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Show Must i;e Stopped. Several places in town were visited on Thursday night and yesterday by drunken soldiers, who insulted and threatened a number of persons, and behaved themselves in a manner unbecoming men or soldiers. Among other things, threats were again made that the soldiers' at camp were coming down to clean out the city. These fellows most likely presume pre-sume on the absence of General Morrow, Mor-row, who has been down at Camp Rawlins, and may have some method in their drunken madness in making such threats. But it must be stopped, and wo bring the matter thus plainly before the public and before the officers offi-cers at Camp for that purpose. Citi-tens Citi-tens must not be insulted and assaulted and their houses forcibly entered by drunken soldiers. That quiet may be preserved, and the public peace not be destroyed, we request the officer in charge of camp to take such steps as ho may deem wisest to have this thing stopped. |