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Show ' THE BULLETIN, BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH FINNEY OF TOTFORCE:aa FinneyGets Plastered 1 1 I aaaasaaasasasaaaaaasaaesaaaaaassMaaaasassasaaaaaaasrl WHEN YOU FEEL A headache is often the sign of fatigue. When temples throb it is time to rest If you can't atop work, you can stop the pain. Bayer Aspirin will do it, every time. Take two or three tablets, a swallow of water, and carry-o- n in comfort. Don't work with nerves on edge or try all day to forget a nagging pain that aspirin could end in a jiffy. Genuine aspirin can't harm you; just be sure it's Bayer. In every package of Bayer Aspirin are proven directions for neadaches, colds, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, etc. Carry these tablets with you, and be prepared. And no modern girl needs tune out" for the time of month I Bayer Aspirin is an absolute antidote for periodic pain. Take Bayer Aspirin for any ache or pain, and take enough to end it. It can't depress the heart. That is medical opinion. That is why it is only sensible to insist on the genuine tablets that bear the Bayer cross. Eat Everything without Fear of Indigestion Are there lots of foods you can't eatfor fear of gas, bloating, pains in the stomach and bowels? Do you have to pass up favorite dishes while the rest enjoy them? That's a sign you need Tanlac! For more than 10 years Tanlac has re-stored to vigorous health thousands who suffered like you do. Mrs. Arvena Bowers, of 1230 Jack-son St., Topeka, Kana.f says: "Five years I was troubled with gas, bloat-ing and dizzy spells. But Tanlac toned up my whole system and in-creased my weight 10 lbs." If you Buffer from indigestion, gas, dizziness, headaches, or torpid liver try Tanlac. One bottle often brings the needed relief. Tanlae is a good, pure medicine, made of roots, barks, and herbs. Get it from your druggist today. Your money back if it doesn't help you. fe-Kil- l Eats Without Poison 4 New Exterminator that Wont Kill Uveatock, Poultry, Dogs, Cats, or even Baby Chlcka can be nwd about the hcme.tmrn or pool-tr- y yard with absolute tafety aa it eontaina M deadly poiton. it made of Squill, aa recom-inend-by U.S Dept. of Agrlculture.oven-drie- d under the Connable process which inaurea strength. Used by County Agents in most campaigns. Mooa-Ba- c Coarantaa. druggUts,75c,15,StOO. Direct if dealer cannot oopply you. HHS K I LLS OaY Dragging Days and Restless Nights Lack of pep is frequently caused by clogged-u- p systems. Feen-a-mi- nt is thorough, dependable yet gentle in action. Effective in smaller doses because you chew It. Modern, scientific, safe, 1 V5 a-- : j IFOR CONSTIPATION : '-- THE FEATHERHEADS Mf11116 feme Are gg 4rJovtfl f,TS0KAl JV IDEAft OP 1WE COMMITTEE FOR TWEPCO-- J fpJSztSSS JElwS W ? fOti.VM IT.HEY? WtlPS? 6W?0M WL --Jf, MOLGATiOM OF ABSOLUTE An' BINDING PEAtt T .SorSiS P30 15 N E1, TELL YOU VS WAS KSo &WDAW 2U CAW?-- AM' BOON' . IgifeF , DEMONSTRATION "tCRC-BU- T WlW ALL THE ENTHUSIASM HOUQ SENDFE UL PUERARB MY DPfcECW q-q-q DlBlSlO)0 r& WASH IN' TC1 h(00 KkJOW THE VjhiSPlQES- !- mmtyZJl 7 - A CHIEF MX) HAW l)M n"1 fjl If pru KsV'SwSi N No Nd to Worry She Oh, George, the baby has wallowed the matches. Whatever' shall I do? Husband Use my cigarette ligh-terStray Stories. oAlong the Concrete The Home Censor f J Pa00A0LV WArVT A J UhEN BUSINESS jNfss Added Precaution "The neighbors' piano is too loud. Shut the door." "It Is shut" "Then turn the key." rages Gales (Yverdon). ' MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL B.yw2rllfe You've Got Us all Mixed up, Boy! f " " ,11 1 I J II 1 (Pj WM WEAVA UKST MGWT "WCPf n IVAKM OF NOD, FER 0 ML' OWTO TU W0W P fp TWEN NMOZ EMUQUE - Zr ' ?TES SAVE ) OF TVC CMJXOOVA I Wl if Obligation That Hurts It Is not a great misfortune to oblige ungrateful people, but It Is an unsupportable one to be under an obligation to a vulgar man. La Rochefoucauld. THE CLANCY KIDS The Goats Have a Mouthful ',M,l."fiR!W'w,d,-- ,, By percy l. crosby i A PONT THINK" ,rVsON80oS lltr'rftJ- ' - 5CUATTC(K? (JOAfS WHO MU7WK this hiu THCRe. ( V MJ aaaaaaamalaaaaaalaa aaUsatl alSaaaa |