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Show ARTILLERY MINI service ism TO UTAH SALT LAKE, May 23. The SecoDi regiment of national guard forces which Utah will be called upon to raise under the selective service arnj bill will be five batteries of field ar. tillery, which, with the Fir3t battery Utah field artillery, now organized! will constitute a regiment of field ar. tillery that will bo called Into tho fed. I oral service about September 1. The regiment of cavalry which ttj state is called upon to raise novr 15. I der the volunteer enlistment plan mug be recruited up to regimental va strength and be in readiness for mob. ilizatlon and muster into tho federal ,-service ,-service by August 5. according to . nouncement from the war department Undor the operation of the selects draft, Utah must raise another re ment of national guard to fill out tie Nineteenth division of guard forces to be raised under tho draft process h California, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. At the time it was not known to '. what branch of tho sorvice the Utah men would bo assigned, but official at- nouncement from the war department last night isto the effect that the Second Sec-ond regiment of guard forces to ba raised in this state under tho draft ; law will be field artillery. The orders aro that five batteries , must bo raised to complote tho regi- ment, as this state now has one bat- :( tery organized and a compleet regi- , ment of artillery consists of six bat- t, teries. As there are 190 men in eaci ' battery, the state will have to providj 950 men under the draft system to ) make up her quota for the regiment 0! ') field artillery. l nn K |