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Show I THINGS YOU VALUE ?.re best kept whore no harm can come to them. For $3.50 a year you can keep them in our clanger-proof safe deposit ' vaults, where every enuven-ieuoe enuven-ieuoe and comfort arc afforded you aod obliging attendants are pleased to serve you. UTAH SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. No. 235 Main Street, i Tn the business heart. I Open for Business. Xot closed, as reported, but running with a good force of men and in a position po-sition to do all classes of work in the foundry. . Machine and blacksmith line nt reasonable rates. Wc also have in stock a large assortment of structural steel. IIYKUM A. SILVER FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO. Doth phones 3003. EXCURSION TO. 0GDEN ' Via O. S. L. Monday. Kith, for Nelson-Clifford Nelson-Clifford boxing contest. Round trip $1.00. Special at 7:00 p. m. Four other trains. Irfjoee Iioaf Devices. Tribone-Tlfiporter Ptg. Co., GG W.2nd So, Blank Book Making. Tribuno Hoporter Ptg. Co., 6G W.2nd So. Legal Blanks. Tribune-Reporter Ptg. Co.. 66 W.2nd So. Good Printing. Tribune-'Reporter Ptg. Co.. 66 W.3nd So. Vienna Ba&ery, Makers all kinds of Bread. Ask your grocer for it. None better made Vienna Walnut Bread. Ask your grocer for it. Kvory loaf of ROYAL BKTCAD cnincH from the cleanest bakery in tho Woat. Chicago Cleaning Co. Ladies' and Gents' clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired. No connection with any other firm in city. P amoved to 37 P. O. Place, four doors west of P. O. Bell Fono 2607. Ind. Fone 2083. BlcCoy's Stables. .CarriBfits and light livury. Phones 81 Tribune Want Ads. Bell phono 5201. Ind. phono 3G0-34S. Kodak Finishing. Salt Lako Photo SuddIv Co.. 142 Main St. In the Eyes of the WIbb J!? Vienna Bakery bread is always tho i "best.'" Ask your gTocer for it. |