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IU 10 the he nun man will was lincoln tile pimp alis gettysburg in ila find the speech was the gettysburg address one ne result of that hint speech was to determine the file man who undoubtedly ilia liany y fairly be pulled called tile worlds worst nral prophet pr aliet ills his names forgotten ir if it wits ever eier known hut but tie he wap the editorial writer wilter on in tile hie lint billit ill ilat riot mid find union who still of llie lite speech the hie 1 mat I si idel on in this oven slon he diled without sense anti and tivIt hout constraint in a pano ritina that was gotten up tip more for tile the benefit of ills party than llian fur for the lie glory of the nation und the lio honor of tile the dead we enss over the silly remarks irks of the lie president for the file credit of the nation we ue ore filing hint flint tile lie veil of oblivion sh aai tie he dropped over them find him fill they shall no more ile he repeal repented pl or thought of fifty henrs later inter lord 1 ird curzon of Em england eagland gland in a lecture tit nt the university of suld 1 I 1 escalin the hie task of deciding which leilh Is the muster piece of modern anglish eloquence eli nene hv y nw arding the prize to tin nn american the gettysburg ad dress Is fur far more thun n pleasing piece alece of oica occa blonny oratory it II Is a of glish composition it Is a pure well veil of unde filed ills ards fire mating tile lie glories and treasures of and another lord I ord once rate doted it 11 us its a classic which will endure us its long us its the english lun ion clinge glinge Is spoken apolin and those of tile lie address the ultimate in though they spent to tn lie are modest nir leht indeed compared to other cul enlo ples ogles offered in praise of it the lie words which I 1 lincoln filter which have run through roUth lh tho whole eif till berlat ives hut but for nil file I 1 lie prillie which hns fins hern been upon ifie he gettysburg address since it 11 was delivered 07 ago there 0 one e final leml gesture cs luro of anil and now that go ture lins has licin licen made this I 1 ills year benr witnessed t the e lill lilliem hem mi millvard livard W it NO amt of if n 4 gnep hook being devred to tn if a H on tile the book Is 1 I loncoln at gettysburg written by the most pro illic oi contemporary lincoln I 1 scholars lArs ir dr william n E kirton and hv by the hie ln bobba llis almerrill conil lany Pe darIng that the lie evi eu denie dence Is nily till nil in we tire now able to assemble it II nil fill to select nil flint appears to tn ile he unit and to in fell tp tit lie whole story of lin in coins speech tit nt donor doctor barton hns has sald flat to lie le the lie last li word about a his torte event find a hi document quite aside froin fram the of the gettysburg speech us its nn an impel treasure tren siire of nf tile glory of if it ns its doctor dictor barton tells it II in tits his hook book I 1 Is 19 one of interest especially in the way in which it out of what tiit materials ills his tm tory may he be annle for around this flits historic document there clings tin nn ni mizIng cuiss of if under jr ir adil to tile uniqueness of tile lie address alic ilic address adian ss wis MS one of tile roost oils events lit in entire dirner doctor indar barton Iti irton in tits ills to lo lie 11 it II MIS heerd hy fly many tit of ill ople 11 II wits repa avil in n nil fill ill prominent aw papers of the countey it would sein tint that it sheild ie fie very ens to meinte just juit tie he said mid and how he fie sold it t and all else that should he of record about it anil and yet there prevails nils a very consider considerable uhle uncertainty about nearly every deball of flint address it ans no smilie fear for or doctor barton to tie nc com to reconcile nil all these cont ions and to t give tin nn account of tile I 1 lie events of lint flint Ill historic day which probably collies as close to tile the truth as can ever ile he done one lincoln lind find desired to go to gettysburg ever since tile buttle because lie he believed that mende lind hod failed to take advantage of tin nn opportunity to crush lee ice and end the war then und and there and lie wanted to see if ills his belief was correct then too a political quarrel between lebid louders in pennsylvania might ile he heated healed by a visit to that state slate from tile the resident president lie be hart had not been formally invited to attend the ceremonies cerci noales which were arranged for the dedication of the elery there lie did if not receive the lie written invitation which was sent to hdward edward everett iett who lind find feen been chosen as the lie orator for tire the occasion and to others ills only invitation wits a printed sent out goner generally rilly and when mr wills informed ills fellow fit 0 mr air Lincol ns acceptance that flint group was very greatly surprised find they cannot he be said to have been overjoyed so their decision to risk ask lincoln to set apart formally fornin lly these grounds to their sacred use by a few appropriate remarks offer afler the lie oration was u as nn nil afterthought lincoln evidently gave some thought as to what lie fie would say from the tittle lie fie accepted the invitation for ideas and expressions that flint were to lie found lit in its his address appear in vague form in his fourth of july speech of that year lie fie wrote a part of ills first draft some time before he went to gettysburg and finished it that flint night flight tit at the home of mr air wills HP fie carried it over to mr air sewn rd before lie he retired and copied coaled it in the he morning to serve as the hie manuscript which he be field in ill tits his hall hand while speaking in the parade to the cemetery lincoln was dressed in black wore a tall fall lint hat and white gount gaunt lets ile he wits was mounted on a horse and at first lie he set eat ei erect act but bill its as the procession moved on ills body moved forward ills his arms hung filing limp find ills his head was hent bent the tippen appearance rance of the lie Pre president of life I 1 lie united stales in his flits profession was scarcely one which could he called distinguished nor was avis ills his appearance while milking making the speech Itsel itself fone one which impressed the hie crowd greatly grent ly ed adward v ard everett had find studied his speech carefully and was prepared to ninke make the oratorical effort of ills his lifetime lie he was the ideal american orator commanding in appearance precise in utterance tin and having n rare gift of eloquence eloquence in the terms of the wordy forensics in which the people of that tittle time seemed to find delight for an hour four und find 52 minutes the crowd listened to the lowing flowing sentences of everett pulsating like lice the endless tides of the sea there Is no doubt that his audience was much impre impressed ned there Is no doubt also tint that it was worn out with its his long windedness so when lincoln arose to speak tits his hearers were fifty receptive lincoln started tits speech in a high pitched voice which lie always used to make people lit lipar fir the Impress impression lon on ils his audience la Is well described by one of those thosa who henr ri him quoted in doctor bartons artons bart It ons hook book S S warnor of ohio tells of ills his surp surprise tit at Lincol ns kentuckian 1 I 1 reine niber especially tire the long 0 o in n ills preposition to ile he dedicated toe the art aiom l alon live we fieve come fee e dedicate a portion of if tint that held field mr next lext fooling was one of complete surprise ut tit lils lila stopp stop tog it il led to lo me life and I 1 think to tile audience generally lint flint lie lid had just begon I 1 should ray that flint lip hi stopped colore lit A audience wits was tn in bulit fuli pally with him film before airl ire illy clr v had got roeln rot ln the tittle little ties in less than ran three minutes after lincoln flail begun to n speak lift lidd with tits ills Inui vir tul tal t of the IL keople b 1 kl kle fe e people to u the people shall not perish from rom the earth As he sat bit down there was but very little applause and that flint wits was apparently for the fire president air and not for the words lie he lind uttered people were dis appointed says doctor barton after everetts nver etts ori filon tire presidents speech seemed almost no spi ech nt fit nil that night flight they told of henring and of seeing the president some of them wentlo mentioned ned that the he president bent lind had uttered a few remarks mails re yes ies they had heard eard the hie Prel dent but while they were glud glad to have treat aenid him not noi many of them at the time said gold very much about the presidents speech lu anmon mon has recorded that lincoln called the speech if hat flat fal fellure failure lure und and added after lie he re turned 1 I 1 tell you sou ill that it speech fell on the audience nud lonie lle like a wet net blanket I 1 am dis about it I 1 ought to have prepared it with more cure care nor did the speech milc make much more linares slon upon tile the country as a whole than limn it did upon those who hear it only one or two newspapers pronounced it good aind most papers ignored it reflecting somewhat the attitude of the harris burs burg find and union it remained for a titer inter generation to lie hie greatness of its still sin city A few saw its merits early curly and tile the con of everett and the hie request that a manuscript copy be bound with tits his find and sold bold tit at the new york vork sanitary fair set lincoln at file lie task of putting it in the form in which tie he wished lie had delivered it in till all he five new coples copies were made for different purposes find slight changes brought the address into the final form in which it Is now flow known to hie file world 22 words of which 20 1 are of seven or less letters and of if a single syllable and of anglo derivation in comparing tile wording molding in the dIf different Terent cop les ies doctor barton tins has Ilk that omitted the word poor in our poor power when lie he poke spoke also omitted it in ills second cupy copy find wrote it in above the alie line the ahr 8 of the people by tile the people anti and for the pl people e 0 ep e 1 wis used by theodore parker in speeches in bos s ton which lincoln rend read in springfield and which lie underlined it also occurs with will slight bodill cat ions in websters Weh reply to fifyne 1810 which lincoln studied in preparation for tits his first binau gural gunil the phrase under god seems to have hare been put pur into the text by bv lincoln as lie ile spoke for it does nut nor occur in tile the two rough drafts duarts made before tits his speech in which lie he said we here harily resolve that the nation shrill shall have a new birth of fre iliin doctor burton ling has traced this flits direct direct to Lincol I 1 ns earlier eailler rending reading ills his stock block of phrase the phrase under god even een in asso elation with nation la Is used by none other than hun parson weems eins and andl lv by no one else that lint lincoln read rigid lincoln read weems washington alsa us a hoy took him seriously and digested the book thoroughly in the final manuscript owned by W J A miss there Is no and lo in the famous slon of the people by the people for tile the peo pie this llila draft in the lie words of doctor barton bin tun Is bluit lint lincoln I 1 wished tie he hud had said ills act actual at words were slightly different nut but so confused are some of if the lie authorities that durar g the choll cooledge 1 ge administration an organization left a tablet with will 1 the gettysburg address on it at the white house it contained says sais doctor burton barton only 28 errors in some respects I 1 lincoln sli shares tires with tile the liar ilar edli editorial orial writer in being A n very ery poor prophet for as doctor darton has observed lincoln sald at gettysburg the world will little note nor cor lung long remember what vital we say here betit but it can never forget alint they did here ile he was never more ints mistaken inken in nil ills life the who w fought on air that flint red held did mo more re than they knew while mille they were fighting more than tile HIM understood after they tind had won tile the victory they lid did more even than I 1 lincoln realized four months moritas later inter ns as lie he stood on the he spot and paid whore to their hut but memorable ai act were the deeds they wrought wrong lii there tin re llie lite world will longer remember the words word lie spoke there the th gettysburg address will lip he piloted anti rebelled and translate and fill cast in flu rable ions bioti after it shall havy have detomi dimps air to s to explain flint let IJA tj org wn tits neither if blittle in life he win 6 11 held somewhere amid tire the pop ples ot or 1 lindert lind crt cc ed by tarn tt rn Ln lont |