Show SUGAR TESTS regulations governing them announced by the government washington WashIng tori sept 5 abe treasury department has reported the regulations governing the sampling and classification of imported sugars a and ad molasses under the new tariff law and they will be formally promulgated tomorrow one of the principal and most important changes made in the old regulations which were made in Is a provision pro vi slon requiring that the resample of sugars shall be I 1 taken at the time the original sample 0 la is taken this pr provision 0 giblon has been expedient to pieve vant nt any suspicion of irregularity many new pro provisions v ismons eire are also included in the regular regulations ions with the object of securing uniformity at the dIf different terent laboratories where sugars are tested As soon its as the change can bo be made only the halt shadow will be employed in making tests teats instead of 0 the color instruments now in use and all instruments and apparatus will be stan standardized by tho the officials of the coast and geodetic survey in order to secure uniform results the tests for or the classification of sugars have been changed so that the average tests agreeing within two tenths of 0 1 per cent sha shall I 1 govern the classification under the act of 1883 the determining tent teat was tho the lower of two tests testa agreeing within three tenths ot of in a degree this change was made because the present law provides for a sliding scale of duties on fractions of a degree and because it was believed that this method was following the commercial practices pr trees and would bo be fairer to all concerned LOn corned warrant tor for this change w aoa ne obtained obtain 0 d from an opinion rendered by the solicitor of at the treasury all that portion of the regulations lipply applying to polarization by chem lits ts to la new and it Is a believed by the depar department t merit that it will give the government the benefit of methods w aich have greatly improved since the net act of issa the regulations weis prepared by a committee of experts which included the chemists of the agricultural department part ment officers of the internal revenue bureau and experts of the coast and geodetic survey |