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Show Life in Chicago is said to be much divorcesificd. Life insurance is mostly contined to the aristocracy in England. A Lonisville dairyman has been h'ued seventy-live dollars and costs for not putting enough milk in his water. Chinese domestics refuse to go to New Ituland. Talk of their want of intelligence alter that ! During the month of October, about three millions of dollars were exported from thj port of San Francisco. A Manchester, Vt., man has been blind ever since he. undertook: to look into his neighbor's bedroom window. Another Yankee notion is about to-be to-be introduced in Europe. Pullman will ttart some of his palace ears there shortly. The report of a late grand jury in San Francisco ccn.-ures the authorities for permitting immoral performances in. the places of public amusement in that city. Skates are sold to-day forty per cent, cheaper than before the war. Competition and machinery have made the American skates the best in the world. During the past teu months of the year, according to the San Francisco Uall, over two liundred insane persons per-sons hare been sent to the Asylum in Stockton, an average of twenty a month. Devotion to science. Mamma "Ah I you cruel, cruel boy, how could you frighten your dear little sister so? ' The incorrigible "I I only wanted to see if her hair would turn white. " The Mattoon Jovftiul says a candidate candi-date in that district is bewailing the fact on every stump in that district that the "tax is taken off peanners, what we don't use, and kept on whisky what we do." The charges for opening churches for fashionable weddings in New York are going up on account of the wear and tear incident to the crowds, and the damage caused by women standing on tops of the pews. William Martin, an unfortunate inebriate, in-ebriate, was arraigned before a police Judge in Arlington, Mass., the tuber day, and while the authorities were considering what to do with him, he stepped out, locked the door upou the court and spectators, and disappeared. A funny incident occurred at a New York wedding the other day. A pet Skyo terrier, belonging to the bride, slipped, unobserved, into the church after the partj". lie remained very quiet till the end of the service, but, on the po;t-ceren:onial kiss being administered, ad-ministered, it entered his doggish brain that his mistress was suffering an injury, so he attacked the unfortunate groom. l!a'ks, yelps, screams, expletives. ex-pletives. Tableau. |