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Show URGE CLEANLINESS IN DAIRY Mechanical Milker Admits No Dust or Dirt, but Must Be Kept Scrupulously Scru-pulously Clean. Muoh is said of the cleanliness of milk. Most people like to use a pail in milking that has as small an opening as it is convenient to milk into. The mechanical milker has no opening that can admit dust or dirt into the milk except where the milk is taken into the tubes. These can be packed with clean cotton if necessary, thus preventing the entrance of dilt or dust. But the milk taken into the machines ma-chines may be contaminated by the dirt left in the machine from Hie x v s s . " - s 1 s . ; i . , x ; 4 ' i Dirt Cannot Be Kept Out of This Pail. former milking. This makes it Imperative Imper-ative that the milker be well cared for. The milk separator should receive no more careful cleansing than the milker. After milking it is a good plan to dip the teat cups in cool water and allow the machine to pump water through the tubes. AH parts Bhould be scrubbed with a brush and washing soda and then rinsed. The metal parts may be well sterilized with steam and the rubber parts kept suspended in a solution of 11 pounds of salt and five ounces of chloride of lime in 10 gallons gal-lons of water. The solution will have to be changed every week, and it is well to put in an extra ounce of chloride chlo-ride of lime every other day. When proper care is taken, extremely extreme-ly clean milk can be gotten with the milkers, some dairymen producing certified milk with them, but on the other hand, if no care is taken to keep the machine clean it will prove to be a collector of dirt. |