Show WORLD OF LABOR thela theis there a glass flass lamp wick air Is to bo be photographed belfast plumbers won on egypt exports sugar to america prussia announces e sawdust brickei china has cotton fp hindlea ft ft tallow tall fail river nil get together now york is to PV havo 0 a labor temple tempi england has 1500 unto union n shipwrights ship wrights augusta ga textile workers will organize chicago building laborers get 25 cents per hour the international typographical union Is worth unions of negroes will bo be at washington D C have ton unions ja greater now new york donated frisco sailors donated to the miners all indianapolis city printing must bear the union label label the order of tho the knights of labor will wil bo be twenty eight years old in november anderson ind wire nail makers struck baruck for the recognition of their union ft cleveland seea socialists is kick ick because they cannot hold bold meetings in tho the barll ft ft ft Hod carriers and building laborers will lead tho the chicago labor day procession richmond vv va grocers have zed to protect themselves from m dead beats ft detroit horseshoe rs object to the park board running IL a public rae shoeing shop powderly stion atton dd the annual reunion n of district Dt strict assembly no 49 of k macon ga druggists havo have org organized to exterminate a slap that threaten to cut prices rochester knights of labor brewers have nav declined to joja the Fed federation amilon of labor i waltham Walt bain mass struck for the employment of union men man exclusively boston machinists havo have requested the ma mayor y or to have tho the towns cov tsa now new forry farry boot boat bull built t in boston ha an ariy bylaw bylan by law lan has boen been passes in gait can the shops affected will h have to 0 close i L at 7 p to new we york mid 1 philadelphia ariment workers wor liera have secured by strikes a sub ab mantra increase in waged fall river musicians kick bemuse because a pr providence 0 idenie band has bus boon engaged for th tho a labor day par parade a do ft the hour workday for carpenters carp entera Is now observed in cohly eight cities arid and towns in the united states and canada Scot lands boker held a convent convention lon and demanded that parliament pase p a law limiting a days work to eight hours hourn 0 tho the initiation fee of the amalgam sted society of journeymen plumbers Plum br and GOM gam jitters of new york Js Is to be kaied next month to W 59 ft only 6 per cent et of london trades have an eight hour day literman Li termen with tho the beat organized sed union are among those ft ho he labor longest dublin irs ire struck for the discharge eo of nonunion non union la fc the lord lora allay mayor elect leal thero thereupon upon gave lus his order tor for harness to a union house A week weak after labor day tho th them will open in hamilton oot ont the thirteenth annual session Mailon nc of tho the trades arid and labor congress Conc Tosa of Ciu iada hav tinplate lie workers at now newcastle pa irp been asked to work on ar labor do day have decided to donate the lay day a earnings OUN UW to tho the striking miners the aroha tco tural iron workers union ion ot of now york has decided that her hereafter un after fter there shull be but one helper to earcey every fint lier and one to every twelve dejl the rate for Plumb pra in brooklyn Ls Is 33 3 50 birday a day fo for tight hours and in now new york it I 1 la as a day when now new york plumbers and ru slItters are sent nent by their employers to brooklyn they receive a gay day while when brooklyn men so go to no now york ork to work they aro are only a day don A palmer will begin his crusado for tho the establishment of postal savings banks in br speaker reeds dietrict ditri ct labor unions th ro ut the country and prominent newspapers newspaper fue are enlisted in the movi mant arid and the W C T U of minnesota has ha also passed a resolution irk in their favor on the washington vaSht naton cre union derided not to parade on labor day it was stata that the union believed boll eved tracts nib parades very un csc as the money thus pent lai in ostentatious oaten a display could bo be binl more emp employed 0 y aai by using it tor for the f of the striking miners of the pittsburg PUt burc district ft in of at c a of their hours boure the blacksmiths I 1 iri alio llio employment of a dundee firm struck the men were noting notified that the loe working day was waa to bagi at ti i a to and that ebora would only bo be all an interval Inter L for acine during the duy day the mon men considered ahn bet rearrangement more mor c cla NIU tf r fuad to the taking hwd of amt before t atao boking woking duy day te ie sun enn vers labor exchange started without a cent but sent men out et ing dogwood dog doff wood and basc bruh it btuch th they y made into furni furniture turn am and ILL a foothold they am n now inabu no turing collins arid caskets and aloe alda a box factory at lt cull capacity they are to maho any und nil of bogoa now havo worth of orders booked a arcail ead filio spag a ando nd trl had almo unto union engineers 0 on ke number 1700 7 tho th rn ms tn aa 4 a contend that tho due lion of f th tho working icek cok t tr n hours means t that hat each ann would I 1 d get elx 87 week holiday eel eiery beor on full imy so BO that an employer fm who efto per at al pr us li would ou 1 1111 to P pay an n III every ry 3 year or for war work now performed loris lord james of hereford has hn III hh award in the erbit arbitration ration ban n the northeastern north england railway comm mucy 1 and l their the alio decision of at ahr roboe ro iho h r Ill rat la on li yoe lavara to to 10 the mori for or desrine g 4 minor an and P pilot buarl I 1 ton hour zia la to con I 1 days work each cli day y to alan d I 1 by eiselt thu 1 id to bo be paid at the roto rate of time and a quarter and sr a ti du duty 1 y at the tho rate rat of time and A liuji 1 A full u 1 1 ditan lii Is to be d for any ay time 1 under ten hours tho rho roost most IT important insop her ever ted to the L sh has J guyt vi ITE n n forwar forwarded cled to lord SAll 1 I abury by mr I 1 ir in james in es t r of 0 t the 1 om iv ve cotton S spinners 1 r it Is id signed plumed by tnora anoro ahw chaji 0 0 labor IR a and 07 hour united king d dom every brunch of ind industry briix and yz grecs s the h G r nt to tifa bear rUly cilY 0 o with tho governments ot of the th britto or otheir p now ers era in tho the effort now being mado do to secure ab by y a 1 narce D ment a stable p par A of oc achon ex chango 0 f for 0 gold 1 d and silver A brebt t marvel has as ben beers by tho the ear trans of this co country 1 W largely 9 e ay t through their t gir efforts forte there 1 haa not t only no decline 1 to lot but a advance tn in a eincle staple commod a liy of american markets that staple f of course la Is I 1 labor bor it alo ts has ham not net merel escaped the fall of prices whick which has haa awn tee rit the ilia overshadow ink phenomenon of t tho 1 io modern econom lo nork but it has bin Sheet nIn in mot moat field najt absolute upward movement new york press pres in england whore labor b have ave passed beyond tho the at ataye atti of 0 viola ric N ing a it la is called la sanction ei that at i la t the un union on when if fe linit an employer r lt allowed 1 I w d to pickets just ln I 1 d h his 1 ep r les and tr try to ln in duca tho the wor kipen as they KO go to and from work to join the striker tho the attempt to rant of employers to harass the th tri kem item with injunctions from the courts in carr carrying ving on such buch a in an at tempt to uye use the Govern government mont in the interest of ono one side aldo as aj against the other tho the injunction Injun ollon ought riot not to bo be brought broucht into tho the matter nl at all chicago record |