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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, "Who .the man?" few days I noted a vast change In the "Jack Locasia. Have yon heard ef child In was the as if poor It girt claim He's got a million-dolla- r was him? for stifled a long Joy capacity Bonanza." on Into woman being. glowing scow, with the remaining Had I heard of him I Who had not One golden day, with her cheeks went swirling on tnto the canyon For The Month Of July , All this I saw, and so fasclnatel softly flushed, her eyes shining, she heard of Bluck Jack, his spectacular his meteoric rise, his me. to plays, I poker turned was I that I forgot our own peril. 2 Extra Shampoo's and Finger "Oh, I could be so happy if I only theatric display? heard a shrill scream of fear; I saw went she course "Of he's married," chance I had If the Waves with every Duart pera only the solitary woman crouch down In had chance. on Irrigated Land. 6Vfc per so on. "but that doesn't matter up here. take would It have. other girls her of bottom the scow, burying the manent wave for $8.00 at as a Klondike cent. No commissions. face in her hands; I saw the scow tit tie to make me the happiest girl There's such a thing a home, a tnarrhige. Anyway, he wants me." rise, hover, an then plunge down in the world just to have JOHN J.SHUMWAY ."Cut you wouldn't, Eurely you was sun all where borne A plain, simple ward Into the angry maw of the canBell, 129 B. rl V. 69.a-2- ; . wouldn't Phones: shine and peace; just to have the yon. Bell Phone 132 Romance on me She eare-freturned Garland fiercely. to be commonest comforts, The river hurried us on helplessly. me for? do "What be Surely take you We were in the canyon now. About to love and he loved. That would you know me better than thi.t. Oh. and went on : midway was a huge basin, like the enough." She sighed you almost make me hate yon." "Then if I might have books, a IU old crater of a volcano, sloping upseems lit" it Vainly I tried to soothe her. whisflowers oh, ward to the skyline. tie music, I by ROBERT V. SERVICE pering: Here was a giant eddy, and here, a dream of heaven; as well might "Oh, my dear, tell me all about It circling reund and round, was the sigh for a palace." I'm toi too fair could be sorry, girl, I'm sorry." "No woman palace scow. The forsaken runaway went on in her fierce, excited She Some noble. too no prince you, Berna, Illustrations by Irwin Myers was still crouching on It Keen clear of that scow," I heard day, your prince will come, and yon way t "He came to the restaurant In MO. U.i-- .AT. Off. some one shout "Avoid the eddy." His He me a watch used to lot Ill-fWW Bervlo The too late. was almost It eyes were always following me. I was ed scow snun round and swooped CHAPTER V afraid. I trembled when I served him. down on us. Jim and the He liked to see me tremble, It gave a desperate strain at the oars him a feeling of power. Then he took It was spring when we set sail on gave two scow I saw the swirling past, just to giving me presents, costly gifts. I the sunlit waters of Lake Bennett feet from us. I looked again then Indeed And so wanted to return them, but she I QNever had felt glad. of horror I saw ""it was a vastly merry mob that sailed with a wild panic wouldn't let me, took them from me, that the crouching figure was that of with us, straining their eyes once put them away. Then he and she had Berna. more to the Eldorado of their dreams long talks. I know it was all about it must have I remember jumping me. That was why I came to you that Yet, under all the mirth and gayety. in I half landed been Ave feet and night and begged you to marry me you could feel, tense, ruthless and half out of the water. I remember trail. of the to save me from him." dominant, the spirit a moment, then pulling myOnce more the clinging "But he can't get you against your Klondike or bust! self aboard. I heard shouts from the 1 cried. will," slogan rang on bearded lips; once In as the current swept them smoldered in their others more the gold-lus- t no! but he'll never give np. "No! to the canyon. I remember looking Is and of all women he relentless lie eyes. The old primal lust resurged. both round and cursing because wants nie. He would break me on the Of all who had started out with and lost overboard, been had sweeps wheel of dishonor. Oh. God !" us but a few had got this far. Of lastly I remember bending over Berna were far Hewson and Her face grew almost tragic In Its Mervin these r and shouting iu her ear. 1 in front, victors of the trail, qualified despair. 1 "All right, I'm with you!" "I'm all alone, friendless, a poor. to rank with the Men of the High For a moment she stared at me un eirl. No. I'm wrong. I've one weak North, the sourdoughs of the Yukon half-sobelievinulv. Then, with a were ahead start death ; and I'll die, I'll die, 1 friend Three days' valley. half-crof joy, she clasped her arms It, before I let him get me." swear the Winklesteins. her in tinhtlv around me. Something I kent a keen lookout for them and I was terribly distressed and at loss look, something in the touch of her how to comfort her. every day 'I hoped we would overtake slender, clinging form made my heart their scow, for constantly I thought exult "Hush, Berna," I pleaded, "please of Berna. Her face, so wistfully ten don't say such things. Remember you Once more we had whirled off into a friend in me, one thut would der, haunted me, and over and over The "Holt" Combined harvester saves more grain than have were we more once the main current: Due to having experiin my mind I kept recalling our las' in that to his in you." do help power anything any other combine on the market! roaring torrent The water more gram they me a moment of looked at She meeting. methods us various whirled getting with mented smashed and battered us, "Not Even a Beggar Will Seek Me, a "How can you help me?" At times I blamed myself for let and blowing In us shoving, lashed a beating, heavy now pulling, along relentlessly, have perfected Poor, Nameless Girl Traveling in "By marrying you. Will you marry machine. ting her go so easily, and then again sprays; yet with closed eyes and other process not to be equalled in any the Train of Dishonor." t was thankful that I had not at thudding hearts we waited. Then me, dear? Will you be my wife?" ! with a "Holt" Combine is on when If my "No! I wouldn't marry you you lowed my heart to run away Grain is gold Especially suddenly we were sweeping along will give him that great love I told wonder to and sold wastes are In saved the was man I left world," are the were beginning last head. For tne job for extra bushels smoothly, and on either side of us you of once." cried halts waste! Holt she The if I had not given her my heart, giv vehemently. swelled. are reduced. Profits the valley sloped In green plateaus Swiftly a shadow came Into the en It easilv. willingly and without re I tried to be calm. "Why?" to DO IT the smiling sky. up Don't wait until harvest to buy your machine serve. And in truth at the idea 1 felt bright eyes, the sweet mouth curved and anus "Why ! why, you don't love me ; you peeied I unlocked stock my in a stranire thrill of joy. The girl NOW! We have machines for immediate delivery don't care for me." hid pathetically. half face to where her lay down a me. lovseek will "Not even a beggar seemed to me all that was fair, at Logan, Tremonton and Salt Lake City. I do Indeed, "Yes. I do, Berna. den on my breast nameless little girl traveling in able and sweet. poor I so care Care Well, for reach you! girl. "Thank God, I was able to the train of dishonor." We were now skimming over Tag-Ismuch that I beg you to marry me. !" &" you sun of a sad dead a had the blazing all She sophistication calm, lake; Since the monieut I set eyes on you. Yes. thank God!" she answered We with it an invinca seething mist of mosquitoes. the yet born, lowly DEALERS I loved you. Long before I ever met it was all ible sense of sweltered In the heat; we strained, faintly. "Oh, I thought purity. vou. I loved you. I was just waiting - Tremonton with 1 it died fear, Logan, Utah over. we nearly Nephi Salt Lake City with blistered hands, at the oars; Once I asked her: vou. waiting. Since the beginning for Idaho for God you!" and Malad, Thank terrible. was Treston oth a thousand like toiled becursed and "Berna, if you had to choose of time it was all planned that I should We But she had scarce spoken when I tween death and dishonor, which ers of that grotesque fleet love you. And you, how do you care river; we were realized with a vast shock, that the would you prefer?' entered the Fifty-mil- e She stood un to hear my words were We over. from was far in a giant valley; tier after tier of danzer answered she of course," "Death, would not let me touch her, but She along helplessly in that nromntlv. benchland rose to sentinel mountains hurrying physical "Death's easy; was a great light In her eyes, there tne I heard fierce current, and already of austerest grandeur. death ; compared with the other, com Then she snoke and her voice was the of burden of roar rapids. our beast was Squaw The river with moral death. vibrant with passion, all Indifference Then "Be brave. Berna," I had to shout pared now, a tireless, gentle beast. was very emphatic and angry She gone from It me. Trust were all be we "we'll as sweeping one evening right again; hazarded demur. me for my with flown the placid river, the current dear!" (To Be Continued) Nevpr was such a brave spirit so de She was staring ahead with dilated termined In suddenly quickened. The banks were In so upright goodness, v VMViintr mn lone astonish a country sliding past at a strange speed. Swirt-leyes of fear. Yet at my words she and 1 blessed her for her un we whirled around a bend, and became wonderfully calm, and in her purity, can so auickly adjust itself to a that words. model. new flivver there we were right on top of the face there was a great, glad look that faltering We were dreamers twain, but while A Hhprator Is one who suppresses dreadful canyon. Straight ahead was made my heart rejoice, bne nestieo mv outlook was cav with hope, hers what seemed to be a solid wall of to my side. those who formerly suppressed his was dark with despair. Since the epi crowd. no have to looked river rock. The We took the rapids broadside on, sode of the scow 1 had never ventured fiimtia Ji!kj intellectuals, but they outlet; but as we drew nearer we hut the scow was light and very to kiss her. but had treated her with narrow chasm was a sav "yokel" in that withering saw that there can't strong. Like a cork in a and courtesy. ours have. in the stony face, and at this the we tossed and spun around. The a curious reserve, respect way Indeed, I was diagnosing my case, water was rearing and charging witn roar of doom was In our ears. Thud, If I loved her, affirming, wondering an anery roar. our us to crash, roar, sickening OUR of mete a very see-sarinnhtinz.on All at once I 1 was In the bow. leaping, beaten, batlurching, hearts; I for felt with her When termination. saw directly In front a scow strugtered . . . then all at once came -- m III 4 1.U In her a her an intense fondness and at times 1 i elinc to make the shore. Jl pi i CKthttcommti'J "calm; we must be past; we opened tenderness. nn almost women Irresponsible AtVfl an there were three people, two our eyes. 71 Was 1 In love? Poor, fatuous fool! I and a man. I saw the man jump out were again sweeping round a I We more than everything wnnted her scow with a rope and try to snub the bend In the river in the shadow of MAKE GOOD OR WE DO to a tree. Three times he failed, a high bluff. If we could only make else in all the world, yet I hesitated the asked question myself running along the bank and shouting the bank but, no! The current and Co. Hundreds of boats and scows were hurled us alone once more. There 20 Phone Utah watched we and Tremonton, the rapids, about two hundred yards away, were running an untiring fascination. thPin the dreaded Whitehorse rapids. That was the most exciting spectacle "Close vour eyes, Berna!" I cried, in the whole world. The issue was Masseur as and bottom. on the Tray "Lie down Chriopractor life or death, ruin or salvation, and Bank Building you never prayed before." from dawn till dark, and with every We were on them now. We both few minutes of the day, was the Office Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 to 3 dropped down in the bottom of the breathless climax repeated. Lvery scow, and she clasped me so tightly day were bodies dragged ashore. The I marveled at the strength of her. Manufacturers of the Famous rapids demanded their tribute, 'ihe I felt her wet cheek pressed to mine, men of the trail must pay the toll. "PRIDE OF UTAH" her lips clinging to my lips. It and moment a When You Think dear, "Now, just FLOUR Soon 1 knew that Berna and I must HARDWARE will all be over." It came. later two but and nights in the World" part, Once acain the angry thunder of "The Largest Retail Implement Dealers p. were sitting by the river, l remem Also all Kinds of Mill Stuff. nose them scow took the waters. The Tremonton, Utah The Best Mill in the Bear ber, a little way from the boats, as Phone 90 on, riding gallantly. Again we were "Everything to Build Anything' and with hands clasped, silent snt she River Valley. tossed like a feather In a whirlwind, Thone 11. it was as if the shadows that for a wrath. We to wrath from pitchforked little had lifted, now enshrouded her Highest Cash Price Paid for each otner convulsively. with a clutched gloom. greater Would It never, never end . . . GOOD WHEAT "Tell me your trouble, Berna, then . . . then . . . wtde her eyes head, shook her She It seemed the last had come. Lp. na If trvlne to rend the future. Near the Depot We seemed to hover p went tin Hoi-lanUtah 11 ioonsn!! my nc: noth Its only if over a uncertainly, tilted, It wouldn't help I tell If you, ness. we ilippea Dizzily yawning gulf. mo nv. And then It doesn't matter. stepnlv we plunged down. I You wouldn't care. Why should you I faint felt the girl gave up all hope. How long it seemed I i paro'l" in my arms. She turned away from me and wlshpd for the end. nhsorbed In bitter thought BPPmed Then, swamped from, bow to stern, "Care! why, yes, I would care; I brohalf turned over, wrecked and You know I would do any An rnre. ken, we swept Into the peaceful basin world to help you. You in the thing of the river below. must tell me, Berna. It will worry . Indeed if VOU don t for lined up Roats and scows were Once more she refused. I pleaded miles along the river shore. On the en Also all kinds of Fire and outfits lay drying with her cently. I coaxed, i hnnks water-soakewas yet She reluctant, very treated. We. too, had shipped in the sun. Automobile Insurance Yielded. much water In oar passage, and a nt lust she "Well, if I must," she said; "but few days would be needed to dry out Apply Jt' nil no sord d. so mean, I hate my again. self; I despise myself that I should Madam Wlnklesteln I found surnrislnely gracious. Wlnklesteln, too, have to tell It" Secretary and Treasurer She kneaded a tiny handkerchief rind conveniently forgotten our last her in fingers. nervously me to the interview, and extended Garland National Farm Loan "You know how nice Madam Winkle-steln'- s I was paw of spurious friendship. me Association been to me laely bought free to see Berna as much as I cnose me trinkets. Well, Thus it came about that we new clothes, given GARLAND reason she'f got her eye on rambled among the woods and hills, there's a me." man for a picking wild flowers and glad almost I bit my lip. In these with the Joy of children. frantically. I saw one of the women jump for the shore. Then at the same lntant the rope parted, and the TNHQ: Unlimited Money to SPECIAL LOAN OIF Northland Myrtle Holmgren r Kill pine-fringe- d Ben-npt- COMBINED Jam-wago- r HARVESTERS n iMR .sW If I : A Different Process Of Separation y L ANDES COMPANY The Baldwin The Most Economical Harvester. mill-strea- J CHENEY WEEDERS 1 1 The World's Greatest Tillage Implement 1 -- other Cheney weeders are replacing every of style of tillage implements in a large part North America. Fronk Chevrolet Dr. Wm. Eli Hawkins Garland Milling Company Con. Wagon & Machine Co. THINK WILSON Reliable d hair-poise- Watches d Federal Farm Loans at Interest Rate SPECIAL PRICES 5 Come In and See wim AT THE BEST PLACE IN THE WEST. THE MORE YOU SWIM HERE, THE d MORE YOU'LL WANT TO. Them JAMES BROUGH UDY HOT SPRINGS U11 Tremonton Utah |