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Show THE NUFH2, UTAH. TIAt&tt-NU- a HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Devotional Exercises for Nov. 17th contained some practical items which were given by the Junior class. Amos should be of interest to every high Chase, Junior Glass President pre- school student. sided. The following program was prepared: Nephi High School is represented Grayer Marcus Burton at U. A. C. by five of her graduates. Vocal Solo Mildred Ellison Planologue Margaret Foots Clarence Gowers, a member of last Live Sparks Lazelle Chase Senior quartet, is still in the year's Address given by J. W. Boud, "The when it comes to singing. foundation of Character and Educ- limelight He is a member of the U. A. C. men's ation." Glee Club and is also in Gossip from the "Neighbors," a the school of Commerce registered and Finance. clever little sketch of reality, by Alice He is specializing in accounting. Sowby, Ellen Ostler and Veuetta Pedagogy and Education are EmLatimer. ma Cole's hobbias. She Is taking teachers training every afternoon The High School basket ball team with the exception of Saturday at will go to Moroni Wednesday Novemthe Whittler School. Most of her time ber 23th, and play a practice game of an evening is spent in studying with that team. methods or Nature appreciaPrimary Last year we were defeated on the tion while on Saturday morning she Moroni floor by their team, but this over in the gymn playear we will do our best to win, mak- may be found ball. ing volley even. honors ing The members of the team will welRalph Cole, a graduate of '21 Is come any rooters to go along as a in the school of Engineerlittle encouragement has won many registered ing and .Mechanic Arts. However, an athletic contest. most of his time is spent in the chemistry laboratory or in the swimming li. V. V. NOTES in the swimming pool. There are now six former Nephl pool, mostly High School students attending the One person who stands head and B. Y. U. They are as follows: Marlon shoulders above all others in any Pyper, Rita Scholield, and Joseph class is Glen Garrett. In fact everyChrlstensen of the class of 1922 and one looks up to him. In class Elma Jones Rheta Kay and Elfie Glen is a shark at basketgymn ball only Young of the class of 1921. he says that it bothers him somewhat to hare the baskets below the level of Marion Pyper, Elma Jones and the eye. Glen is in the Schofield Rita have recently been school of Commerce rgistered and Finance and pledged members of the Y. Mountmost of his time in the aineers Hiking club. This club is one spends room. of the largest in the school and expects to push many enjoyable hiking, Florence Cole, prominent social skating, and dancing parties during dreadnaught of the High School has this year. turned her attention to the finer things in life. She is distinguishing The students of the Sophomore herself for the lines of class wish to extend their sympathy she is along in the collegemusic, orchestra playing to their fellow classmate Loyle Adams and is a committee member of the U. who recently lost his mother. A. C. Ladies Glee Club. She Is registered in the BChool of General Science The Sophomores are doing their and is specializing in education. share toward making the N. H. S. basketball team a good one. They NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION furnish three excellent players, who (Publisher) are Paul Grace, Glen Worthington, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR and Loyle Adams to the team. With U. S. LAND OFFICEl AT SALT these three and other players we are LAKE CITY, UTAH October 20, 1922 confident of success. NOTICE is hereby given that Martha Eager, formerly Martha Caz-ie- r, The Devotional of November 22nd of Nephi, Utah, who, on Decemwas given by Mr. Poulson who evi- ber 13, 1917, made Homestead entry Sec. 26; dently had decided on a change in No. 022173, for programs and consequently we had NNW14 SW4NW4, Sec. 35; E more new talent which was very Inter NEtf, Section 34, SEI4SEV4, Sec. 27; esting & proved that there are many Township 12 South Range 1 West, not yet In high school that can enter- Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice Proof, tain us. of intention to make five-yeThe program consisted of the fol- to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the lowing numbers: Sixth Grade District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on the Selection Air. Sperry 26th day of December 1922. Prayer Sixth Grade Selection Claimant names as witnesses: Opal Seamons J. Alvin Burton, John Henry Lunt, Reading Talk Nephl Anderson Orson Cazier, Gerald Cazier, all of The subject of Mr. Andersons talk Nephi, Utah. was "Curiosity and Judgment." GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register It First publication October 27, 1922. Last publication November 24. 1922 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION You WereffOut of Work Tomorrow ! ! Successful folks have vision which looks far beyond the Immediate tomorrow still to those who have not reached an independence which permits such action the tomorrow is very important. Thrift which calls Step by step is success attained. a of for regularly putting aside portion any income, soon has a working capital to indulge a bigger vision. A great Chicago pubIt is never too late to start. lisher who failed at 50 had the courage to start all over again and at 65 his second success far outstripped his former effort. i Add a little here a little Start building today. there and before you know it you will be one of the independent and influential citizens of this community. This institution wants to help you. Banking is much more than a mere depository for the safe keeping of funds. Coma in and get acquainted and permit us to show you innumerable ways to make money. The First National Bank SSW, Utah Nephl. f At Yiour oervice SIR! For 'everything you need in drugs and Drug Store things. At all'times our drugstore is at your service. We have everything you need in drugs and drug; store things and you will'find our goods fresh and pure and "Justjwhat the doctor'ordered." Our, ever increasing prescription business is silent evidence of the efficiency of that department of our business. WE ARE HERE TO SERVE Nephi Drug Co. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it cur Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrk. We do not claim to cure other disease. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a liquid, taken internally, and any acts through the blood upon the raucous surfaces of the system, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio. WILL L. HOYT ATTORNEY AND COUNSKXOR Notary Fmblfo LICBNSBD ABSTRACTS R Aa4 KXAKIXKR OF TITLES Utah NeW 19 North Alain Street ar Xmas Opening Next Week (Publisher) Watch our windows for Gifts, DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR U. S. LAND OFFICH AT SALT Lake City, Utah, October 19, 1922 NOTICE is hereby given that AdaKay of Mona, Utah, who on August 30, 1919, made Homestead SW14, entry No. 024754, for W NE4 SW14, NW14SEU Section IB, Township 11 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on the 2nd day of December 1922. Claimant names as witnesses: James H. Newton, Ernest Kay, Ed ward R Kay, John S. Nellson all of Mona, Utah. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register First publication October 27, 1922.' Lafit publication November 24, 1922 new and different to any ever shown in Nephi. We have in our Xmas Goods Weir Everything that a child could ask for we will have No old stock. No old prices. Watch for our opening. A WIS We Print Butter Wrappers 4 Act Nov. 27 & 28th The Largest And Purest Natural Deposit of Gpyauia la the World. Metro presents The Rex Ingram production of ' NEPHI PLASTER AND MFG. COMPANY THE ! If lift FOOL Comedy-Dram- a Second Play on Rotation Here Every Two Weeks Keep Painted Woodwork CLEAN (J in I II ill Hear the Famous SAFOLSO TOBY QUARTETTE Makes all cleaning easy. house- - f ;w It.' ir-tehi- mii .i .. - ,t or, I Iff v. . a. The Usual Good 2 SHOWS IX ONI 2 Adults 65c Children 25c You Can Afford it. Large cake No waste vU One of the Really Big Pictures of the year. LAUGH AT TOBY Clean wooden floors, linoleum, tile, marble, concrete, with VENICE I TUESDAY Present u rcinnninmninfflMiiiiffl AY AND HAS NO EQUAL miiiiiiuinM I Bnlll Nephi Plaster TAYLOR PLAYERS KENDALL BROS. Hardware THEATRE TO BUILD WELL ar Toys and Dolls Bnlldfl Wisely Who MHe VENIC Music THEATRE Thursday Nov. 30lh 1 milium Prices Adults 35c Children 15c MioiflinraiiiiiniiiiMiiiiw |