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Show BEAR UIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929. ' Meals Children's Planning A Big Problem for Mother Beat batter In hot frying pan. Add By Prudtno Goodhu beef and cook until edges curL ReTVIOBLEM No. 4,977 for tbe Boar move beet and add floor to fat re- kMotberi th children'! maining in pan and blend until smooth. Add water and cook 5 minao speolallBti utes, then add evaporated milk and to D tun to get into wh huf anrl (wiir oTnr hot water 6 min t, hfood ana in utes longer. Yield: 5 servings (8tf ri r sufficient Quantity au 01 wow cups;. proportions V 4iamrinr mtaaralc YltamlnA. Mashed Potatoes oUlna, UronM. and the like. In rnuHwuf hibkin. No me&n I mdlmn-alM- d tHtbip. butter HondlnL eape-t- i ick for anyutohen rAneated cup vmporttAd milk diluted hA with mmt bollln 1H j qUl . " with water f uxu-tTana Mrlatloni three nuwirea H cup bo 111ns I tap. salt rater days each year, Daab pepper u here la another hint: nae Para nntntofln and Cook until tend plenty of milk. Of all food products, er in boiling water to which salt la fee milk of "mankind's foster added. About 20 minutes are re toother the cow, la most nearly nn trad far ennklnz. Drain and rice. eleComplete in the necessary food Add pepper, butter and hot diluted ments. ETery growing child requires milk. Beat tnorougniy wnn a ion calcium of minimum of one gram or a wire potato masher until and a like amount of phosphorus wfiAmv. whitn and lleht Pile lightly contains on a hot dish. Many like minced tally; one quart of milk of these lore than this amount cres or grated onion aaaea essential minerals. Also milk Is rich parsley, to mashed potato. Yield: 6 servings D. la Tltamlns A, B, and (4 cups). planning mulil 1 Hflit trio, nutrition . t OQ j j , Orange Bavarian 2 tbsp. lemon Juice tt tbp. gelatin H tsp. salt oup cold water 1 cup evaporated cup sugar mua 1 k cups orange 1 Juice soften relatln In cold water, add sugar and orange juice and heat over not water until geiatin dissolves. Remove from heat; add lemon Juice and salt. Cool In a paa of cold water, stirring occasionally until mixture begins to tnicKen fhlll evanorated milk thorougbli and whip until stilt Fold into The problem of how to get your gelatin mixture just as it Degina to child to take a quart of milk a day set. Yield: 5 servings. can often be easily solved by IntroCream of Tomato Soup ducing Into the cooked foods the equivalent of a quart of milk In the No. 2 can 4 form of the more concentrated 2 slices onion much as half milk. IVitsp. sugar Only evaporated (24 cups) 2 H tsp. salt parsley evaporated milk Is required. An sprigs 1M cups thin thyme Infinite variety of recipes call for Bittsp. white sauce leaf bay Up. peppercorns evaporated milk, or can use it In place of whole milk. Boil tomatoes with all seasonings 6 minutes, then rub through a sieve. Dinner There should be 's cups of liquid Cream of Tomato Soup and pulp. If not, add water. Pour Creamed Dried Beef tomato mixture slowly into hot Mashed Potatoes sauce when ready to serve, Shredded Lettuce white Buttered Beets to blend welL Yield: 4 stirring Orange Bavarian (4 cups). servings Cocoa Note: If white 6auce is made Creamed Dried Beef from milk diluted with an equal 1 cup boiling water of chicken or meat stock, tbup. butter quantity lb. thinly sliced 1 cup evaporated variations of cream soups delicious dried beet milk result. tbsp. flour clove-tomato- es 1 li Favorite Laying Mash Manufactured and Distributed by TREMONTON MILLING COMPANY Tremomton, Utah GUARANTEED ANALYSIS ...19.0 Minimum per centum Crude Protein 5.0 Minimum per centum Crude Fat 9.0 Maximum per centum Crude Fiber Composed of Bran, Shorts, Corn, Barley Wheat Meat Scrap, Fish meal, Linseed Oil Meal, Bone Meal, Dry Butter Milk, Calcite, Charcoal, Salt and Ground Alfalfa Hay. FOR SALE AT ALL FEED STORES For Every Meal Mothers Faultless Bread Our Bread is more than the most healthful food. It is also .the most enjoyable. The rich, crispy crust; the tastiness of the inside texture, make it not only appetizing but thoroughly satisfying. Howell 's i- Hold-awa- y, East Garland h d d ham. J. C. Wood was or Thursday. Collinston a Tremonton visit- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jensen, and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Secrist, have just returned home from a delightful trip through the wonderlands of Southern Mrs. Mary Keller returned from Utah. There was a severe storm while the visitors were there, which the Valley Hospital the week-enBerneice McMurdy of Ogden is drove hundreds of deer from the mountains into the towns, which made visiting at the home of Mrs. Frank an interesting sight for them. Germer, an indefinite time. One of the Ronald, the little son of Mr. and last week was interesting features of the reunion held at the Mrs. Lawrence Christensen of Ogden, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crystal Hot Springs, honoring the memory of the late Thomas Henry Germer of this place for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Farmer and White, father of J. J. White of Garland. 78 descendents from all parts sons, were guests of Mr. Farmer's of Utah, were .there to enjoy the mother at McCammon, Idaho, Sunsplendid program, bathing and reday. Mrs. Fred Harwood and daughter, freshments. Mr. and Mrs. William Christensen Bessie Lue of Salt Lake City, accomof Ephraim are jubilant over the arpanied their father and grand father, rival of a baby girl, born at the Valley M. A. Lish, home here Saturday. Hospital last week. Mrs. Christensen Isabelle and Helen Tucker of was formerly Miss Florence Johnson Jr., of this place Sunday, den were the guests of their aunts, of Beaver Dam. , Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson are Mrs. N. Peter Marble and Mrs. M. M. a brand new baby girl entertaining Jr. of this Gardner, place Sunday. at the Budge Hospital in Logan. The Evelyn Harwood of Ogden, was the and parents are doing nicely, but guest of her aunt, Ruth Jensen Sun- baby the grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. day. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller and Joseph Johnson, are hardly expected to recover, as this is their first grand daughter Virginia, returned to their child. home here after visiting at Peters-boris Mrs. J. A. the during last week, while their birth of her Biglerniece,announcing Miss Pauline grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen, born July 10th, at Ogden, enjoyed a trip through Yellowstone Packer, of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Packdaughter park. er. Mrs. was formerly Miss Packer and Merlin Artell of Deweyville d. Liberty Bakery 24 Hour Service ON YOUR KODAK FINISHING The Coolest Place In Town FOR THAT GOOD SODA FOUNTAIN DRINK. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS We Give X&C Green Trading Stamps H. G. Scott Drug Co. Phone 47 - joyed a weiner roast at the Crystal Springs. I Thursday morning the following - enjoyed a four day trip to Grand-dadyLakes: Mrs.Fred C. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Munk and Stella Spackman, Mrs. Kenneth Sunwere Benson of ward, family, David M. O. Spackman, James Holdaway, day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alice Horace ( Lish, Holdaway Munk. and Miss Vaudis Holdaway of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson and Ireen lish, Alta Marble, Tremonton, relatives family, spent Sunday visiting Veda Gardner, Eva Perry, Virginia at Logan. Bessie Hilda Knudson, Mr. G. J. Wood and C. C. Shriber, Gardner, made a business trip to Salt Lake Knudson, Donna Marble, and Ruth Jensen. City Friday. Milton Harrison of Salt Lake is Wayne Gunnell, Uriah Wood and, the Misses Mildred Wood and Lola relief agent at Dewey for a few days were Saturday Gunnell, evening at the O. S. L. R. R Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudsberry and Ander- Lee Mr. Mrs. and of guests were shopping in Ogden children n. Mirl Mason and son, Ruse, motored Monday. Mr nnH Mrs. Hompr Barnard re to Willard, Monday. They were accom from a trip through Yelow- turned Mason Mrs. home and panied by and were the guests oi stone Park daughters, Glade and Naomi, who P. spent several days visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnard of this place, Sunday. friends and relatives at Willard. Miss Murial Ipsen of Cedar City is the guest of her brother Gordon Ipsen and family. Mr. and Mrs. b. r. borenson and week-en- d relwith the family spent atives at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hawks of OgMr .and Mrs. Lynn W ood and daugh den were the dinner guests of ter Doris, returned to their home here Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Lafayette Grover. after spending the past two weeks at who is working at Adams, Hugh Park Valley. home Wednesday, motored Coalville, Mr. C. E. Gunnell motored to Lo- to attend the funeral services of gan, Saturday returning Monday. Somers. He returned to work Mrs. Vance Facer and daughter, George , Friday morning. Myrtle and con Boby of Fresno, Calif, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lewis, Mrs. and Veral Wood of Willard, called at and children, and Miss Ruth the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and Ferrey of Brigham, spent Sunday Anderson, C. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wood, Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. afternoon visiting Miss Carma Nelson of Willard is Owen Cheney. the guest of Miss Leah Rock. Miss Wanda Wise of Ogden is visitMr. and Mrs. Joseph Carlson of Lowith Hazel Grover. ing gan have moved here to spend the Mrs. Farnsworth of Salt Lake City rest of the summer at their ranch. is with her daughter, Mrs. Mr. antl Mrs. J. H. Forsgren motor- A. visiting R. Udy. . ed to Brigham Monday evening the officers of J. S. Hansen and son Freddie, were theWednesday Y. L. M. I. A. met at the home of Tremonton visitors, Tuesday. Mrs. David Larson to plan for the Bishop and Mrs. C. B. Gunnell and annual Mothers' and Daughters' Day, L .B. Gunnell, were shopping at which Mrs. is to be held July 31. Brigham Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Grover, in A number of Howell people attendsome of their Fielding ed Union meeting at Garland Sunday. company with a dance Saturday attended friends Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Forsgren and at Idaho. Malad, night daughters, Vaudis and Lois, and Mr. Mrs. Bessie Shuman, of Penrose, and Mrs. Ellis Wood, spent Saturday the past week with her sister, spent and Sunday at Dairy Creek as the Mrs. James Miller. guests of Air. and Mrs. Roy Burnham. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Hawks and The Mises Helen and Stella Carl- children of Pocatello, Idaho, are visitson, motored to Logan, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette with ing They were accompanied by Miss Grover. Wilkes of Star Valley, Wyoming, and Miss Beth Atkinson, arrived home Janet Cowely of Logan. Miss Cowely night from Salt Lake City, to remained at Logan after spending the Tuesday twenty-fourtand the rethe spend past two weeks here, the others re mainder of the week. She was acturned Tuesday. by Miss Louise Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wood and companied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grover were in Tuesdaughters, motored to Logan Logan Saturday and Sunday. day, returning Wednesday evening. Messrs. Glen, Willard, and Lyn Mrs. Wm Andersen and daughters, Larson, spent the wefk-envisiting Florence and Maud, were shopping in with their cousins at Clearfield. Tremonton, Monday. Last Thursday, Marlin Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nissen and left for Texas, where he is taking baby are spending several days tour- several carloads of sheep. ing Yellowstone Park and other places Mr. Elmer Soderberg and Mr. Berg of interest. of Salt Lake City called on Mr. and Last Friday ngilit, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andersen, gave their wedding Mrs. J. W. Larson, Sunday enroute to Lava Springs. dance. A large crowd was present Mrs. John M. Steed, Mrs. J. J. Waland a very good time was had by all. Rulon J. Steed, and Harold ker, Next Saturday night, July 27th, there .SteedMr. of Clearfield, spent the weekis a big dance at the ward hall. end with Mr. and Mrs. David Larson. Every onet is invited to come and Mrs. Steed is company wtih her bring their friends. Mr. Ellis Wood and daughter, Mil- brother, J. H. Wilcox of Salt Lake Mrs. David E. Man and dred, motored to Tremonton Tuesday. City of sister, went East to Deroit Garland, ning Fred Douglas and Clifford Douglas, where they met Elder Rulon J. Steed, motored to Wellsville Wednesday. who had spent fourteen months as a of number a Monday evening in the Canadian mission. friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Gordan msisionary The to Montreal for a motored party Ipsen. A good time was had by all. short visit then came back to the Watermellons was served to twenty United States, where they visited wtih guests. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Larkin and relatives and friends. Their itinerary Heber Larkin of Snowville, attended included the larger eastern cities and various places of interest. They the weding dance here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Nessen were motored home, reaching Salt Lake City Wednesday, July 17, having been Tremonton visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Wood motored to gone one month. They enjoyed the trip immensely, but were glad to be back Brigham Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stark and in "Dear Old Utah." Sunday, Mrs. David Larson and daughter, Joyce, spent Saturday and and Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Sunday at Bothwell, the guests of Mr. ilarie, Hansen, motored to Clearfield to atand Mrs. George Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Gean Leavitt motored tend the funeral services of Maureta Roberts. to Tremonton Tuesday. Mr. Alva Rhodes is the proud Mrs. Fred Douglas is visiting with owners of a new Chevrolet sedan and friends at Wellsville. Mr. C. E. Wood and Clifford truck. at BrigDouglas, spent the week-eni- Tremonton, Utah o, Rryer Ogden visited relatives here the week-enA number of Sunday school officers attended the Union Meeting at Garland Sunday. Monday, after Primary the officers surprised the children. They all en- d. Vhen You Think LUMBER v THINK WILSON "Everything to Build Anything" rhone 11. Ruth Standing of Fielding. Mr .and Airs. James Kinghold of Diamond Ville, Wyoming, are being delightfully entertained during their visit here with their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. Y. Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Durfey and family of Wheelon, enjoyed their two weeks vacation in Spanish Fork and Logan Canyon. Mrs. Arthur Adams, of Grace, Idaho,, spent several days with relaHer sister, Mrs. tives last week. Thomas Simmons returned with her to Grace for a short visit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowen and their mother, Mrs. Gene Bowen, are of Mr, and Mrs. A. J. breezes of Logan the guest Saunders. Canyon. Mrs. R. J. Potter is quite sick at the cr.t f Salt Lake, r ewc c Ucnito! In Tiran Mrs. her with visit ,. i- i is having a pleasant vir roeaver uam is a Vbloen Muiuaa ana Mrs. Mr. parents, man busy getting his service ' very son and family. to . supply the public ready station Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. with Shell "400" gas and oil. and daughters thoroughly enjoyed the week. last Encampment in Logan Three stages, showing unhappy pro. WoodMr. and Mrs. John Lefler of of man: Empty; fed; fed up. gress guests land. Utah, were the Sunday One thing Americans have in com- of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lefler. a ucoiid v mon uit.ure m is and Goddard Y. Mr. and Mrs. D. lessons. six easy guest the evening were Friday son, The vulgarities that shock people of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bigler. in public are the ones they enmost Mrs. Tennie Bowcutt is enjoying a most in private. visit with her daughter, Mrs. Bessie joyCommunism will work. All we need Sherman at Buhl. Idaho. a world of people who had rather is a at entertained Seal Miss Norma than get Radio social Sunday afternoon, in give MorAnything called "a necessity in from friend to her compliment every household" is made of tin and gan. of gets out of fix the next day. is Ogden Alice .Saunders enjoying the cool s'6"" T" ! - ; ' ! Mrs. Goodyear Pathfinders ' T wiiers HUSKY NEW PATHFINDER TREADS- POWERFUL SUPERTWIST CARCASS 8 PLY 30x5 33x5 $23.20 $25.60 10 PLY 32x6 $35.55 Fronk Chevrolet Co. PHONE 20 TREMONTON, UTAH Notice to Farmers! We Will Call for and pay cash for dead or useless horses and cows. Just ring Logan 49 and ask the operator to reverse the charges and Zip ! we'll have some one there. Colorado Animal products Co. P. 0. Box 104 By- Logan, Utah Combine Canvases We sell Canvases- for all makes of bines, and binders, for less money. - un oiuck acounter sunk com- earner oeit canvas witn slat rivets are more servic- - Ti able and give genuine satisfaction. Phone us and we will call for the order: Do not wait too long Harvest will soon be on. It will pay you to Investigate. The Famous Osborne and Case line are second to none in quality and price. Farmers Cash Union Phone 35 Tremonton, Utah |