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Show American Fork Locals Mrs. E. C. Uevitt spent, .Saturday .Satur-day and .Sunday in .Salt Lake City visiting with her daughters, Mrs. II. J. Parker and Mr:;.' E. ri! Dean. The First ward f:walrk:al 'lonmiiUee held a surpri:;;.- birthday birth-day party la:;t evening (Thursday (Thurs-day in honor of Mrs. pearl Chosnut, Mr.s. Mildred Mecham and Mr.s. Lillian Webster. A hot supper was served and games played. Thirty persons were in attendance. La (,'onda Mr.s. Pearl Chesnut was the honored guest Wednesday night when the La Conda Club members mem-bers surprised her at her home. The occasion was Mr.s. Chesnut's birthday. A hot supper was served and 500 played with the prize being awarded to Mrs. Jay Conder. Mrs. Harry Hansen spent the week-end in Salt Lake City visiting visit-ing relatives. Miss Vivian Beck who has been employed in Salt Lake City for the past few months, spent Sunday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Beck. Mrs. Leroy Tanner of Whitney, Idaho, and her daughter Mrs. Ralph Leacock of Edmonton, Alberta, Al-berta, Canada, spent several days last week visiting relatives in Utah. They spent Monday with Mrs. Tanner's father, Eli J. Clayson. Attending the homecoming of Wayne C. Booth in the Provo Fifth ward Sunday evening were Mrs. Robert E. Booth and Eli J. Clayson, grandparents of the returned re-turned missionary. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill D. Clayson and Mr. and Mrs. John Farr Larsen (Ann Clayson) of Salt Lake City, were also in attendance. After church the group with other Provo relatives spent a very pleasant evening at the home Df Mrs. Lillian C. Booth. Mrs. E. R. Gaisford was hostess to her bridge club on Friday of last week. Two tables were in progress and a delicious luncheon lunch-eon served. Mrs. C. J. Gaisford and Mrs. Fred Bath captured the prizes. Mrs. Reginald Jones was a special guest. Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister of Salt Lake City are announcing announc-ing the birth of a daughter at the General Hospital, January 27. The mother, is the former Vilate Boley and the proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Boley and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. McAllister. Mrs. Alex Karren returned Monday from a two weeks trip to Los Angeles and San Diego. While there she met her brother-in-law, Joseph Karren, who had just been transferred to San Diego naval depot. Mrs. John Myers, Mrs. D. H. Adamson and Mrs. L. P. Adam-son Adam-son were in Salt Lake City Thursday to attend the funeral services of their aunt, Mrs. Lollin, 95, who passed away recently in California. Mrs. Lollin was the sister of the late George Myers of Highland. |