marshall Jonathan C Royle David B Hempstead attorneysatlaw nfflces Daoid over Wells Fargo Cos ban WILLIAM D RITER AttoraeyatLaw Room 3 Hooper Block Salt Lako City JiBawlins J H Hurd S L Thurman E A Wedgwood pWlins Thurman Hurd Wedgwood ATTORNEYSATLAW Offices Hooper building UtE Salt Lake City Ut-E WILSON D O WILLEY JR A t P1N WILLEY J AttomeysatLaw Lake City Hooper Block Salt Le CityDENITS DR J B KEYSOR Dental Parlors 240 Main estreet First door 1 tal of Walker House HAPPY HOUR DENTAL Co 461W I 12nd So Appointments by mall solicited t |