Show correspondence correspondence erom irom THE PLAINS EDITOR DESERET NEWS I 1 wonder if the sun shines as brightly on you there ai as ii it does on me berei here bere whether the birds detill still sing as sweetly as they used tog toi to whether the soft summer breezes still gently fan your cheeks the soothing music of the rippling brooks brous still salute your ears while the fragrance and fruit of the more stately trees charm and delight your benyes senses 1 I 1 am anxious to know for judging from the reports occasionally brought by some god gold bunting hunting fortune seeking individual one might suppose that thai your sun had set in everlasting night that an impenetrable gloom bung hung 1 over you that dangers and horrors surrounded you that the volcano of human pasi passions ions had up heated heaved ind overthrown the foundations of society that humanity religion right were trampled underfoot under foot that wrong oppress oppression lons ions and the basest passions raged rampant throughout your domain that all confidence between man and man was destroyed that darkness confusion and distress enveloped you yon ahilea while a worse fate than that which befell and pompeii abated you I 1 may riot not have been as observing as some folks but positively I 1 have seen no indications of such a terrible convulsion of nature everything seems to move along alonz the even tenor lenor of its ita wayll way the suns in the same place unless cy my eyes deceive me the moon and sni ani stars ton too sweetly shine and speak their origin divine I 1 believe every things in its right eor else my heads beads in a it wrong condi condl condition lon ion which is it dear newsy ahrews it is true I 1 occasionally meet some individual who tells me in all seriousness that JiKe lace lot lot tot running away from sodom he ia is making making his hia escape arm ibis doomed territory in order to save himself from all these impending evils evila which are to overtake your ill fated readers these poor pious souls say there is 19 too much wickedness s for hem them to live near you I 1 wonder er if youre really worse than sodom As good a man as old lot managed to live there and got along very well too till the day of 0 its destruct ion lon may be they too have had an angelic warning warning L to flee from the wrath to comell come but it is to be hoped that their terror and aud anxiety to escape will not be so great as to cause them thoughtlessly thought lesly of course to deprive other people of their legitimate means of escape also alio what a miserable excuse just imagine if you can what a delightful state of things would have existed if it when that war took place in heaven which chic we read about when a portion of its inhabitants rebelled against the almighty and chose satan for their leader if then jbf n those who wished to do right and stand by the government of their father had said mere there bere ia is too much wickedness here for us we will leave that was just what his satanic majesty wanted them to do but they had bad better sense and stood and fought it out like inen or angels which everyou please and finally kicked out those rebellious rascals and had heaven all to themselves now mr devil would like to play the same game here hut but he cant come it lN neither either can he persuade any to leave only those who I 1 should we have to fig fight elit alit him and his force would stand and look on till they found out which would whip and then join the strongest side whichever that might be how little confidence such individual individuals must have in truth in nature or in god to think that wrong will triumph over right away with such a dark faithless spirit its all right all bright to me right may suffer for awhile but thank god it must it WILL triumph for right ia Is truth and truth is almighty away then with our fears let us rust trust and conquer y FORT LA LARAMIE ramie RAmir aug 6 59 PRESIDENT ent 13 YOUNG enclosed you will receive the report reports sheet beet of the european independent company compan Y which I 1 have forwarded from the first convenient point pont we are tra traveling at a slow rate owing to the largeness largene 93 of ot the company and the lameness of our cattle which arises from the tho fouls or foot evil this will necessarily cause our provisions to run short abort but I 1 hope we will be able to arrive near by bv before we need supplies I 1 will travel as fast aa as possible to obviate this difficulty but should we need assistance I 1 will inform you by letter or express our accidents have been but sil sll alight and few with but one ex was a stampede of ten teams resulting in the death of one man instantaneously y and breaking the leg of one and wounding five others other but I 1 am happy in stating that the injured are recovering we have no other sickness in camp praying the lord to bless you I 1 remain yours tours R F |