Show OUTLOOK FOR FOOTBALL FOUS FOUR GOOD TEAMS ARE ABE AL READY ASSURED games with butts butta and denver tennis teams EX expected pecked students elevens at provo and logan kogan with the advent of 0 september the ambitious A rn bilious younk young pigskin pig skin worriers wor riera 0 of f the city have begun to let their hair grow long lone and to practice falling ailing dox down it 0 lairs and like invigorating and toughening exercises in preparation for the coming season csome some of 0 the more ambitious may begoon kicking the long suffering oval about the vacant lots of 0 the city almost levery evening but little active work has been dono done asyet as yet by any of 0 the bis big teams so it 11 li A a wile early t to prognosticate na all to championship possibilities I 1 I 1 ties that there hilll be four fAur strong teams lit III the field la Is however certain the crescents champion champ ionn 93 95 and 96 the Y AL C A champions ot of and 94 H the university and the high school all will present unusually rood gond elevens and all ALI four our will nill be in evidence in the cha championship maion race from provo cornea comes tile the I 1 rumor af pf p a team of strong brigham young toune academy coys who expect to rive give the salt ankers ln leers a rub for or the while lille the agricultural college and B I 1 X college at logan and the 7 M C A at ogden will also put teams lit in the field that there idill M be two or more ble big with ith outside ou teams seems seem certain tain the butte athletic club Is trying to arrango for foi a 0 gamo game here late in october or early ip ap november on ell its nay AY to denver where it li 14 1 4 to play the D A C manager my ay of ft the crescents Is 1 in correspondence with the butto butte team endeavoring tb make definite arrangements range ments tor for tile game eaino it if the denver team plays gamo game in ili butte butt a pame game will probably bly bo be secured mith n ich it in this city the crescent leadville athletic rame fam on thanksgiving day Is regarded as a certainty these theme big games eames with the struggle at for the city and state championships will aford afford aford a lively and interesting bea beabdon soll manager may of the crescente was I 1 1 at work list last week getting his men to pother kother and to secure a hall for or evening practice beginning this week regular practice will be gone through three t timo a a week find and the team will endeavor s to t get in shape tor for practice games gamce with some of 0 tho the 0 other the r teama of the city by the tha middle CI 0 f last las t of the month the Y il C A eleven enters the arena for tho first timp in two years lt year by a complication or oc clr chr curtis fences no association team was put in tho the wilt but this year tho the wear of db F of 0 the arlan triangle le have gone to work 1 with I th a vall and it ili safe iao to say that they will present a strong front to their opponents mana manager cr axton states that I 1 the he lineup line up will I 1 be BC considerably charged changed from arom that of two years aso ago both hy by the addition of now blood an and a up f tho the old men who remain main on tho the team As aa to the at the but little 15 f known as 94 9 4 yet it it tit la belle believed sed however that a good gond team will be put forth and one which will kp k p up the reputation won by the varity Vari vity tv boarn team last 3 par ear tile mill start out W with ith better prospects cla thin than for everal years yeara rust they will liae haie more in the line than before and in addition it Is rumored that there A ill be memo surprises for their opponents in the men behind the line the high school opens next week for the fall term and active milt begin by the football men immediately |