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Show THE 4 TlM8-ftEW- NEPlii, UTAH. S, Flora Miner of Fairview was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Barnes. tumumuuuuiiuimiuuuuumiumuutimmiuimaiuuuaiuuumiuniiuiuiia NEWS ITEMS 1 J. E. Memmott went to Leamington yesteday on business. Marion Parker of the Utah TravelRobert Lomax, was in Salt Lake Clinic, was In Nephi Monday ing Friday getting his Christmas supply for the sale of the Christmas of musical instruments. Seals. The following committee was Mr. E. E. Jones of Salt Lake City appointed to take charge of this work visited for a few days this week with in this city: Will L. Hoyt chairman, J. W. Boud, treasurer, Blanch MorMr. and Mrs. Enos L. Jones. gan secretary and Earl Reld and W. Bishop C. H. Grace, is spending a H. Garrett members of the executive tew days in Salt Lake this week tran- committee. sacting business. Mrs. Gilbert Bailey entertained the Social Neighbors club at her home Frl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vickars, The time was spent went to Salt Lake today where Mrs. day afternoon. Victors will receive medical treat- in sewing, followed by a luncheon. ment. They will be away for some The following members were present Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs. I. M. Petty, , tjnie. Dr. and Mrs. T. D. Rees went to Mrs. J. W. Boud, Mrs. N. J. Rees. Bird Mrs. Salt Lake Sunday for a few days Mrs. T. D. Rees, Mrs. K. J. Mrs. G. R. Judd. Special guests June visit. You will want to have the best things to eat possible; thats where we come in. Look over the list, Dates, Figs, Grapes, cranLerries Lettuce, Sweet potatoes, Mince Meat, Nuts of all kinds. And many other items that we cant tion here. Kendall, Mrs. R. L. Batchelor, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. June Kendall were iu Ernest Greenwood and the hostess bait Lake City for a few days this Mrs. Bailey. week. While there Mr. Kendall purchased his stock of Christmas goods. Mrs. Jas. E. Cole, went to Salt Lake yesterday to visit her mother, Mrs. Sarah Mangum, prior to the latter leaving for California. men- Mrs. Earl Claridge left Sunday for Twin Bridges, Montana, where she will visit with relatives and friends for some time. Call and see us. Jas. W. Paxman left yesterday for Beaver City where he will he employed for several days in making some land appraisements for the Federal Farm Loan Bank. ENTERPRISE GROCERY GO. Gee Fellers but Biz is good NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE AT SALT Lake City, Utah, October 19, 1922 NOTICE Is hereby given that James H. Newton, of Mona, Utah, who, on August 30, 1919, made for Homestead entry No. 024753, E NWU, SW'i NEVi. Lot 2, Section 15, Township 11 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed U. S. LAND A. V. Hague, who has been employed as manager of the local Consolidated Wagon and Machine Co, for the past few years, severed his connectwith this institution Saturday. notice of intention to make three-ye- ion Mr. Hague has accepted a position to to the claim establish Proof, land above described, before the with the Salt Lake Stockyards Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi Utah, on the 2nd day of December, Zelda Pay entertained the Sea Gull 1922. class of the North Ward Primary names as witnesses: Claimant The time was evening. Saturday Ada Kay, Ernest Kay, Edward R. spent in sewing. A Kay, John S. Neilson, all of Mona, pleasantly luncheon was served to the Utah. Neil-soGOULD B. BLAKELY, Register following Lucile Foote, Lucile Helen Zelma StephMcPherson, 1922. First publication October 27, Last publication November 24, 1922 enson, Erma Sidwell, Delius Leavett Mrs. A. J. Gowers Mrs. Gideon Sidwell, Mrs. Len Pay, Class leader jMrs Luella Ostler and the hostess Miss Pay. ar (Publisher) This means that your Income must not only cover current expense but must also provide for the demands THE WISE HOU8EKEHPKH has made this her meat shopShe has ping headquarters. learned that upon every occasion she has been served with the best meats the market affords and waited upon In an accommodating manner. It Is upon such a basis that we solicit your business. CITY MEAT MARKET Oeo. W. iua Garrett, proprietor n, The following Nephi people attended the funeral of Mrs. J. W. Adams in Salt Lake City Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Orme, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Howard and Ivan Howard, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Broadhead, Mrs. P. P. Christison. Mrs. Barton Krough, Mrs. Mattie Vickers, Mrs. A. E. Smith, Mrs. J. G. Irons, Mrs. Delia Belliston, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gadd, Mr. Mat T. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs. Hugh Park, Miss Mabel Howarth J. N. C. Pexton, Dr. N. J. Rees, Will L. Hoyt. and Robert Lomax. of later years. the best investments we can suggest is one or more of our One of i They keep your original deposit safe in our bank until you need it and per cent interest on your investments. we pay you 4 EverV child com into the Word endowed ifch,, There is no safer way to have your money working for you and your family. liberty opportanity, and an equal share, o? IP YOU ARE LOdklNA Fno A CU,1H WHERE MFiT.S AftF Alwavc T.,(T T.ar.O TO A COMFORTABLE A GUUD EDUCATION. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart, and Jos. W. Barnes, motored to Fairvlew, Mat Bowers visited in Salt Lake the early part of the week. Thursday uyiMj AM Attorney Henry Adams of Rexburg, Idaho, visited with relatives in Nephi Saturday. wuiiiinuiiiiiK Thanksgiving Next EVERY CHILD IS ENTITLED if the War Jebt Nephi National Bank Special For The Week Novelty Clothes Wringer, Horse Shoe Brand. Guaranteed $4 Ediion Electric Irons, No Better Made Charles H. Dunn DENTIST 6 2 1- -6 J 4 Cllft BmiUinf Salt Lake City Practice, tmduive. of Sclent Utc Piecework, X-r- ay Guaranteed $4.90 Why Pay More- BAILEY FUHKITUHE SUPPLY CO. GOODTXAK SHOE REPAIRING SYSTEM Utah Nephi, Beet Material Vtmi Proapt Mail Order Barrio A Chriateaaem, Prop t THE UNIVERSAL CAR j More than ever A Cheer? Jfio0tr 'or Breakfast And CjOODYea J. A. Christensen so quickly, too! rpt Wrrr the Greatest car Nephi for the money Hot biscuits on trie toLla in a jiffy. No waiting y no dcloy with P'OLE'C Vw The PATENTED HIGH OVEN RANGE' J V for All for thori never anp fr to build it hold fr o0r nigKt witk tk fuel put in the night before. All you rtav to do U iKoke dr?n tK ashw, opn tK drafts, nd tKt cJn will b Hot befor Occasions Emergencies often trite that call for urgent, unexpected pending of money btrt your Income remains about oonctant, unequal to the extra burden. Your only taie'jr therefore li Look ahead-o- pen an ample savings account. an account with this strong: bank. It and will mean at once rifsty for your fund safety for yon. you realize it Trunk of trie joy of warm kitchen every morning, no matter what the weather may be no earl morning trip to the woodshed no fire to build. And remember, too, that Cole' Hip.h Range if equipped with the same Hot Blast Draft that has made Colo's Hot Blast Heater famous tho world oei the draft that burns the coal gas that is wasted in the ordinary range. It means an actual saving of many dollars in our O-Je- n 44S Interest Compounds.! on Eaviafs Dapoait. Senii-An-ntutl- fuel bilL Nephi, Utah ly How's Savings Bank CO. Better drop In today and let u$ explain Cooper, Pyper & Co. ' 1 Where-With- al & TRUST B3 L- Bait Lake City, TTtth - $50 I I 1 on all models Effective today, the price of all the Ford passenger care and trucks are reduced $50.00. This makes the Ford stand out more than ever before as the greatest automobile value on F.O.B. Nephi, the market Here are the new prices: $492.85 $462.40 Touring Runabout Coupe Sedan $636-7- 0 Ton Truck Equipment, demountable $704.95 $543.70 at these prices, includes electric starter and a COMPLETE car. ris We make immdite deliveries. JUDD GARAGE Nephi, r Reduction Utah. |