Show royal the food feed pure ha hatorne bole tonne jomo and oa 04 pal absolutely pare ROYAL al 6 11 co beof wee frew vom rem OGDEN AND RETURN ONLY 01 L sunday Sept dittli by the tha oregon short line drive up the canyon and sinner dinner at the hermitage only 75 cents additional LABOR LABOK DAY rs for Gartl eld beach bach will leave at 1016 1015 a m ta tsi 6 so and 7 p m round wp trip baab batby bath ling dancing dui clDE a 11 ap 71 OUR FALL STYLES OF STIFF TJ S NOW ON DISPLAY our celebrated stiff hats equals any SOO hat in market for style and quality we also make a specialty on an excellent 0 STIFF HAT gat in the latest r fall all blocks splendid value A general line of SOFT HATS in all the latest latea designs call CA and inspect our hat department M f r U r ali af 0 jiji WHY NOT HAVE WE HAVE oil OH FIRST CHOICE HAND A pink blue RON IRON creain biown copper bolor md combination BEDS colored ALL BRASS TRIMMED and A a magnificent line of BRASS BEDS DS designs new this hta oft sots never nev j bet shown bbown in any aay market PRICES TO ro henry dinwoodey Dm woodey furniture company 31 A P 0 L I 1 LO etke A GOOD TEMPER SHEDS A brightness everywhere no 0 ua I 1 0 every co 09 variety 00 of 00 faff V cd 11 1 1 1 dress 0 00 goods CO I 1 1 0 0 at 00 Z C M Is adv prices ai 1 0 lower no OP than CO 0 the no lowest si Z C M L T supera G WEBBER nten dent CO 00 00 0 0 |