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Show ipIVE YEARS' BATTLE JB FOR CONVICTION FAILS f'KtSAN' FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. After a '.battle for conviction lasting over five 'cars In the courts of San Francisco, the i-l prosecution In the cases of nged Jacob MEpplngcr, Joshua and Herman Epnlngcr LBand James Dcmmlugs, charged with ob-a'nlnff ob-a'nlnff money under false prctcncco In 'rponnectlon with a big whoat deal, was today forced to ask for a dismissal of 4KP16 Indictments against the four men. JTWThl8 request waa made to Judge Ijlw- ittBror Ae 613 1 TJlBtrict Attorney O'Gara "'';Bwii behalf of tho people aud was grant-;Hj grant-;Hj on the ground that all evidence in 'he case had been destroyed In tho great 1 IW ot Apr"' 1006' |