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Show Manila First Half Champions In 'M' Men Basketball Final Standing First Half Won Lost . Manila 5 0 P. G. 2nd 4 1 Windsor 2 3 P. G. 3rd 2 3 P. G. 1st 1 4 Lindon 1 4 Manilla toook first place honors hon-ors in first half play of the Stake "M"' Men Basketball League on Wednesday night by winning their fifth straight in defeating the Lindon Ward 36-22. The Lindon Lin-don boys held the score down until un-til the middle of the third quarter and about that time Manila came to life and put on a last quarter "spurt" that put them for out a-Tiead. a-Tiead. This rally during the last part of the game has characterized characteriz-ed Manila's play in all their wins so far. Carter with 14 and Bud Swenson with 13 points lead Manila"s scoring while M. Keetch Lindons high scoring center was held to 9 points. Runner up spot went to the 2nd Ward when they defeated the 3rd 40-30 in a game that was featured featur-ed by the southpaw shooting of Cobbley, 3rd ward center, who "kept his team in the running throughout most of the game by his lopping left hand shots which w-ere puzzling to the 2nd Ward team. The score at the end of the 1st half was 17-10 for 3rd, "but 2nd-put. on a rallv in third and fourth quarters to win the game. Mathews and Smith for '2nd ward each scored 15 points while Cobblye for 3rd also scored 15 points. First ward finally won their first panip of the year and gained gain-ed a tie -with Lindon for the cellar cel-lar positon by taking the measure meas-ure of Windsor ward 25-17. Ash. 1st w-aH forward was allowed to run loose in this game, and he scored 12 points to put his team out a head while his team mates held D. Gillman. the usual high scoring center from Windsor, Wind-sor, to a mere 3 points. The first half scoring honors went to Boyd Carter of Manila with 51 points in five games of play. Other individual records are as folows: Forwards: Carter Manila 51 D. Swenson Manila 47 Ash P G 1st 44 Smith P G 2nd 36 L. Swenson P G 2nd 33 G. Gillman Widsor 31 H. Walker Lindon 24 Loader P G 1st .. 25 Driggs P G 3rd 19 F. Ketch Lindon 17 Weeks P G 3rd 12 N. Gillman Windsor 12 Centers B Swenson Manila 46 Mathews P G 2nd 44 M. Keetch Lindon 44 D. Gillman Windsor 36 Cobbley P G 3rd 30 Fugal P G 3rd 15 Guards Walker Windsor 25 K. Warnick Manila 17 Hicks P G 2nd 15 Harris P G 1st 14 Hensen Walkpr Lindon 11 Scholes P G 3rd 7 Games of the second half of the schedule will commence next Wednesday evening, as folows: 7.30 P. G. 1st vs P. G. 2nd. S.30 P O. 3rd vs Lindon 9.30 Manila vs Windsor. |