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Show THE rtMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAfL S, IK LOCAL Holiday Opening prices I am prepared to do your work. I have a full line of all C. J. Pyper, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Gerard ot electrical supplies Suit Lake City are guests this week phone 152-- J. ith Platinum setting UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Boys, Ladies Misses and Children now complete In all sizes and great range of styles. Good warm and comfortable undergarments that give comfort and satisfaction to the wearer at very moderate prices. Mmmm Mmmm mm I Finder notify s. TANLAC PUT HIM BACK ON Dust 2 for 5c. & ii or jam H in nnnr 111 Q) JOBJAYS It will pay you to see M. W. gelson for electric washers. WWII w ARMOR mk hpimmw Man- - DAVIS For Sale a bran new White Sew Machine. Reasonable terms ing "I've never been much of a hand Phone 208 J 3. at praising medicines but I can certainly eay something good for Tan- We have secured the services of lac" said Geo. Davis, 110 Naglee St., Mr. Otis Horton, formerly of the San Francisco, Calif. Grace Garage Co. Yours for service. "I had a bad case of ptomaine poi- Central Motor Co. ioning and it came pretty near lay lug me out altogeter. For three I will buy your old and crippled months I was in an awful condition horses Phone 168. and suffering constantly from diar over and I became weak, all rhea. A Boar kept for service was going from bad to worse. I tried Phoneregistered 168. E. L. Guyld 1st So. 8th everything I knew of but it was be- East. ginning to look like nothing would ever reach my case. For Rent Four rooms and bath. "Then, a friend of mine recom Apply at The Times-New- s office. And it's a mended Tanlac to me. lact, four bottle have made a clean We have secured the services of sweep of my troubles and built me Mr. Otis Horton, formerly of the up to where I feel like a new man Grace Garage Co. Yours for service. I am working every day now and Central Motor Co. when it come to recommending Tan too lac I can't put it strong." For particulars My home for sale. Tanlac is sold by all good druggists bee R. H. Evans. I Two very important items for consideration at this time. Our stocks of Elliotts, Haynes and Veloras, for Men and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell of Salt The Times-NewLake City, and Mrs. Rose Boyer of Rooms for rent partly furnished Springville are spending a few days See L. A. Bailey Sr. this week with Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Bailey Sr. LOST Red bald faced calf about S mouths old; finder notify Hoyt BUY YOCIi THANKSGIVING CAKE Bros. Phone 170 J. AT THE JUNIOR SALE FOR SALE The Hawkins prop WEDXKSOAY. NOV 20TH erty on Main Street, next door to the Luut Pharmacy Co. for particulars AT NEI'HI UKUG bee C. H. Garrett. TUUE 2:00 O'CLOCK Lost a two months old pig. Finder notify Chas. R. Jenkins. - ) Sr. v New crop raisins 2 packages for 35c. Cranberries 20c pound- Mab 5c -- - Matches, 5c Gold an Bailey Mangelson. Pure bred Duroc Jersey Boar kept Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peters have pur chased a home in San Bernardino, for service J. F. Neely. Culif, and will now make tbeir home . LOST A Sterling Silver Brooch, thmo. Pure Nephi home made molasses at $1.10 per gallon. IB o Mrs. L. A. FOR SALE the home and farm of J. W. Olpin and T. A. Foote, left the late Edward Shaw. See E. R. Sunday for Salt Lake where they Shaw or Will L. Hoyt. were called as jurymen in the Feder al Court in that city. Heating stoves and ranges at M. W. SPECIALS for SAT and MONDAY pv and ot ,Mr. during next week mm A Want Ad. Will Sell The Things You Do Not Need You Need the Money Mrs. Ruby Carter went to Salt Lake City Wednesday where she will visit with relatives for a week. vill continue 5. FDOTE I CLASSIFIED ADS I Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Haycock have gone to Mantl, Utah, where they will work In the Temple for several weeks Monday Nov. 27 th our Xmas line will be open for your inspection. Make your selections early, a small deposit will hold them for you until Xmas. Our Sale HAPPENINGS We have handled this line of Hosiery so long in Nephi that most mothers are familiar with the fit, style and wearing qualities of Armor Plate Stockings. The new fall numbers are ever better than ever and at lowest the price in years. Let us show you at the Nephi Mer. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) IS CHEAPER ion to make five-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court at Nephi, Utah, on the 6th day of January, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Walter F. Brough, James L. Bellis-to- n Hyrum Brough all of Nephi, Utah, and John Williams of Mills, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register First publication November 24. '22 ar INTERIOR To make room for our Xmas Goods DEPARTMENT OF THE LAKE SALT AT OFFICE LAND S. U. we will sell 1 $85.00 U. S. Cream City, November 20, 1922. Housework is hard enough when Separator for $75. 1 $95 Electric NOTICE Is hereby given that SamKendall Bros. healthy. Every Nephi woman who is Washer $82.50. N. Fields of .Mills, Utah, who, on uel having backache, blue and nervous October 25, 1917, made Homestead I wish to announce that I have spells, dizzy headaches and kidney or Section No. 021971, for bladder troubles, should be glad to accepted a position with the Central entryNW14 15 Section Township 12, 11; Motor I be to where shall Co, lited this Nephi woman's experience, pleased 2 West, Salt Lake. South, Range Mrs. C. E. Stephenson, Nephi, gave take care of your auto repair work Meridian, has filed notice of intent the following statement April 6, 1917 OTIS HORTON. . "Not only myself but others of the FOR SALE the following housefamily have used Doan's Kidney Pills and from the results obtained, I well hold goods almost new. Prices right. know the value of them for kidney Washing machine. Davenette. Rockdisorder. For weakness and lame- ing chair, 2 dining room chairs. Coles ness through the small of the back, Hot Blast cook stove. Coles Hot Doan's will give pronounced results. Blast Heater. Lots of pipe for both, I ran also stove board. For particulars This has been my experience. office. also recommend Doan's for children inquire at The Times-New- s with disordered kidneys." CARD OF THANKS "On September 22, 1922, Mrs. Step henson said: "Since Doan's Kidney We wish to thank the good people Pills cured me, I have felt splendid. I am glad to confirm tny former of Nephi for their help and sympathy t tatement." t the death and funeral of our bePrice 60c at all dealers. Don't loved wife and mother. Also those who donated the ' beautiful flowers simply ask for a kidney remedy-g- et Doan's Kidney Pills the same that or In any manner rendered us assistance. Mrs. Stephenson had. Foster-Milbur- n J. W. Adams and family Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, ( N. Y. RIGHT NOW IS THE Women Give Out. NE, I ARE YOU MAKING THE OLD SUIT STRUGGLE TO KEEP UP to get the benefit of the U CLOSING OUT SALE YOUR APPEARANCE TIME to quit making suit" "the old struggle to keep up your appearance. !inillinilinilH!;!;ni!!llllll!l!t!ll!llllllll!ll!ll!l!m RIGHT HERE IS THE PLACE to get the new suit that will help you put your best foot as we are liabl. TO CLOSE OUR STORE Mai l mmm mmmml mil mi r 3 A any day BIGGER REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Is best Thousands of Dollars of High Grade Merchandise to pick from L. light globes. Call in and get a supply. We have the globe that lasts. 0 watts to 500 watts. 1 FRANK'S L. Frank, Piopricter. with the best Electrie R. Q. Dorius, Manager Lunt Pharmacy Co. Nephi, i;,;B!i(:,K;;ir!iUii!:"3:;iiiiii;i;3ira;;i;i:ii.in:jn;unir - - Utah. real overcoat or a rea1M an It's built for warmth; it's built for wear; it gives setvice and it looks well. And the best part of the whole business is: It's very reasonably priced. Come in let's try it on today. The Toggery i |