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Show The Garfield County Insider April 15 2010 , 1111JAMAIIIIEWAREMEUS 1 by Vicki D. Syrett 679-8687 or vickidiane36@hotmail.com Sending out our conDon't forget the special happy people you have joys and the problems that dolences to Marie Barton event on the 15th of April. touched in your life. We go along with that. It was on the loss of her mother, The first ever Duck Race. love you and appreciate you very interesting to hear. The Stake Youth Fireside Mary Mendenhall. They You have a chance to win a and Happy Birthday to you. Frankie and Gayle Moore was fabulous. The speakers had a nice Graveside ser- wonderful prize if you are vice for her on Saturday one of the top three winners. report that son Ryan Moore were Brandy Rich Webster with all her family and You can get lots of ducks is doing well in Montana on of Nephi Utah, and Joseph friends in attendance. They and have a great chance. his mission. Another mis- Carter. Brandy was origishared some memories of There will be a buffett din- sionary from Henrieville nally from Cannonville their beloved mother and ner afterwards with lots and is also in Montana, Dustin but now teaches elemenenjoyed remembering their lots of great homemade Leslie, and he is doing tary second grade in Nephi. time with her. You are all food. Just a reminder of the very well also. Ryan was She brought her husband in our thoughts and prayers prizes, there is a big BBQ just transferred to Glasgow Jon, and her 4 kids down with her. It was a wondergrill worth $300, a GPS Montana. at this time. To Bill and Cherie Sco- worth $300, and now there Jessica Stewart has ful event and the youth and field we also send our con- is also a complete set of the been called to be the Assis- their leaders from the Bryce dolences on the loss of their Discovery Channel's series, tant Camp Director for the Valley Area and Escalante son, William Trent Scoffied. "Planet Earth". It is valued Tropic Ward and she will all participated and enjoyed We feel sad when we lose a at $100. Both the DVD set work with Sara Syrett who the Maple Bars for dessert loved one but you are re- and the GPS were contrib- is the director. Congratula- at the end. Someone said they were made by Donna membered in our thoughts uted by Mike and Dixie tions. A reminder to all who are Chynoweth of Escalante. and prayers. Burbidge of the Stone CanLance Jagger of HenAn old friend and long yon Inn and the BBQ was in the Stake Choir there will time ago resident of Tropic, donated by Wes and Ellen be a practice this coming rieville has been called as Evan Jolley passed away Clark of the Clarke's Coun- Sunday at 6:00 P.M. Get- the Ward Historian. Conlast week and so we send try Store and Restaurant. ting ready for Stake Confer- gratulations Lance. The Tropic Boy Scouts our thoughts and prayers We are hoping for a huge ence. The Tropic Ward Choir did a Service Project of to his family also. He was turn-out and support for a very friendly and help- the "Safe Sidewalk" fund sang their Easter Contata cleaning out the wash in ful man and many of us for the sidewalk our kids in church today because preparation for the Duck shopped in his store in Ce- can safely travel on to get Easter Sunday was General Race on the 15th. It is to school without having to Conference. They sounded very greatly appreciated. A dar. Court of Honor will be held To Brian Foy of Pan- dodge cars on the road. It wonderful. In Cannonville Marty Thursday in Henrieville. guitch we send our prayers all takes place at the ShowWade Moore and his and thoughts also in the down Restaurant of Reed and Ethel Rich were the passing of his wife Jill Le Fevre at 5:00 P.M. You speakers along with their companions from the MTC Ehorn-Foy. can contact Annette Chyn- grandson, Rozin Manning. when he was there, all got Kathern Syrett and her oweth with your questions They did a great job. Thier together and went to Phoedaughters took a trip to Las and to get ducks. Hope to grandchildren all sang dur- nix Arizona for the wedding ing the meeting. It was of one of their friends. They Vegas for an all girls time. see you there. Happy Birthday to one very cute watching them up had a good trip and enjoyed They had a wonderful time each others company. They together and stayed at the of our Royal Ladies of the on the stand singing. Don and Tia Montoya have remained close since Orleans hotel. They had Bryce Valley Area, Iris OBJECTION massages, went shopping, Bushnell. She turned 90 of Boulder spoke in the they all served together in visited, and had a great time lovely years old on April Henrieville Ward and they the MTC. FROM A FORMER SAILOR Everyone have a great together. Sheila Johnson 1 1 th and was pleasantly talked about the changes To the Editor: I object and take exception to everyone saying that flew in from Flagstaff and surprised with a lot of fami- in their life of going back week and please call or Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken Chrishell Leech flew down ly members who showed up to school in later years and email your news so we can sailor. As a former drunken sailor, I quit when I ran out of from Idaho Falls to join to help her celebrate. They changing the focus of their get it reported. Thanks VS money. the others. Kami Stevens, had a wonderful family din- life on a new career. The Bruce L. Hargraves Cherrie Tebbs, Hayley Pol- ner and a show where even USN Retired lock, and Cailee Syrett. For Iris took part and played the Worland "Spoons". Three family fun!! members even flew down from Canada for a first time ever visit to Henrieville to take part in the party. Everyone was able to come including 11 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, and 5 great-great grandchileimaimasp dren. Includied were her 161111111/411111111106111 two daughters Kim Johnson 200 North 400 East • Panguitch, Utah • 676-8811 and Keela Mangum. It was such a surprise for her see www.garfieldmemorial.org everyone who came and Family Practice Speech Therapy she was very excited. Iris Dr. Richard Birch Flora Howard is known for her wonderful Dr. Todd Mooney Anesthesiology handiwork with the crochet Lewis Barney, CRNA Becky Roberts, FNP needle. I even have been Tim Dennis, PA-C Certified Nurse Midwife Dr. Mitchell Miller DeAnn Brown, CNM lucky enough to receive some pieces over the years from her grandchildren I VISITING SPECIALISTS taught and they are beautiFOR APRIL 2010 ful just as she is beautiful. Thank you Iris for the many In troubled times, stressed groups receive the brunt of the problems. Recently, an emergency meeting was called in Boulder by Garfield County School Board Member Gladys LeFevre to discuss the possibility of closing Boulder Elementary School. The school district is experiencing troubled times, not the least of which is a result of questionable accounting, misguided management, and a recession. The students, parents, and the community of Boulder are now faced with the serious consequences of these issues. The students are saddened, through no fault of their own, by the news that they may have to leave the school family and setting they love. They are troubled by the serious and unsettling discussions in the community and around the kitchen tables regarding their educational destinies. The parents worry about the merits of sending small children out on a school bus at 6:30 a.m. across the Hogsback to Escalante and getting home after 4:00 p.m. The parents also worry about the quality of education that can be provided in a forced home school setting with their already stretched schedules trying to make ends meet. The community is justifiably alarmed because they realize that an elementary school is a key component in attracting new families and businesses to their struggling, remote, and rural area as well as serving as part of the heart of Boulder. Without a school the chances for growth are out of their control and may impact them for years into the future. These gloomy scenarios come as a shock to Boulder based on comments made in repeated School Board meetings where they were given encouraging forecasts, as well as support. The School Board reported that Boulder has been a financial asset to the district as provided for under Necessarily Existent Small Schools (NESS) and not a financial liability. Feeling like an isolated and marginalized group who has not been given a voice, who has not been given all the facts, or even a chance, Boulderites are not happy and wonder - Who will be the next minority in Garfield School District? The upcoming School Board meeting is scheduled for April 15 at Antimony. We will be there to show our support to keep our school. Boulder Elementary School Community Council (PTA) COWBOY SMOKEHOUSE positions. We are also open for the season. Stop in for applications or call 676-8030. Dr. Robert Pearson 13 Ear, Nose Throat 676-8842 Dr. Randy Delcore 8 Orthopedist 676-8842 Dr. Eric Maxwell 21 Audiologist 676-8842 Dr. Mark Hansen 15 Gen Surgeon 676-8842 Dr. Brad Webb 5, 19 Podiatrist Dr. Robert Nakken 22 Orthopedist 676-8842 Dr. Ronald Crouch No April Urologist 676-8842 Dr. Kevin Walsh 21 Cardiologist 676-8842 (800)260-3668 Our Pharmacist, Tim Smith, will provide Coumadin testing and results at outlying clinics. Please call clinic for available dates and times. Coumadin testing and results at the Garfield Memorial Clinic will be by appointment. Mammography will be available in Panguitch on April 14th, Beaver April 7th & 8th, Escalante, April 21st & 22nd (UCCP), and Kanab Bryce Valley April 28th.. To schedule an appointment for Mammography, please call 435-676-1267. Future 2010 Mammo dates: Orderville May 5 June 2 Piute (UCCP) May 12 Panguitch Bryce Valley June 17 May 19 & 20 Enterprise (UCCP) June 23 Panguitch (UCCP) May 26 & 27 Wayne (UCCP) Clinics - Call For Appointments Garfield Memorial Clinic, Panguitch Kazan Clinic, Escalante Bryce Valley Clinic, Cannonville Circleville Clinic, Circleville Physical and Speech Therapy Mammography Diabetic Counseling(Jan Frandsen) Garfield Memorial Hospital Long Term Care Center 435-676-8842 (Mon - Fri) 435-826-4374 (Mon., Wed., Fri.) 435-679-8545 (Tues. & Thurs.) 435-577-2958 (Tues. & Thurs.) 435-676-8840 435-676-1267 435-676-8811 435-676-1265 BRYCE VALLEY SCHOOL NEWS by Vicki D. Syrett.... The Jr. Prom is slated to take place on Friday the 16th of April. The Juniors are busy decorating and getting ready this week for this big event. On Monday the 19th the FFA leaves for Logan after school to participate in the event going on up there for State FFA. It goes for two days. Tuesday the 20th will be final elections for the Student Body of BVHS. The Golf Team travels to Fillmore for a game. School Board is being held in Antimony on Thursday the 15th of April. Also on the 15th is the Duck Race so don't forget to get your duck. GYC Dodgeball Tournament at 7:00 P.M. in the BVHS Gym. The Track Team has been busy this week as they traveled to Milford for a meet. Abbagail Harmon was qualified for State in Shot Put. She also placed 3rd in the 200 meter, 2nd in the 100 meter, 3rd in Shot Put, and 5th in the Discus throw. Marilee Platt place 5th in the 100 meter and Whitni Syrett came in 8th in the Shot Put. Ashley Nelson brought in a 4th in High Jump and a Third in Javelin. Way to go girls, keep it up. The boys 4 X 400 relay team took 3rd place with Cody Ivie, Dawson Johnson, Cajun Syrett, and Logan Le Fevre. Jacob Pollock finished 8th in the Long Jump and Braxton Syrett came in 8th in the Javelin. Cajun Syrett took 3rd in the 300 Hurdles and 5th in the mile. Great work boys. In the Elementary we want to remind the teach- ers that pictures are due this week for the yearbook. Please give them to Sandy in the Library and she will deliver them to the right place. Also remind students to be sure to purchase their yearbooks for $10.00 so we can go to press soon. The 5th and 6th graders are going to Brian Head on a Ski Trip. The 7th and 8th graders went to Salt Lake for Career Day. On Thursday the 4th graders will travel to Fremont and Cove Fort for a Field Trip. They will hike the "100 Hands Trail" at Fremont Indian State Park. Word has it that the book fair was very successful. Sandy does such a great job of taking care of that. SENIOR CITIZEN MENU: This hasn't been one turned in yet so no go this |