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Show j Scouts Mark 34th Anniversary 3 I f - ' V I t ' ' i , , - J ' ' ' 3 I i J ' 1 f I - ' I ; J " ' 1 1 ' ',. sifj-t j More than 1,600,000 Boy Scouts, Cubs and their adult volunteer leaders will observe Boy Scout Week, Feb. 8 to 14, marking tho 34th anniversary of the founding of Scouting in the United States. Since 1910. more than 11,400,000 American boys and men have agreed thai "It's Great to be a Scout!" a FDR draft: I hope Americans . j will figure out for f -' themselves audi- - - tional payroll sav- ,. j Ul -FDR j n Payroll savings is It-. olrr greatest single A factor in protecting ? ourselves against in- (.'U.'.-?'l Nation. Mrs- Eye-Strain is the Cause of Many Physical Ills Like: HEADACHES DIZZINESS SICK STOMACH TIRED NO PEP For Good Health Have Your Eyes Examined TODAY E.N.WEBB .'owl-;- .v O'lt iM'i -t; ist r.'nv. ct-.vc: .',:. i: PI A fill&BP i LH 3 tj U1U if i ' ' , ' ' 1 1 ' C ' X V A , 1 i ( i , f - ' - J ' J 4 ' U - V - . - li i -I l S f N4v-. :.' J&l ; V ' I " "V " J I' fri ' 'I . i "j ' . ' .- :,) , " ' ' ' -7 ' V . j'-'i 1 ! 1 , ' !i i I ,. i -: - i " - : i V Bhnhy yew tokrs povf! C0 yi,i; rci.icin'.cr tliat soldier you saw on ii,;:iin you arc aslcil to in J V AT 1. 1-AST (INR ' the I, us v-.-illi liis arm in a cast? Do you i.xniA 1 1 1 Nlim.ii doi.i.mi VAl( in. no. A Scries recall 1 1 1 -t sirlor you saw lioljhlin;' down ii War Saviii",s llond will cost you only the sircct on a. cane? Have you noticed $75 and you get back at inalmily in ten the list of casualties printed from time to years $1 for every S3 invested ; lliis is tho time in this newspaper? lenst you ciin do. Invest more if you pos- W'liiit. you :ire asked to do, compared to silly e;i n $200, $300, $100. Kememlier, it the hoys who ;ire really in it, is easy. Hut all comes hack with interest. i your job is mighty important, too. Once So piny siii:ire- do your share. Ill; lint if ThU ll in r.fii'.ill U. S. 'Iieaiury I'l vr t iltnitnt i)re,o,til un'lr (h niir ill Tniiry I )r rarlmfint inJ Wnr A ilvnrl it in Ditinoll. I WANTED I t HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Bonos. Wool. Hides. J Pelts, Furs and Dead or Useless Animal:'.. Pelt J Prices Paid fov Do ad or Useless Sh.-op- Prompt J j X Sorvicf. 5 If Utah Hide & Tallow Co. j PHONE 88 1 In oo Miles West of Spanish Fork Vv' (? |