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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929, -I- ! Garland Personals Mrs. C. D. Barf us was hostess to the members of the Ladies Self Culture Club Friday afternoon, July 19th. Pres. Mrs. P. C. Petterson, presided. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. M. Felsted, a member of the Amusement Committee, announced that a club party to Lagoon or some other resort, was being planned for the early part of August. Mrs. Felsted also announced that Miss Rhea Winters, who has been teaching dancing and dramatic are, would give a dancing review at the Palace Hall, July 29th, at 8 p. m. An admission of 25c for adults and 10c for children will be charged. The proceeds to go to the Ladies' Self Culture Club. Mrs. Mark Nichols was voted in a member of the club. Mrs. John Club Parlimentarian, Benson, gave a short talk on parli-- ! mentary law. The following program was given: Lowell Burton played two selections on the Steel Guitar. Mr. C. E. Smith gave a review of his trip to the East. This was followed by another selection by Mr. Burton. The home was made attractive with beautiful flowers. Mrs. P. C. Petterson, Mrs. M. J. Gaddie and Mrs. Thomas Lee assisted the hostess in serving a delicious lunch to twenty-eigmembers and the following special guests. Mrs. Iowell Van Noy, Mrs. Earl Bone, Mr. C. E. Smith, Mr. Lowell Burton, of Garland and Mrs. James Ransom of Tremonton. Cub adjourned to meet with Mrs. J. T. Bigler, August. 2nd. ht - Tremonton Locals i -- - l The mozart club held a very enjoyable meeting at the home of Virginia Beyers on last Friday afternoon. The following musical numbers were given: The Flying Kite, Michael Aaron Shirley Watland Duet, "The Campbells are Coming" Scotch Tune Geraldine Beard Miss Bums Elves at Play Edward Mueller Erma Vance Michael Aaron Dancing Wavelets C. W. Cadman Hallowe'en Pranks Burke Gephart "The Violin" .. Dorothy Baynor Blake Gloria Dalton (a) Up and Down and All Around John Williams Shuman (b) Melody Maunne Cook DanKsh Pe,arKf' a"ce ; Williams Calderwood Harp Sounds Mayer Virginia Beyers La Ginta by Ruth Williams Delicious refreshments were served to 10 members and daughters, Lois and Wilma, Mrs. G. H. Watland, Miss Ruth "Williams of Ogden, Margaret Pack, Maurine and Lois" Cook, and Aileen Adams. Maurine Cook and Aileen Adams were accepted as new members by the club. Next month thee lub will hold the J.C.PENNEYJC. Tremonton, Utah The J C. Penney Company A Vivid Story of Progress W 1213 wS 0mm Stores r tntldpated tab mMriWSR ;:0m :;M $215,000,000 annual springs party and the programs will be discontinued until fall. MRS. W. G. CARTER ENTERTAINS FOR MRS. GERALD VVAPLES Thursday afternoon, Mrs. W. G. Carter, entertained at her home for Mrs. Gerald Waples of Los Angeles, in the nature of a Mothers and daug-ter- s' party as the guests are Mrs. S. B. Watland, Mrs. Gerald Waples, and Mrs. G. H. Watland, Mrs. Etta Stan-fil- l and Mrs. Londy Harris, Mrs. L. S. Mann and Mrs. Kim Mann, Mrs. Denton Rich, Mrs. Frank Peck and Miss Trylvia Peck, and Mrs. Lawrence Carter. Bridge was played and refreshments served by the hostess. Mr. J. J. Shumway was in Salt Lake Thursday and Friday of last wek. Mrs. R. J. Stayner and Mrs. F. S Peck motored to the girls home in Ungham Canyon, July 18th. A reunion of the Thompson family was held at the girls home in Logan Canyon, July 20th, and 21st. The fol lowing residents of Garland with their families attended the reunion Mr. and Mrs. J.'J. Shumway, Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Woodward and ' D. Henry Manning, and Mr. and Mrs, Mrs. H. L, Gephart motored to A. H. Archibald. afternoon. Wednesday Miss Margaret Mrs, Woodside, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wodoruff and Nethella Griffin and Mrs. Oneta mother, Mrs. Steffenson, went to Salt I Shirtz, were in Garland, Saturday, Lake City, Sunday for a visit with visiting with inends. relatives. A reunion of the White family was Mrs. S. B. Watland, Mrs. G. H. held at the Crystal Springs last and Watland, Shirley, and Saturday. J. White and family and Mrs. Gerald daughter; Waples, were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Thos. White, of Gar guests at the home of Mrs. W. J. Har-gi- s land, attended the reunion. of Brigham City, Tuesday. Miss Lola White had as her guest Miss Nelson of Smithfield last baturday night, Miss Emilv returned Phyllis home Mondav after a week's White of Richmond. visit here with Miss Alice Crockett. A big dance will be held in the Miss Crockett accompanied her home building of the new warehouse at and they will spend the 24 th at Lava Garland Friday evening, July 26th. Idaho. Springs, The Blue Bird Orchestra of Logan, will furnish the music. Dancing to begin at 10 o'clock. Special features have been arranged which Ho. 1 Tk . C Pnny Co. ExecuiVi and Buying Headquarters, Naw York City. No. 2 Mr. J. C Panney, found will add to the enjoyment of the eveTo f Ui Company, No. 3 Mr. Penney' firct store in Kemmarer, Wyoming. No. 4 A typical store. No, ning. Tickets $1.00 per couple. Exi.ra ladies free. 5 Mr. E. C. Sams, President of the Company. Ne. 6 The new huge central western The members of the Cliquot Club To provide new class rooms and warehouse of the Company in St. Louis. were pleasantly entertained at the laboratories for the accommodation of home of Mrs. Lee Isaacson Monday the unusually large number of freshThe time was spent in men expected to enter the Univer evening. piaymg bridge: Mrs. Harold Persson sity of Utah in the fall, the old aswnining high score. sembly room on the top floor of the Ihe hostess served a delicious museum building is being remodeled. ' Juncneon to the following: Mesdames About $6,500 will be expended in mis horderinff on the main drive and years old and his wife 71. They both ing slowly at this writing. Magnet Draws Needle Mr. and Mrs. Albert Archibald and Wendell Grover, Harold Persson, T. building the new rooms and laborato- on University street has been planted "re well and do their own work with From Brain of Baby the assistance of their son Golden, daughter, Jessie of Ridgedale, Idaho, E. Bettenson, Lawrence Carter, ries. The phychology department on in lawn and an extensive sprinkling who Alvin Smith is were home of Mrs. with Those the The them. who installed. been guests piece has Pottsville, I'a. a Peck, Arthur Felsted, Dewey the same floor of the museum build- system of ground thus improved extends for were there were Mr. and Mrs. George Tuesday. Richards, Sterling Huish, Leo Walker, ing will be remodeled also. baby seemed recovering in a hospital Jesse son Golden; Mr. and Wm. Cullimore, Orian Peterson and Carl Joscphson of Brigham City is after a sewing needle, lodged Three laboratories for the depart a full city block north and south and! Mrs. Mason and upright Jesse Mason and child visiting his brother, Oleen, this week. east block and one Lewis Moore. George approximately ments of zoology, biology, and botony, in the center of Us brain, had been across ren, Vera, Mr. P. C. Petterson went to Soda one Olive, ravine Fendon, west. A small R. and Louis, Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Don cutting renioed by means of a strong magpet large class room or lecture room, Springs, Idaho, Saturday, to be gonfe two otlices, and two storacre and sup it will be planted with native shrubs. Denis and Theron, of Gooding, Idaho. son Dean, were in Fielding on busiMrs. Jennie Harvey several Mrs. Hannah Hess and son Ellis, Mr. ness Monday. days several days. Other improvements and changes ply rooms for the laboratories will saw the threaded end of the 'ago Mrs. Don and Rufus and child the of Lamb, in the Mason Mrs. Mr Jesse .and campus George landscaping be in of the provided place present will be made in the near future, ac- ren Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lamb, Clea, and ' Will Storrer of Salt Lake neeuie protruding from her Infant family, of Gooding, Idaho, reassembly room. Two of the new labvisited at the home of his parents, City daughter Rosanna's skull about three Mr oratories will be used as class rooms cording to Charles E. Forsberg, su- Keith, and Dean Lamb Mr. and Mrs. turned home Tuesday. Inches above the left eye. Then th and Mrs. E. L. Storrer over the week- until the completion buildings and grounds. John Clifford Mason, and children, of Kingsbury perintendent of will end. Miss LaVem Storrer returned Hall, the new be necessitated by Elva, Burnett, Darel, Shirley and Or- CARD OF THANKS Some of these needle flisnnnmirorl . t UnttaT.tn t hall ulvo iti c llUKl" assembly building. the of Kingsbury Hall and lean, ot Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Royal w wie city with him for a weeK s in an building kind showed the Our for pltal 1930. the location ol many appreciation January, Lional Mason and children, Marion, words and deeds, the beautiful floral the needle In the visit with friends. The portion of the university cam- - the Student Union building on the "a brain. Dr. baby northwest corner of the campus. wanda, Clair and Lloyd. Tables were and music, rendered during J. B. Rogers selected the spot on th set for Thirty Three. A grand dinner offerings illness and death of our beloved oaoys skull to which he was enjoyed by all. The afternoon the son tilt and brother, cannot be ex- lopmost end or the needlethought was spent in a sociable way. Mr. and little was nearwe do wish all est. He Mrs. Mason were some of the early pressed in words, but applied a powerful magnat those who helped in any way to accept and the needle came through tha pioneers of this valley. our sincere thanks. Mr. nad Mrs. W. S. Mason, motored Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stef fin and son. baby's scalp, blackened but Intact There Is no explanation of tba Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Lamb were to Point Lookout, Sunday with Mrs. of Farr, a sister of Mrs. Mason's, who Tremonton shoppers Wednesday needle's presence. Subscribe for The Leader. Only has been visiting with them for a few $2.00 a year. last week. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hess, Mr. days. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mason and famAndrew Archibald, and Mrs. William So you become Silvester and daughter, Peggie Ann ily, were guests of Mrs. Mary E. p I'iondi y. were Tremonton Lhjpers Wednesday of last week. Shirley and Eurnett Mason of Ogwill Oil, Mrs. Electa Mcfarlane who has den are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. been visitnig with her sister and David T. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wolverton and brother, George J. Mason, for a few you davs. returned to Riverside Wednes- - son. Adam; Mr. David T. Burnett day to visit with her son, Robert ! and daughter Ruby motored to Ogden I Mcianane. inursuay or last week, returning in Mr .and Mrs. George J. Miss Grace Moser of Daniels. Idaho. were visiting with their nephew, Mr. oil Robert Mcfarlane Wednesday of last is visiting, with her sister, Mrs. Loren To see the wonderful new line of KITCHEN UTENSILS on week. Archibald for a few weeks. sale here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Udy and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lamb have moved into their new home by the family were guests of Mrs. Alvin store. Smith Sunday . AND Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mason, Mr. Mrs. Pheobe Welling of Farming-to- n They are made entirely of RUSTLESS and STAINLESS and Mrs. Jesse G. Mason, of Gooding, ,is visiting with her daughter, steel. The handles will not burn and they are about the Idaho, were visiting at Riverside, Mrs. I. A. Rose, for an indefinite 27 AND 28 best looking you ever saw. with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mcfarlane, period. Mrs. Thomas H. Archibald and Friday of last week. Mr. Fendon Mason of Gooding, John Tims, Afton and Leroy Pierson, Now is the time to get your CHERRY PITTERS, FRUIT Idaho, was the guest of Dean Lamb went to Portage Sunday. Mrs. Janet Steed and Mrs. Peter Saturday. JARS, JAR RINGS, AND PRESERVING KETTLES. You Mr. Goldy Archibald, Loyal Hess, Marshall, motored to Ogden Sunday will find a complete line of everything you need, here in this Evadine Smith, and Lily Silvster, to visit Mrs. Marshall's daughter, store. Mrs. motored to Ogden, Saturday returnThomas Hawes. Miss lone Udy of Riverside, is visiting Sunday. A number of the Sea mill irirls and ing her cousin, Luella Smith for a few the blue bird girls in primary walk- days. ed to the Udy Hot Springs, Thursday Mr. Alvin Smith and son Dewain, of last week. Those who went were and Ralph Rose, are working for W. Grace Rudd, Luella Smith, Clarie S. Mason. Mr. Edward Hess has purchased a Hess, Lorene Archibald, and Lilv They are beauties. Come in and see them. You'll want one. Smith. A dainty lunch and refresh- new Truck to haul grain on. Mile ments were prepared by the girls Mr. Alvin Hess has sold his old n after a plunge in the spmigs. The Buss and purchased a new one to haul girls ate their lunch and returned the school children to high school this home. fall. Mr. George Mason and familv of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Harris of OgGooding, Idaho, are visiting with Mr. den, are visiting Mrs. Harris' mother, Mason s father, Mr. Georsre J. Mason Mrs. Rhoda Archibald this week. for an indefinite period. Mr. Gilbert Pierson and sisters, Ihe amity gathering of Geor?e J. Vera, Usetta and Ruth motored from Build Mason family, which was held at the Aberdeen, Idaho, Sunday where Gilresidence of Mrs. Don R. Lamb, Sun- bert has been working for a few Oil 11 All the months. day was a great success. They were called home on family was present. It has been about account of the auto accident of Mar-vilfifteen years since they were all toand Marble, which happened a gether. Jesse Mason is seventylfive week ago. The two girls are improv Og-de- 1 n, 12-pie- ce Extension Added University Bldg. j ! Mil-Ia- n 1 w I. 1 y NOTICE!! may acquainted with the high quality of Shell Motor We drain your crankcase free and sell medium or heavy at Plymouth Es-te- BE SURE ...85c Per Gallon SATURDAY JULY SUNDAY at the Cross Roads Service One OUR NEW LINE: REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS East of Tremonton Wilson LumbcrCo. EMERY BURNS, Manager Use Shell "Everything To and Eliminate Carbon Phone la Anything" Tremonton, Utah |