Show LATTER UTTER DAY SAINTS 1 ivil il GRATION 1859 NAMES OF or PERSONS IN CAPT JAMES BROWNS S COMPANY ORGANIZED AT FLORENCE june JUNK 12 1859 william stegie and family lara onn own james jines dicion neld nels bpi and battle neisen nelsea john A stalker rider and nj ola ole 01 velson mildred johnson juhn john Chrid tian lian yemen yegen and N W birdno and family imily family john owen john johneil John Joh ld erl erx etl and na farnal mary mrry B farell pareli john larsn n and family solomon Sol soi onnon ornon gamet garnet abd aad family fronir narna iaron zaron larn larh and family knoch enoch lew dew la Is add aad family nl family R L I 1 barell and dd family karen kren anne milton sod and family N larl liri rie tie samuil dicks dickun in oia and aud family R E Z kent and nd family berilla johnen johnsen feori georce 0 sparks bengt and ami allya malmgren martha smith hannah nannah gerge george pierce and family pernella jorensen LU lucindo C indo and lucy A oaly cady andre ani ani mile mine ekeland U hannah anah sparks aanna christian and ma daniel campbell and family bergtor james jamis morell motell A 0 and ingre inere nyborg amon campbell and family anders gild nd earner kerner nelsen nelson samuel hindy handy and family lehu lebu inra inna sandberg george sparks and family magnus magnue and turidur jerne samuel and grace davidson ben hen satah sarah parsons christina Magn ulem maro itaro rymer kymer copter johnsen and mud family william mckay and family gadai erasmus ann and hary mary garvy carvy vicka vicks and gustaf jorgesen Jor wl llam ham and materi maren nelsen jahn bassett and family andersen and rami tami lucinda ann and lobit joba A ly root hoot jhon edmund and james dicks diets anne hansen hanen mary eveline nells neils nelsen neisen james goodwin sr ad d family faill lars jensen charlei charles i and ann clipton karen earen M Goren gorensen gean sear robert an ani j and eilza ellza gar jens B jensen ett natt itt II 11 ikel ikei ro Rote and family phoebe james A aad and chib ches ingison tomson W gibson goren sorensen Soren sn and family william gittings and family frederick and george waton watson and family family margaret axley L jensen james nay bay anne mary and joseph 11 cay kay jens jena and hans jensen eilza ellia slack anle Si dersom john jobu G C reader and family anne didero oat Cat catharene Cathar kartne hartne ine lne glas qia a sophia Cid erstrom L vl ani kni and charlotte anders Hokel nokel II ierg serg and family ellza eliza eina elna anna and christen an sarah steers derson james and mary A finlay allya mon fon john larren and family sarah arah alexander and daugh C A 9 ter william wright and family thomas wand john frost roten koten rot rol en and amol amo Green greenwell weli well and family Phlp phillp mary and ellen if ann hill sharp joseph i john ott elward Hask nak jeremiah stocks and family J 0 dorrow anil family stephen coup seth wood and family christopher sf eston egton tryphene fairchild sew sen eb thomas stocks and family tryphene fairchild jun jub john bohnii H gordon and family william cole and family ann smith lian iian lia iia afan n cu cutler outler t ler ier and family joeph joseph wentel william C crounse oro CRo rounds unde and f ami tami john larsen and family ly lans oien richard W call cill maria Hyal teny rachel rachael williams and family anna marsen marten david evans nells neils harsen charles H narman irman and family dedrick funck and family T lomas somas and ana ann rogers roger hannah and sidnea johnson william howell oler full fuli wa ien and family john j ones jhu ahu johnsen and family james jamea price total number of persons person sp sames rames OF parsons ix CAPTAIN hortos HORTON D COMPANY frederick wesleiy keier eeler alexander Ale aie xander iander piper and fam tam family lly liy john eing kins anna kirks eirk kirk ellen eilen jones joness betsey levi lyl L tl garret anthomy anthony wilson john G hogland hokland and family james whit head hemd charlos C dolln charles n 11 annmary and aud many mary crow james davenport ann booth mary gurney gunney lewis Os 0 born caroline harris narris and family agnes alnea steels steel patrick bails bans ba ns henry A smith boals Pa lanteen john harveys II arvey arTey jesse field and family john raylor taylor alexander ott and wife frncis bolto bollo shadrach jones thomas biker francis broadbent isaac howells II thomas bonhurst Lon hurst matthew and wm mottie mott adam pall john and george hor nor horrocks rocks william royd daniel jacobs jacob wago wagon 13 F federick holland benjamin P Morten grane samuel young toung andrew de eis sip nells neils andersenn andersen Ander beni seni josiah combs josiah benjamin and anna harman narman II arman joheph joseph and maria davis davist wililam william crowther james and alice crane john evans william davisa Tisla esen henrs henry eliya ellza and edmund lovesy thomas foote afe and child elijah parsons noah mee john bone william and ellza eliza slack ile lie lle kend bend jane williams samuel Fletch fletcher rr thomas prill thomas jones margaret marg MarR arut anut anil william bite william and emily hatt natt joseph price robert and obas chas narman harman david longhurst Long nong burst burgt john and davil cavil boulet louis thomas thomar lenham daniel isaac alien allen william uey hey joeph Bea dea beacroft and family john marcroft itar croft and family william W reed daniel john and ellen Sut berlands david roberts simon smith john it rags gg jamas nodes jabiz JAN z dangerfield Dangerfiel dil dis daniel ho iiorio wife and child willlim william cook john chamberland Chamberlan dp james IL elgg william walker and family total 13 NAMES OF PERSONS 12 IN tile TIIE HANDCART HAND CART COMPANY CAPTAIN GEORGE ROWLEY ROWLET mark and bithiah lindsey paul henry and eils ells mori morl ell thomas sarah ann lewis richard illias richard A coopers cooper agnes barrel ellen lyde lydes emma booth maryannie Mary annne nuns james narris harris sarah and catharine Far furrer farrer reri henry and family ann wright and daughter ann godfrey jospph joseph gilbert hdward moor and family emma cook willi 1 jarvis I 1 and family 4 thomas martiny martin reuben atkins henry and n james hobbs john smith and family martha mcray and family ton tun stewart stewarts mary kirkpatrick henry florence william and nd lovina lovana mann iia abraham doffen duffan william adams adamse il lizabeth watson clara bartlett cath anine brine fahy faby john incel ince william wild and fe family m lly liy margaret and john thornier ebenezer and sara sarah b beazley thomas and louisa M lycock is henry 1 I emma slade richard and sarah jones fanny rry fry frances E and sarah A pearson nj joseph and mary schon Schod eidis eldis thos schofield elizabeth Gl cledell edell joseph and sarah broadbent nt ellzabeth ab th dixon dimon william whitehead mary ne heathorn henthorn athorn squire thornton Thorn chorn ron mary ann and franklin andrews william and jane Rob tsong ison lson benjamia Benj amia amla and ellra ellza lamb edward and mary J shanks james and catharine Cathar oathar lne davley det dyt metty miry shaw and family mary and frankiin franklin devies thomas and maryann dickinson laon inon william swings louisa budd and aal aai family abas wilon allon and family jo joseph ceph ligget mary ward and family lyp jamey james turnbull benjamin george and ancl tiar nar riet jones george stedman Sted luan iuan john and ann carew V g b ta uaria maria jane and alice nanson hanson lia IIa obon ocon esther teat 8 george reid rebecc rebece and adelaide narris harris II arris jonathan ham bam jan ran mitchell Ml matilda barrett bar Bir rett aim mathias albyon 0 A Titi lugg lugy albertine Albert lne Bertel bertei bertelson sony caroline simeon carl rosburg gand and fa fas nily lars larg mattison Matt lson ison and family 01 ola oia tonson yonson and family and B rangoon maans larson and family martin hanson banson annl aurl family anders anden tonson annes stun mary and family william alkin aikin and family tens and Jo johanne johannes hanne banne yonson tonson nell weil and hanna peter lanson lauson and family soren M wadd and family henrik presan and family beahan anderson Mat mathilde mathlide hilde bilde Arvidson li peter and sophia yore Tore ensen toron olson oison ola lads ladt T Y yonson tonson and nj family ir 0 and mary Hag nag magleby leby christine and karen petra hagen flout on lars lri C nils christian christim Chrit ln S rasmine resmine tn and family peter peterson christian Sor non and farril iri lri soren soren son pon n an I 1 family anders andera and family tomas ca C and nils Glus f mily milf liy prank pitman robert mckay ind and james narris harris II arris total number of persons W gaws saws OP OF IN reir THE EUROPEAN COM PANY PANT CAPT robent ROBERT jame james wood worl george D keaton and family mary ann tumey buny caroline woods joseph watson james bond and nl wife ann boot emily lovett 11 HA IL harriol and J kairy mary alary and arri t sin 1 n maria adward edward and adele deadle De Des auie aule jeremiah white b iio lio rise rist ell lh jab tamms taming sarah i thomas sirah sarah gilbert william seymour charlotte chariotte Char loee lofe bardot james mcarthur McArt and tami lys nathan nathau hansord and family william and family william cullymore and family charles kidgell martha bates john and family christopher and ann sprout john slade john and elizabeth eilzabeth Elli abeth slade caroline callert Ca llort V charies charte barrett jam jamrs gillmen george kirkham and family james payne and wiley wife william busby and family martins owen roberts and family tam fam liy ily lly abom thomas Burchel Burc heil bell lp mary davis A T and family nils lanson elina eirma true magnus A and else Fynan day ds yens neilson nellson and family jones halverson nal Ual verson vereon and family rasmus yenson ann anu annl anul L anderton anderson sophia and amle amie neils nells peterson Pe tennon tereon thrine hanon and family soren P gubi guhl and family martha manha nans hans Au andersen dersen derben J C Gran grinstern stern and family rosina rosins F frantsen H L dastrup Dastra and family ingerborg peterson and son mattea mattes yenson badii badil and nells neils Pe peterson terson maren anderson andersen yens peterson nj 11 C Kling klinsbeck beck heck and nd famil family yi mattea mattes M hanson nanson and family lys tys thos 0 ard eise rise 31 tenson yenson jacob and inger inge 9 yens hanson nanson and family mads madd P and karen Rasmus cn yens and anna abna M yens and family martha beuer rasmus neilson net Nel leon ibon nells neils and linak oford hans nans ni hinson oron yens and ani family maren K olsen 1 I F kling bick and family mattea 31 johanna M hanson nanson maria Fy gesen H P Iver lver iverson sons song anna and aad child J C and family jorgen andreasen and family karen karea U M hamra Mattson Pauline Agust son bon anna M nanson hanson karen Saren Sar enmon ion iou and family thomas P vad P C and frederika Freder ika lka Matts mattsen Mat mst tseng cn christer Chr ohr lster and else elsa yep Yer senis larb lari neilson nellson and family fan fau illy lily peter A delene and family tilda A Hansen nansen Amund Asmund Walder masen lly ily dessa fried and child martin and dorta peterson Pe tereon karen and ellen Cne edson N L and ellen cocoi C oford d C and ann dieon B Seren sen sea and family peter Swen and family kresta cresta abalen ole and annie peterson Pet erson ervon ole hagg uses and family anna peterson Peter bony sont jacob malmstrom and family neils nells C helsel and family hans J maren K and child Sa chareas and maria andersen Anders eng eug P A Fl elstad elenor P kler kier louisa C Nel Nell lsen laen seny sens yens C J gaarden and family samily And andreas reasi christen and annie it andersen yens teria larson largon sorn nielsina D kissen maren christensen kiersten Kl ersten peterson inger imsen at christensen anna M anderson else mattsong mattson Mattso nv sissa Peter peterson gong song hans nans J hanson nanson and family Nell senO Nell neli geny seng christen olsen larb lars aarsand and matta malta christen and christina jeppeson Jep peron sophia olivia and areder ick lck orsted Ras iwine loine jeppeson ads and anna for genson genron carolina IT II jacobson and child christen rasmus hanson add family maren christensen Chrls soren peterson and ond family andersen and family andars and andrea G christer ohr Chr ister lster C Kl kiersten ersten nielsen and family yens anderson and family lars G C peterson matta M larson neils jacobson Jacobs nn bold M hanson nanson ole and family maren yenson aged 80 marta johansen chari auguet augost sien sten and family anders and caroline peterson neils nells P larsen and family johannes and fx nilly lars loretsen Mor nor etsen and family lena lens matlager Mar lager C J leondires Leon deren diren peter piter Christol naser and family and family harriet mead maren mann nansen christen and caroline lorensen maren christensen song bong son matilde sorensen total 32 yens N X bablis dahl cahl aged 73 died august |