Show NEWS GLEANED BY LA SAL FOREST southeastern utah was visited with an unusual snowstorm during th the past week old borealis carried in his first message of the arrival anival of bf winter A high wind accompanied this storm and the show drifted badly blocking the highways east cast and south of monti cello for a few days there was no real ical suffering however and thus far no fatalities have been reported in a few instances auto tourists weri were obliged to spend a night in their cars it was evident from reports received from lower elevations that considerable snow fell in the high mountains at A M ranch on wilson mesa elevation feet abely two feet of snow was recorded at one time and drifted badly such conditions are favorable for a good water supply next season stock men are rejoicing and were very much benc berie fitted by this storm since conditions were critical on some section of the winter range in order to relieve the anent situation the regional office at ogden has made available several thousand dollars for immediate use for maintenance and construction purposes of roads and trails ordinarily this contingent fund is held for spring work to this end the la sal forest has been benc bene fitted to the extent 0 purchasing several thousand fe feet t of 0 bridge plank material from the caloca loca sawmills operating on the forest thio thi material will be used on roads within the forest next aring Opera operator tot have found it difficult to find casy cash customers so they welcome orders 0 his nature i 1 1 r according to plant quarantine au all tiet ties the constantly growing travel by airplane adds adas to the tas of keeping foreign insects insect from frogg gain ain ing a foothold in the U S more planes from other countree coun tiie trie I 1 were inspected lit in the f fiscal year 1930 and contraband material was take m of them passengers and ill luggage gaage carri carried 1 ed on the these a e panes ar subjected to the same scrutiny in fl those brought to our shores on ocea cea liners after enduring rather a wintry arit over portions of the la sal E C sanford assistant in the office W 0 forest management returned t tr ogden november 21 he was ac companies companied compa nied over the forest by super v visor isor folster and rangers wagstaff and christensen owing to bad roada they were unable to complete thel trip as planned according to a statement made b regional forester R H rutledge bp be fore the utah state fish gam gain association at salt lake city on nov ember 10 one fifth of region 4 i 1 ither either a federal or state game pre seivi between 1919 and 1029 1929 th deer on the national forests of uta increased from to th elk from to 2600 the fores service has about 60 men in the te fiel in a position to render a good deal eat 0 as assistance si stance to the state game depart ment in developing game plans cir car should be tak taken ell to keep the RIOT wild rather lather than allow hunting to be come too easy |