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Show AN ORDINANCE. U An ordinance granting to The Rio 9 Grande Western Railway Company, lia 9H successors and assigns, :l franchise and 91 right of way to construct and operate a. . Hfl spur railroad track on and partially across 9j Fourth West street between First and 99 Second South streets, In Salt Lake City, H Be It ordained by tho City Couucil of 9fl Salt Lake City, Utahi ' 9fl Section 1. A frunchlse und right of way 9B Is hereby given and granted to The Rio Grande Western Railway Company, Its SUCCC5S0IS and assigns, to lay, construct wM and operate a switch or spur standard VI j guage railroad track leading from a con- : vcnlent point on Its railway lino on Fourth West street," and about ono hundred (100) H feet South from the south lino of First I South strew, In Salt Lake City, Utah, and M running from thence on a curve partially jB across said Fourth West street to a point W approximately four hundred ninety-nine (4!.'9J feet south from the south line of said First South street and twenty-five , (25) foet east of the west property Una of said Fourth West street said spur 9 track being opposite a portion of lot S I eight (8), and the north one hundred M I sixty-nine (169) feet of lot one (1), In ! block sixty-four (61), Plat A, Salt Lako M I City Survey. V , Section 2. During the term of this !M J franchise tho granteo shall be subject to VB the following conditions, viz.: (H I (A) That said switch or spur track W shall be laid upon and conform to the es- tabllshed grade of said Htrcet, and If said IB radc is afterward changed by order ot I iho City Council tho grantee shall at ita H I own expense change the elevation of the track so as to conform to tho same. (P.) Whenever said Fourth West H J street between First and Second South 9 I streets shall be paved, then said grantee. Its successors and assigns, shall pave be- tween the rails and for a space of two feet outside of each rail with the same I material as that used In the street pave- W 1 incut. 9 tC) Said grantee shall put In and main- i lain such croaslngs over eald switch or , spur track as shall from time to lima ! be required by the City Council. 9 ' (D) The said switch or spur track ; shall bo laid, and the road operated, so M ' as to cause no unnecessary impediment to I the common and ordinary use of said ' street upon which it Is laid. M I (E) Good and sufficient boxes to con- vey water shall be laid and maintained 9 I in good condition at the expense of said ' grantee in all the water ditches crossed 1 by the said switch or spur track, so aa ; to admit of free passage of water. Section 3. Nothing In this grant shall 9 ' be so construed as to prevent Salt Lake 9 i City in- Us authorized agents from paving. 9 sewering, laying gas or water mains or I pipes, altering, repairing or In any man- ner improving said Fourth West street. 1 but all such Improvements Bhall bo mad ! with as little Injury as practicable to eald 9 1 spur track and the operation thereof. 9 I Section 1. This franchise Is granted 9 ! for and during the pleasure of tho City Council. H Section 5. This grant and all the terms M and conditions thereof shall bo accopted I In writing by the granteo heroin within thlrtv davs from the approval of this ordinance, ordi-nance, otherwise the same shall bo void and of no effect Passed by the City Council of Salt Lako City. Utah. Docomuer 9. 1307, and referred re-ferred to the Mayor for his npproval. J. B. MORETON, City Recorder. Approval this 10th day or December. 1907. J. S. b'RANSFORD. Mayor. State of Utah, City and County of Salt Lake. S3. 1 J. B. Moiatou. City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance granting to the Rio Grande Western Railway Company, Its successor nnd assigns, a franchise and right of way to construct and operate a spur railroad track on nnd partially across Fourth West street between First and Second South 1 street". In Salt Lake City. Utah," passod I by tho CItv Council of Salt Lake City. I Utah. December 0th. 1907. aud approved by the Mayor December 10th. 1907, as appears ap-pears of record in my office. In -witness whereof, I havo hereunto se't my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said city, this 13th day of December. 1907. (Seal) J- B. MORETON, City Recordw. Bill No. 83. wl31l |