Show Dividend Paying and Investment Invest-ment Mining Stocks W a HUBBARD CO TEL 505 15 W 2d So St 0 NOTICE MINING MEN RAILROAD MEN STOCK BROKERS BUSINESS MEN AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY are Invited to a hat lunch at Youngs hotel Wasatch block today from 12 m to 2 p m given by the ladles of the Unitarian church Chicken pie and all of the homemade et ceteras I mll which go to make up firstclass lunch will be the menu today Lunch Friday I and Saturday also 25 cents Made Right Schillings Best baking powder does its work as well in the wetness of Japan a in the dry heat of Arizona or Mexico the cold of Montana Mon-tana and the gold fever oft I of-t 5 Klondyke Klondyke 6 Bucklens Arnica Salve The Best Salve In the world for Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Erup tions and positively cures Pies or no pay required I is Guaranteed to dye perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 cents per box For sale by Z C M drug store a After years of untold suffering from piles B W Pursell of Knitnersville Pa was cured by using a single box of De Witts Witch Hazel Salve Skin diseases such as eczema rash pimples pim-ples and obstinate sores are readily cured by this famous remedy A C Smith C D Swift S Never Felt Better My brother was troubled for several years with a severe cough and also with rheumatism He ha taken a few bottles of Hoods Sarsaporllla and Is relieved He never felt better in his life He now coughs but seldom and never feels anything of the rheumatIsm rheumat-ism Cora Evans Panguitch Utah Hoods Pills are the only pills to efficient take with 25c Hoods Sarsaparilla Easy o am oWe o-We are anxious to do n little good In this world and can think of no pleasanter pleas-anter or better way to do i than by recommend re-commend In V One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia consumption con-sumption and other serious lung troubles trou-bles that follow neglected colds A C Smith C D Swift Grays Laxative Pellets A certain cure for chronic Constipation 26c J < The Discovery the Day Aug J Bogel the leading druggist drugst of Shreveport L says Dr Kings New Discovery Is the only thing that J cures my cough and it is the best seller 1 I have J F Campbell merchant ol Safford Ariz writes Dr Kings New Discover Is all that Is claimed for I It never falls and Is a sure cure for Consumption Coughs and Colds Iv 4 4 cannot say enough for Us merits DrJ Kings New Discovers for Consump 1 J tion Coughs and Colds Is not a ex perlment It has been tried for e perlment I btn a quarter quar-ter of a century and today stands at the head I never disappoints Free trial bottles at Z C M I drug store C L Notice t Mortgage Holders The abstracts of all uncanceled mortgages mort-gages assessable In Salt Lake county have been filed In my office and the same will be enrolled for the purpose 1 of taxation after March 15 1898 unless stricken from the list according to law 1 AH persons Interested should appear I at my office city and county building before said date between the hours of 9 a m and 5 p m and show cause If any why said mortgages should not be taxed B B QUINN Assessor for Salt Lake County Utah 1 Dated Feb 26 1S9S The plain and hopeful truth about disease is shown in the light of the best science of the century In Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser Ad-viser I Is a volume of 1003 pages Illustrated Il-lustrated I also contains letters from many who have been rescued from consumption con-sumption This great book is free if you send 21 onecent stamps to cover cost of mailing only to Worlds Dispensary N Dis-pensary Y Medical Association Buffalo S BEAUTIFUL i I SKIN I SottTOiito Hands with Shapely Xal3 Luxuriant Luxu-riant Hair with Clean Wholesome Scalp produced duced by CUTICCBA SOAP tho most effective CUCl to nost eetvo skin purifying and beautifying soap In the world as well as purest and sweetest for toilet bath and nursery The only preventive of inflammation and clogging of the POKES utidura 1 Sow t roll tSraonhotii the wtt Pam 1 ft COn On Sole Props I n C 1 A 5misirxe cr ir t c SkI5cIp a na m1 t BABY HUMORS litre C bj COTICUU Buuia S |