Show should have known what he would do the hero ot of this one la is not exactly y as mee it as moses but yields often to the wishes of 0 a somewhat domineering wife with mental reservations the two went north not so ion long ORO find when the husbands twit weeks of vacation we were re over lie yielded to her entreaty en that she be allowed to stay on the lake for the I 1 remainder of tile the month find assured ass fired her everything would be all all right tish at 1 home kf f course he would take ills his meals out but he would sleep lit at home and take care of e aeri tiling just its as she would were slie she right there tire the woman came home Sunday to find the grass out of hounds every IV window awry and ashes alga rette stubs newspapers find and whatnot scattered everywhere but water greater than her dismay fit at the file disorder was the shock she receive at friend husbands attitude toward lier her displeasure itt dt the state of affairs there was no apology no remorse on the part of the lie culpi culprit it alint Is the menning of this slie she asked fa falling illig into the timeworn time worn question that wives so sae e up for just such U L situation its just jug roy my idea of devolt in ill tile the desert deser t lie he answered calmly find 1 stood hilj ground right there kansas city star |