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Show THE I u is BUT SEEKS RETREAT OF SAFETY ing THRONE British Grant Ruler's Request Protection; Political Significance Seen in England Granting Asylum For London. Sultan Mohammed VI fled from Turkey on the British warship Malaya, according to a News Agency dispatch from Constantinople. The sultan took refuge on a British warship In the Golden Horn, which later steamed for Multa, the British naval base in the Mediterranean sea. Violence was reported from Constantinople. Hussein MRsiid, leader of the Turkish Socialist party, was assassinated. As the sultan went on board the Malaya he said he was nut abdicating the throne but was merely gofhg to a place of safety. The Allied high commissioners feared the ruler would be aaelsainated. The saltan hinted that he expects to return to Constantinople as soon as the danger has passed. The sultan was accompanied by six other persons who are supposed to have been officials In the Constantinople administration. They drove from the palace to the water front In a British official motor car. The sultan had requested British protection on 'Wednesday but it was not until this morning that danger made it necessary for him to leave. Destitute Soldiers Will Come to U. 8. Co b e n z. Twenty-on- e destitute former soldiers of the American army, IT of whom were accompanied by German wives and their children, left Coblena for Paris on the way to Cher bourg whence they will sail for the United States with a contingent of other stranded Americana who are being repatriated by the American Relief association in Inris. Eleven children In the party, born In the Riiineland, are being sent to the United States by Kliineland post 700. Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1 Police Baffled Over Explosion Police are working on the Chicago. theory that a bomb caused lie explo sion and fire in a moonshine distillery resulng in the, death of three per sons and the injury of at least nine others. The explosion occurred In a mixed forvlgn quarter of the city, ii molting pot for eleven different nation nlities. Two buildings were wrecked In the ruins of one building, whir was swept by flames, police and fire men found the wreckage of two stills The original report of the firewt was that one of the stills had exploded Later It was learned that former oc enpanta of the building had been slain by bombs and that threats had beet made against the lives of famllies,.whf up to Thursday night, lived in tin structure. The ground floor or tin building, in which the distillery wni located, was occupied by a grocer store and the living quarters of an man who owned It. Hungarian Court Refused Passport Budapest. Count Anton Slgrsv, wh married the American heiress, HarrH Daly, daughter of the late Marcui Daly, one of America's copper Icing has been refused a passport to th United States by the Hungarian po Ik. The count made a formal pro test to the national assembly against the refusal, declaring that his rlghti of Immunity as a deputy were beini violated by the Interference of the po lice. to Leave for Scene of Disaster; Another Big Town Reports Damage; Hundreds Dead. Santiago. Reports of banditry and disorder In the earthquake district, together with news of additional earth shocks and Indications that the calamity hos reached appalling propertions, caused the Chilean government to con. slder the advisability of sending troops to Coqulmbo and Atacama to reinforce the regular garrisons, which are too small to cope with the situa tlon, nnd aid In relief work. Outlnwry broke out Tuesday In the town of Vallenar, the chief suf ferer from the earthquake, where It Is estimated 1000 of the Inhabitants perished while reports of robberleB and holdups came from other places The arrival of war vessels at the northern ports of Chile brought wire less reports of disaster from towns and villages not previously heard from, Including the Jarge town of Frelrlna, augmenting greatly the num ber of reported casualties, which are now variously estimated at between 1300 and 2000 dead, with numberless injured and homeless. President Alessandrl will leave for Valparaiso, where be will embark on the battleship Almlrant Latorre for n visit to the ports stricken by the earth shocks. He will be cccompnn led by the ministers of war and public-workand other officials. Convict Stabs Guards Leavenworth, Kun. In a desperate. but unsuccessful attempt to escap from the federal penitentiary here Joe Martinez, serving a sentence fatally stabbed A. H. Leonard captain of the guards, and knifed foui other guards, two dangerously. Mar tinez was shot by one of the gnurd-anlater taken to a hospital, after hr was found hiding In a coal bunker. d Widow of Cork Mayor Arrested Mrs. Muriel Washinon. wow of Terence MacSwlney former lord mayor of Cork, was ar rested with eight other women mem bers. of the American Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic, while marching before the British embassy armed with banners demandinr the release of MacSwiney's sister, Miss Mary MacSwlney, who is held pris oner In the Irish free state. Mac-SwJne- Greek General on Treason Charge Athens. The and generals charged with high treason as a result of the Greek military disaster In Asia Minor are now on trial. The defending la it j erg at the opening session contended that the court was incompetent and that the accused men ought to be tried by parliament. Tour Die In Hotel Fire Miss. Four persons werr Amory, burned to death in a fire which deP. A. hotel here. stroyed the T. War Secretary Opens Conference Washington. Men Interested in the welfare of young America, gathered from all parts of the United States, met under call of Secretary Weeks to discuss the fundamental questions of national strength involved in the mental, moral and physical fitness of the American people. Practically every college, school or association that has to do with education or with physical was represented. g Steamer Crews Strike Vancouver. According to a cable to the Vancouver province from Sydnev. N. S. W., all the vessels nf the Royal Mall line In ports of Australia and New Zealand are tied up by a strike of their crews for Austra'ian mtes and conditions. The Union Steiimpshtp company of New Zealand, which operates the l'ne his bad 54 men arrested. These men were given 14 days oach In Jail for disobeying orders. hu-La- nd t Pirates Capture Liquor Laden Ship Harding Plans Rail Legislation Seattle. Capture by pirates Wedhav Washington. Armnpementa nesday nltht of the schooner Dntv, been made by Senator Cummins, Re laden with whisky, cost the ownet The Dnly was overhauled, it Is asserted. Just out of Plumber's and Vancouver, pass between V.'(ior B. C. In American wnt- -r fast by ri:lser, whoe crew pod as custom fpTicera. The crew of the Dairy ws r vit nahore on Stuart Island, nrer br, . to reports, and the p(rt l,.ale off with the schooner. TREATY publican, Iowa, chairman of tlie sen it Interstate commerce committee, this week with Prralden In th Harding re'atlve to rhanc-- trnwrtntIon a-- t The pres'ilrnt If It be known some weeks a.'o tbat ar a resr.lt of experience gained fmr t railroad strike, be won', the have soma) recommendations regard in rail leclslatlon to make to Congress r the forthcoming session. re-en- ; COVERING ALLOTMENT i mm m, 7BMl. 7 4 rjs M M n Ira PACKERS PLAN SPEEDY RELEASE OF RUGE MERGER CAPTIVES DEMANDED REPRESENTATIVES OF TWO COR- - FIVE MINISTERS PRESENT JOINT NOTE OF POWERS TO PEKIN PORATIONS PRESENT PROPOSITION TO WALLACE GOVERNMENT Consolidation Would Be Effected by Demand Is Couched In Vigorous langPurchase of Morris Company uage; Declares Missionaries by Armour. Working Under treaty which Fifty Million Has Been Violated Dollars Involved Pekin Measures for the Immediate Washington. A proposal Involving consolidation of the huge packing In release of the foreign missionaries kidterests of Armour and company and napped by Chinese bandits were de.Uorris and company, two of the "big manded of the Pekin government by five" packers, was presented to gov the American, British, Italian, French ernment offfcluls for federal approval and Swedish ministers, who acted un-uunder the puckers act and Sherman instructions of their governments. anti-trulaw. The five ministers, presenting a uepresentntives or the two con Joint note, called In person and incerns headed by J. Ogden Armour, formed executives of the Chines rehead of Armour and public that the continued retention company, conferred with Secretary ol of the missionaries in captivity would Agriculture Wallace for an hour. The not be tolerated by the powers. The consolidation would be effected by the powers, it was said, would be compurchase of the Morris company by pelled to act drastically unless the the Armour interests. It was learned missionaries were released and guarThe financial Interests Involved would antees given for the future safety of total $50,000,000 It was said. the hundreds of other missionaries The plans for consolidating the two in China. great packing concerns according to The note was couched in vigorous reliable Information are In a tentative language. It declared that the misstage and will be left oien for fur sionaries were carrying on their work ther negotiation. The proposal as sniff ta the Interior of China under treat mltted to Secretary of Agriculture ies which had been violated by the Wallace probably will be amended to abductions. meet such objections as might be It is understood that Washinton In raised by government officials under structed Jacob Gould Schurman, the lowers vested in them by the pack- American minister, to impress upon ers act and the Sherman law. China the seriousness of the bandits' The conference lasted more than an activities In detaining foreigners for hour. Later it was learned the pro politcal motives. Dr. Schurman pro posal would also be presented to At- tested only in behalf of the two Amer ican captives, but Joined the other mintorney General Daugherty. Before the consolidation would be isters in a general complaint against effective It was said the deal would interference with the treaty rights of have to be officially approved by the missionaries. Besides the Americans, the captives department of Justice and the departnow Include one Greek, one French citment of agriculture. Following the conference, Secretary izen, one British subject, one Swedish Wallace said thut the proposed deal and one Italian. The French miniswas "too Important to be discussed ter represented the missing Greek. until Its detail were thoroughly The Italian hostage was identified as Father Grinmkli, who was captured In studied." The secretary en Id however, that Anhewei pnovince nnd taken Into Hon-aprovince, where about 10,000 outone phase of it would have to be pass ed uron by the department of agri laws have been holding a large area. The others all are detained in Homan. culture." The bandits have seized the various "One phase of the proposed nego tiations comes under the packers' act, nationals with a view of forcing the and the department of agriculture I'ekin government to Incorporate the would have authority to pass upon It. handits In the regular Chinese army. ald Wallace. "This phase probably Meet of the brigands are dismissed would come under the powers trans soldiers who want reinstatement ferred to this department from the Additional Earth Shocks Felt ederal trade commission. The nego tiations also would have to be passed Santiago. The InhaMtanfs of SantI !pon by the depaitment of Justice tin ago were much alarmed when another slight earth shock was felt here ier the Sherman act. the motion apparently being vertical Girl's Heart Beats After Breath Stops PNpatches from Cop.'apo report tin Redondo, Cal. An autopsy will, be arrival there of a medical and relie' bringing a 1arg(. stock of food performed on the body of Miss D.ette party, and medicines. The medical officer McCammon. l.Vyear-oisenior at the of the party found a number of the local high school, authorities announc In the oren air ia th' ed as a result of the refusal of phy- - injured lying vineyards, as the hospital, which af del. ins to k-- a death certifl-atwhen built In ISIS, had been co4iipIetI she died after an illness of a few ruined. Other vin!ms to the numh' hours. The girl's doctors stated thai of au'fd persons, were hud her heart cont'nued to beat normally died50,Inmostly a motion picture theatre, ladfor fully forty minutes after she ing proper veutila'ing facilities. Tht stopped breathing. patients were In need of most of tin essentials. Texas to Act In Race Clash Austin, Tex. Governor Neff and oth Daring Bandits Miss Pay Roll er state officials had under consideraMarion, III. Two bandits, in a dra tion an appeal from Mexican Consul matlc snd daring robbery, escape' Oenernl Ruts at San Antonio that the nith a mall pouch from the IIMnol? state of Texas take Immediate action Central station here. While fedei-u- ' to protect Mexican citizens at Bretk- - igent were unable to determine exnrldge, Stephens county. The consul actly the amonnt of the loot, they TntTal charged that 300 men paraded It would be small, as the he streets of Breckenrldgs Tuesday missed the main of..ect of thefi alght. insuKlng Mexicans and de daring venture the $70,000 payroll of manding that they Rave town. the Bush con I m'ne. st multi-millionai- n d n Saute F. Officials ef th Colorado river commission expressed the belief that the treaty covering allotment of the waters of the river, already agreed to in principle, will be completed and signed ty aext week. The document, which la the first one of its kind In the history of Irrigation, it was Indicated, probably will be between 4800 and 6000 words In length. The committee of five lawyers framcompact ing the language of th worked until midnight Saturday. The actual work ef framing the luaguage of the compact, it was expected, would be completed jy Sunday. Then the compact will toe presented to the full commission for discussion and revision. Clarence C Stetson, secretary of the comimssion, annonnced work waa progressing in a most satisfactory manner. While th commission 1s awaiting the report of the drafting body, officials of a number of the states in the basin of the river are either hurrying to Sante Fe or are preparing to come for the' final ceremony of signHinckle ing the treaty. Governor-elec- t Scru-ghaof New Mexico, Governor-elec-t of Nevada, Governor Mechem of New Mexico, Governor Campbell ot Arizona and Governor Carey of Wyoming already are on the ground. Attorney General Keyes of Colorado Is n route to represent Governor Shoup, while William E. Sweet, governor-el-o- t of Colorado, will leave Denver for ante Fe to be present at the signing of the compact. m Goodwin narrowly Grover Lewis death when his clothing was caught in a horse power threshing machine and he was literally stripped before the horses were stopped. escaped Vernal Strenuous efforts are being made to secure the cooperation of Governor Charles R, and the state road commission in keeping the Indian canyon road totween Duchesne and Castlegata open this wintei five Vernal egress to the world, to Logan. The result of the county onimissloner's canvass of Cache comity ballots did not materially alter the final result of the election, athouh the figuers inmost cases were jhnngad. Magna. Vilo Wallace Erickson waa nstantly kilted at the Mngnii mifl of ;he Utah Copper, company, where Ve n'as empoyed as oiler, nis clothing raught in the line shaft and tie was hurled in midair and his head struck Jie cemont wall crushing his slinll. Lognn. The city board of hearth desires Logan citizens to have flnt class milk and to that end will eppfal to thn city commissioners to raise tho percentage of butter fat required in ' milk s ild in this city, from 3.75 to 4 er cent. Salt Luke For the first time in history the state of Utah has issued in automobile license plate nuinheerd high as 50,000. The places for .onrracted for some time ago, are to reach Salt L:ike soon, an.1 vill be on hand ready for distribu-lo- n on the first day of January. The state road commisthe state board of corrections, which has control of tho tate prison and as a result of the inference it developed thut the prison luthoritles are favorable to placing two crews of convicts in the field et Salt Lake. Many Nations to Join in Peace Parley Lausanne. The complicated Near Bast situation, which constitutes perhaps the sorest spot now remaining In European political affaire, Is to have wtiat promises to be a thorough liring in the the diplomatic gathering which will be held here. Invitations to the parley, which has eome to be known as the Near East peace conference, were sent In the acmes of Great Britain, France and Italy to the governments of Japan, Rumania, Jugoslavia, Greece, Turkey and the United States. The same governments also Invited Russia and Bulgaria to send representatives here "at a later date" to participate In discussions concerning the Straits of the Dardanelles sne of, the most lmpotrant subjects on the agenda. Four Rail Lines For West Suggested Washington. Consolidation of railroads In the West ought to result In the creation of four great systems, each having terminals on the Pacific or nnd Gulf coasts and at CTik-agSt. Louis. President Hale Holden of the C B. Jc Q., declared at the interstate commerce commission's searing n suggested mergers. H opposed tentative plan of the, commission for consolidation of the Northwest roads Into two systems in such a manner s to separate his railroad and th N. P. 4 G. N. Tiger of France Given Welcome New York. In fighting trim, eager for his campaign In this country, (eorges Cletnenceau, the tiger of y Prance, landed on American soil with high honors accorded bim on every side. Takea off th liner Paris in the morning on the mayor's t 'cht, Macom, demenrean stepped on shore about 10 o'clock and was welcomed to New York: at City hall. Sat-rrda- sion met with n eorlv date to do road work. Salt Lake. The state road commis- sion has received warrants totaling 513,317.91 in payment for the federal government's share of road work as far as completed on the Wildcat can-ro- n nasection of the Salt Lake-ZIotional park highway In Iron county, ind on the road from Marysvale to the Piute county line, in Piut county. Of the total JS800.25 is on th former and M451.60 on the latter project. This was a bnppT farmers of Spanish Fork md vicinity, the Sugar Spanish Fork week for the Utah-Idah- o company paying them approximately 145,000 fortieets delivered in October. Phis is for about 80,000 tons of beets s and represents about ot the two-third- n-o- Spanish Fork Earnest Williams and Richard Jex, two local sportsmen, returned from a hunting trip, having bagged a fine specimen of a cinnamon beor. The animal weighed 670 pounds sfter it was dressed and measured 7 feet 6 Inches from the tip of Its nose to its hind foot. Delta. Attempt was made to hoW op E. K. Wright, ni rht operator at the Salt lake Itoute depot in this city. Two men, both masked, appeared at the ticket window and one thrust a rifle through the opening and ordered Wright to elevate his tiands. Wright roasldered the matter a Jok and toolc the rifle from the pseudo robber. Salt Lake A. C. Matheson, assistant state superintendent of public tnstrne-ioand L. BJarnson of the I'niverslty Utah have gone to Ephralm to inspect the normal school work of th Snow Normal academy. I.eroy D. Oowles of the university nnd I. I WIV Jam s 'in, superintendent of TMntlr school district, have gone to St. George n a similar mission to the Dixie Normal college. n, Giant Bootleg Syndicate Found Chicago. A giant booting combina-Iodoing a J'X.OOO.OOO bnsinrss in all a year was disclosed by federal it thorites here. The hug rum firm, vlth nation-wid- e operations, purchased nore than 200,000 gallons of alcohol, vhlch It made Into whisky and Salt Lake By proclamation GoverIn various parts of the coun-ry- , nor iharles It. Mabey has asked the according to irrohibKlon agents peopi of L'Uih to olwerve th week ef vbo made th invest! gatloa. November 20 27 as "Utah Celery Week." The movement was launched In Steel Denies Combination last year nnder the auspkes of the Washington. If the federal trad Chamber of Commerce of Salt Lake commission ran demonstrate that th City as a Utah Celery Day. lhat ortrade custom of selling steel prodsct ganization has enlarged Its progrnse m th basis of prevailing Pittsbnrg d received the support of th Govprices is da to combination in re- ernor by having an executive prostraint ef trade. Jndge E. n. Gary of clamation Issued. Over 340 carloads the Vnlted States Steel eorpomtioa ef celery will be shipped from Utah tes'.ifi'vl befor the coramlssloa, the seasos. This la over 200 per reat practice ought to be stamped ont as tncrsas la lat year's xport. "not nn'y Illegal, tut unctinorieimMe.' Logs. Tke Utah Agricntoral 8. P. Lets Contract for Cars. lege Is sending Vernon Woolley ot the Fir Damage Packing Plant San Francisco. The Southern Pad xtenslon division to Ulnia county to fbV-nrFire caused a hn of $2.r0, flc company announce, that it had lei 000 (tint th farmers ther in killing nnd Armour of to th fcllllng hog plant a contract for the "Immediate con for the market. It On., perker. The blare, after bnrn-in- z perparin turkeys structlon" of 7000 freight car, to Is esLhunted that Uinta county wtil was for five hours, fs.OOoOOO. furiously total a of The equipcst place over lO.nno turkeys on the mai ment will be delivered dnrin lfl: brouglit under control, with the south set for th ThaAksgivlnj trade. . end of the structure saved. Practically and a large proixirtlon will turned out on tiis Pacific coast. ,' the entire Oricn-fire rtenrtment Salt Ijk City. At th conclusion of : called out to fleht the fire. Hnn- - argument In the cat tu oust C:t refrigerator cars are Included In tli order as the Pacific Fruit Krprcss I ilrod of s ' room s of water were pJry- - ' !v.m ssioncr. Dr. M. B. Stewart. I on which the Soubern Pacirl'3 o ns a the flames, wlibti shot high into ! IndKe G. A. Iverson took tb cast Interest, has a b'.g refr'ger,;lci 'ha air when fed by the combustlf.le m.1ci ad "lseirent. ar building program under wity. Ui at 2TXX) dressed bogs. n d -- jry rot-her- Dedication Day ef Church Changed New York. In order not to conflict vlth the debut of Miss Abby Kocke-eller, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'ohn P. Rockefeller Jr., the dedlca- Ion reception of. the Park Avenue , recently completed, itiptiat clHiri-has been postponed from Wednesday vin'ng, November 22, to the nxl iti.'M. The church, IncJud'-Dithe site. st $i00,000 and be Rockefeller -mliy gave dollar for dollar for every titer contribution made to the bulldog fund. Tests for tubercular cattle Juun and Grand counties have revealed only seven infected cattle according to A. J. Webb, livestock Inspector who did the testing. in San Treaty of Importance to all Western State' In Colorado Basin. Governors of Five Statea Are In Attendance 1 Notes News From All Parts of I UTAH Moab OF WATER TO BE COMPLETED THIS WEEK President Alessandrl Injunction Act Defied Federal Jndre Carpenter Chicago. dismissed the Chlcnjo tmard of traV Mil for an Injunction restraining en forcement of the grnln futnros trnd'ng Chicago Woman to Face Charges regulatory net but con'alnned the stay order preventing enforcement of the Ch'mTo. A half dozen new witnesslaw ondl Its constitutionality had been es agnlnst Mrs. Tilllo Klimek, accused passed upon by the United States su with Mrs. Nellie Stunner of bavins arsenic poisoning, preme court. given her were brought forward by Investigators Turkey Assembly to Try 6ultan Constantinople. The Tnrklah it a Lloyd George Loses Out tlonallst semMy has decided to place London. Former Premier UoyH the sultan. Mohnmmed VL. mi trial George has been defeated In his to 1n a balance of power In alung wRh his ministers on tba charge of betraying Turkey, according to a the next lious of commons oa the rtitfimtoh from Angora. face of incomplete returns. $,17,000. PACT SHAPED OUTLAWS REPORTED ACTIVE IN VALLENAR; OTHER CITIES REPORT OUTLAWRY well-bein- Death Sentence Faces Rebel Chief Dublin. Erskln Chlldera, one ol Bamonn D Valorn'a chief aides 1b the Republican lrroiilnr army, whr was captured by Free State troopi during a raid upon a war councl'. wa arraigned before a court mnrtlal He faces a charged wfth treason. sentence of death. COLORADO RIVER TO HOLD ROBBERS SEEKS SAFETY Declares he is not abdicat- NEPHI. UTAH S. A Feast Conference in the Near West t TROOPS NEEDED SULTAN TIMES-NEW- a -- |