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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25. 1929. Methodist Church Notes Services Sunday Sunday school at ten o'clock: Mrs. P. E. Ault, Superintendent. Epwo'rth League at seven in the evening' Bertha Landvatter, Leader. Evening service of worship at eight o'clock with the sermon by the pastor. Some folks say that the church is an institution for good in the community but seldom if ever attend its services; Others there are that attend once in a while on special occasions if these special occasions do not come too often and do not interfere with other plans; Still there are others who attend the services of the church and seldom miss a service because they love their Lord and want to be a help to humanity they feel the need of the influence of the church. After all we have not advanced very far from the way folks did when Jesus was upon the earth. Some followed him for the loaves and fishes others because of his healing power and few because they loved him and were anxious to do his bidding. You need the church the church needs you. Why not take a step in the direction of the church which is a step toward God? We invite you. Alvin R. Dickson, pastor. -1- - Corinne Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Merril and little daughter, left in their car for their home at Santa Anna, California, on Merril's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mrs. S. A. Older and Mrs. W. T. Larsen for two weeks. Wednesday, after visitnig with Mrs. Brown motored to the George Bwidon farm South of Brigham for fruit on Friday. Mrs. Arthur Smith and sons, Max and Bill, of Brigham were 9vistiing with Mrs. C. F. Shaw on Friday after- ing relatives here for two weeks left for their home in Sioux City: Iowa. John Hawer, uncle of Norman Johnson, who has been here over a year left on Monday for Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. C. M. Fredrickson, left on Monday for two weeks visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Davis at Granger, Wyo. She was accompanied by her daughter, Ruth and son Don ald. Mrs. Robb and mother, Mrs. Prather of Ogden were the dinner guests of Mrs. Wm. Baker and family on Thursday. N. E. Shaw of Tremonton visited his mother ,Mrs. B. M. Shaw on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Eunice Monson and children have just lately returned from visit ing relatives at Butte, Montana. Mrs. Potter, daughter of Alton Carter, who has been in Salt Lake Hospital four months is now at the home of her father at Appledale and is improving nicely. Eloise Eliason, 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Eliason, who died of spinal mengitis on Satur day night at Ogden, and for whom funeral services were held at Brigham on Tuesday afternoon, formerly lived at Corinne, with her parents. She was the grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Dunn, of Fruitdale. The beraaved parents and all members of the family have the sympathy of this community. At their regular meeting held on Wednesday evening, Corinne Valley Rebekah Lodge held an initiation After the business meeting luncheon On Thursday evening, was served. July 25, a joint installation of Rebek-ah- s and Odd Fellows of this district, will be held at Corinne Odd Fellows Hall. This District comprises Ogden, Logan, Tremonton, Corinne, and Brig-ghaThe installation will be followed by a dance and supper. A special meeting of Corinne Camp No. 5183 R. N. A. was held on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Effie B. Curry, of Denver State Supervisor, of Colo., noon. Utah adn Idaho, and other officers The afternoon was Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Shaw, daughter were present. and son motored to Ogden on Sunday. spent in disuccing the business Mrs. J. Y, Fery spent Tuesday and matters of the Camp and a dainty Wednesday at Logan attending the luncheon was served. Farmers' Encampment. Joseph and Adrian Pesh of Apple-dal- e, went to Ogden to spend the Mrs. Yeoman Fery and daughter have just returned from Twenty-fourtDonna, Mr. and Mrs. Art Slatter and two several days visit with relatives at children of Hazelton, Idaho, are visitButte, Mont. On Friday morning Mr. and Mrs. ing Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Woodward Alphonso Baker, who have been visit and family. ROYAL NEIGHBORS MEETING AT CORINNE On Tuesday afternoon, Wasatch Camp No. 5183, IL N. A. held a special meeting to receive the official visit of Mrs. Effie B. Curry of Denver the supervising Deputy of Colorado, Idaho and Utah. Mrs. Curry was accompanied by Mrs. Simunie Flymn, District Deputy of Utah, Mrs. Marion Woodward, Past President of the northern R. N. A. association, and Mrs. Althea Brown. The afternoon was spent in speaking by Mrs. Curry and Mrs. Flymn, and the discussion by all, of various subjects relative to the camp work. A most profitable and The enjoyable time was passed. Corinne ladies served a dainty lunch to officers and members and Mrs. C. W. Iverson and Miss La Von Brown of Ogden as guests. Follownig the meeting Mrs. Currry, Mrs. Flymn, Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Brown, were calling on Mrs. C. F. Shaw, State Oracle, R. N. A. who is ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of North Ogden, attended Rebakah meeting at Cornine on Wednesday evening. The girls club met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Woodruff! Nelson on Thursday. A demonstration of beverages was given, and the folmilklowing were made: shake, coca and several kinds of malted milks and sandwitches of graham crackers, were served. No meeting of the club will be held this 4-- H egg-no- week. The monthly meeting of the M. E. club was held at the home of Mrs E. W. Redelings on Thursday after noon with Mrs. S. Owens asc assistant hostess. The opening exercises and business of the club were in charge of the President, Mrs. Wm. Johnson. A paper, "The Liberty Bell," was given by Mrs. Sarah Ailen. The hostesses served a tray luncheon to Mrs. Alphonso Baker of Sioux, Iowa, Mrs. Iva Simon, Peoria, 111., Mrs. Robb nad Mrs. Prather of Ogden and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, rMs. A. R. Kafton, Mrs .Sarah Allen, Mrs. Georgia Owens, Mrs. Minnie Bradford, Mrs. Jennie Baker, Mrs. J. Y. Ferry, Mrs. A .C, Murphy, Mrs. Paul Merrill, Mrs. H. E. Redelings, Mrs. S. Owens, and Mrs. E. W. Redelings, and Bettie and Joyce Adney. equip the kitchen and will make it evening. He gave a very interesting t talk of hia still more convenient. trip back east, also enThanks to all who in any way help- couraged people to preach the Gospel ed to make this a success. ; by example rather than precept Elwood Larsen came home from Miss Mamie Adams of Thatcher Mesa, Arizona, last Friday for a 2 was guest of Miss Vera Hansen last weeks vacation. He came home in Sunday. time to enjoy the banquet and dance, j Mrs. Mutch and two daughters, of Ruby Rasmussen came home from Midvale, is visiting with her sister, Salt Lake last Friday accompanied by Mrs. June Thompson. Hazel Barlow to visit her parents, Mr.! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Romer, are reand Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen. They joicing over the arrival of a baby girl spent the week-en- d home, returning born last Monday, July 22, at tne to Salt Lake on Sunday evening. Valley Hospital. Mother and baby Wm Goldsberry of Salt Lake came ' doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Petersen are up Sunday to visit with Wm. Larsen and take his wife back who has been happy to announce another son born, the 24th of July at the Valley Hosvisiting here a couple of weeks. Miss Mathilde Jensen and Mr. pital. Mother and baby are feeling Rice of Logan, spent Sunday visiting fine. her mother, Mrs. Jensen and other A baby girl was born to Mr. and relatives. Mrs. Walter E. Fridal Wednesday Mrs. Nielsen of Provo, mother of morning July 24th. The infant only! Mrs. M. S. Hunsaker, visited here, lived a couple of hours. The family Monday. They also went to Brigham has the sympathy of their many City to visit her granddaughters, Mrs. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nielsen, and Jensen and Mrs. Burden. Heartly White of Tremonton visited children, enjoyed the Farmers' Enwith Moyle Hunsaker Saturday and campment at Logan last week. Mr. and Mrs. Figgot and children of Sunday. Miss Ardella Hunsaker, is home Salt Lake came up on Tuesday evefrom the Hospital on a vacation. ning to spend the 24th at Ira Ander Mrs. J. P. Christensen entertained sen s. last Sunday in honor of her granddaughter, Anna Marie Johnson's All of her little cousins birthday. were present. President Clarence E. Smith of and was Melvin the Peters Mr. Mrs. our and at Garland, speaker Sacrament meeting here last Sunday three children of Los Angeles, Cali : . -I- .!, THAT YOU COULD BUY A GOLD BOND TIRE OR TUBE THAT IS GUARANTEED FOR 18 MONTHS AGAINST ANY ROAD HAZARDS. WE SELL THEM WITH SUCH A GUARANTEE. CALL AND SEE. Tremonton Harness & Accessories Co. PHONE 48 THE NEW FORD hz TON TRUCK for long, reliable service with economy . . IN ORDER to make every part of the chassis as strong and long wearing as possible, special steels were developed to meet specific loads and stresses. Forty different kinds are used in each truck. To provide further against failures which might add to operating expenses, parts are made simple, and of such design that they function with unusual efficiency. Take the lubrication system of the engine. Perhaps no other factor is quite so important in prolonging the useful life of a truck. In the Ford, the advantages of pump, gravity and splash systems are combined. The principle is no more complicated than that of water running down-hil- l, and equally sure. The fuel, electrical, ignition and cooling systems are also of simple design. An unusual number of ball and roller bearings are used at important places on the chassis. They lessen wear on bearing surfaces, as well as friction, contributing doubly to economy. Features similiar in purpose can be seen in almost every detail of the chassis. Come in, and let us show you these unusual values built into the new Ford truck. AT THE Hansen Furniture Co. Utah Auto & Imp. Co. TREMONTON, UTAH PHONE 28 East Tremonton Mrs. Casper Andreason and sons, Herman and Norman, visited Sunday with O. A. Seager. Havard Andreason returned to his home in Elwood, Sunday, after visit ing several days at the .Seager home. George Abbott went to Monte Cristo on Monday, to spend several days at his homestead there. Miss Leona Garfield is spending two weeks with friends in Ogden. Mrs. H. L. Chads and Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Crowther are visiting their mother, Mrs. L. E. Abbott. Dave Peterson of Salt Lake City was a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ault on Tuesday. Miss Eva Anderson of Brigham City is visiting her uncle, C. E. Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Abbott and George Abbott, were business visitors in Salt Lake City on Friday. Grant and Vera Cook were guests of Maudell and Tyrell Seager on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brough and daughter, Donna, were guests of relatives in Spring City last week. M. Woodruff and family had aa guests last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Penrose, Mr. and Mrs. Baughn Penrose and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Penrose of Salt Lake City. Owen Cook and Dana Muir were dinner guests on (Sunday of J. 0. Garfield and family. Mrs. P. E. Ault attended the En campment at Logan last week. R. D. Law visited on inursday wthi O. A. Seager and family, while enroute from Logan, to Brigham City to visit his wife and son. Miss Ruth Cammon of Centerville, who is a member of the Imperial Plavers was a guest of her friend, Miss Maudell Seager, on inurstiay. Charles Peterson and wife returned on Tuesday from their trip into the northwest. They report a very enjoyable vacation. Hvrum Tibbetts and lamiiy were guests in the George Abbott home on Saturday. Mrs. F. Peterson and Miss Myrtle Muir of Peterborough, were guests of Mrs. 0. A. Seager on Thursday. Miss Ellen Stephens and parents, and Olvele, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood of Delia, visited Satur day morning with the Seager family. They were rctuiiiuig .lro:n the En campment at Logan. .1. Elwood Mrs. Ilyrum C. Chrsitensen, came home last week-en- d after spending a couple of weeks at Smithfield, visiting with her daughter, Donna Ras-musse- n. Gilbert Rasmussen are proud parents of a son born July 8th. Mr. Christensen and daughter LaVere, spent a couple of days over there last week. Marion and Leo Miller went to Park Valley last Wednesday in the interest of sheep buying, returning on Friday without results . The big banquet and dance last Friday went off very pleasantly. Over 300 people partook of the splendid supper. A program was rendered in the chapel and visitors were shown through the buildings. Still more people enjoyed the dance, being no doubt the largest crowd that Elwood has ever had. The hall was none too large but all had a find time. The friendly feeling of the neighboring towns, is surely appreciate by the people of Elwood ward, and they thank all who attended. As a number of our friends bought tickets and did not participate there was so much left that the committee decided to treat all the children on Saturday to a nice dinner. 109 children, enjoyed a bouteous dinner. Games and dancing followed the dinner. The committee is surely to be congratulated on the splendid manner it was put over. Nearly 300 dollars was cleared which will be used to Mr. and Mrs. Tin-ge- 3 h. DID YOU KNOW Riverside fornia, left Saturday for their home after spending ten days here. Mrs. Glen Walker and daughter, Betty came down from Twin Falls Friday, to remain here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Ward of Centerville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Phoebe Ward. Joseph Hadfield and Abe Lefler attended the reunion of the White family, which was held at the Crystal Springs Saturday. Mrs. Jessie Markham of Spanish Fork, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. A. Capener. Mr. and Mrs. Delose Jenson and two y children, and Mr. and Mrs. H. S. and daughter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Arbuckle ,at their home in Arimo, Idaho. George M. Ward and daughter, Irene and Miss Edna Mae Ward, went to Brigham Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hadfield and three daughters and Melva Davis, were in Brigham Sunday. The fmaily of Emil Van Leuven has moved to Downey, Idaho. Miss Peg Capener went to Salt Lake Wednesday to remain for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Hyer and child) thcM ren of Blue Creek, are visiting at J. H. Ward home. Wednesday Mrs. Ward accompanied them to Logan . Mr. and Mrs. Job Oliver of Price were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hadfield Sunday. Mrs. A. A. Capener and daughter, Peg, made a business trip to Brigham Monday. BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH FINAL SALE CLEAN-U- P Saturday, July 27 AT 2 P.M. -- List Of Merchandise For Sale Suites Library Table Rockers 2 Bedroom 2 Sulkey Plows 1 5 1 1 1 Cultipacker Packard Truck 1 Willys Knight Car 2 or 3 Ford Truck Bodies Lot of Lamps Auto Serving Table 4 Washers 14 Folding Chairs 2 Radio Cabinets 1 Extension Table 1 Range 4 Oil Paintings 4 Pianos 3 Library Tables 1 Loud Speaker, Crosley 1 Loud Speaker, Borkman 5 Phonographs 3 Portable Phonographs 1 Bed Spring as is 3 Sections Book Cases 6 Automatic Refrigerators 1 Universal Range Electric, $143. 1 Hct Point Range Elec. (Used) 1 G. E. Electric Kange (Used) 1 Majestic Range Used) 1 Marvel Range (Used) 1 Loud Speaker 1 Sonora Phonograph 203 Phonograph Records 1 Phonograph Record Case 36 cans French Piano Polish Clothes Hamper Clothes Basket Bamboo Screen Jap Wall Dec. of Bamboo Wash Boilers Angel Marble 2 Cylinder 1 1 Phonographs Living Room Suite Inside Aerial Step Ladders Oval Rug Aerobel Washer 2 Organs as is 2 Typewriters 2 1 - .1 Cheval 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chiffonier Clock Library Table Radio Cabinet Filing Cabinet Addressograph I Dictating Machine II bottles Furniture Polish 16 Radio Tubes 13 Sprays for Polish Electric Plate Electric Heater for Water 3 y Electric Sweepers 6 Pairs of Ice Skates 2 Tone Arms for Phonographs 2 Curling Irons 1 lot Xmas Tree Decorations Oliver Typewriter Ladies' Khaki Coats Stoneware Jugs 1 1 1500-wa- tt Air-Wa- Mop Wrringer Roller W ire Dish Drainers Clothes Lines Clothes Line Pulleys Steel Wagons Phonograph Tin Dec. Waste Paper Holders 11923 Ford Truck 11926 Ford Touring Car 11924 Essex Coach yd. Packard Gravel truck with Hydraulic hoist 1 Heavy Automobile Truck Trailer on 14 ALSO HUNDREDS OF OTHER MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE EVERY ARTICLES OF - BODY - COME GEORGE BELL, Auctioneer |