Show Coming orning Oct Oat 3rd 3rd- 3rd A CRASHING j AUTOMOBILE Announcement t WAIT w AIT The Salt Lake Telegram 1 a f DailY DaHl end nd BUDda Sundy 1902 t 62 MIn Alain Strett nit AU All bu bU I lu U II v nc should hould b bt Addressed I 1 to the Tho Salt Sail L IAk k Tele Telegram ram Salt alt Lake Luk Cur City j Th The Th II number lumber of the Pre Tb The Th Annotated Pr Pre M Ii I. exclusively entitled ui u. for r re ra publication of 01 Cit 11 H cr crea cred created credIted ted to to It or not nth I credited ID In Inthis this his paper ann and nd th n. n new herein w QI TERMS OF OK DAILY AND SUNDAY in Urah Idaho Sevada Nenna and By J carrier ZOe Oc pr nr w week ek br bY mall fin n I advance on on month Brie 85 one 00 year no All AU tates 1125 per Pr month SUNDAY aUNDA y ONI ONI Y I Idaho N Ne Na vad nd Wnm Wyoming Wyoming- WyomIng K B By mall I In advance advance ad ad- vance Yance on one al U. U SvA tatu n. n ADVERTISING oG BRANCH BRAN R OFFICES Veree Veru Pere A Li Conklin Inc lae New ell CHy Madison Annu Chicago 3 U. U JN N. N n DIv Blvd Detroit t Coutur R. R RJ J J. J Bi ny San Francisco tU 43 Marker Street Los LOl t- t rime s 3 White It II Ue r ry y Stuart Building ull Entered at u matter e at the thi p pott poat at ofIr ami- el It I oAk City ut uIa ul hunder h. h under Mu B art ima 1111 VOL JL XO O j IS be 30 SO I M M W H e M W MM M r U tl More Than Visitors Attend Opening of Blue St Star r Natural Gas I j 1 J Admire Compact Arrangement of Modern od rn Facilities for Heating Water- Water Heating Cooking Automatic Refrigeration and Incineration t I r J 3 C t I h. h I- I 24 t 41 L I i S J J 1 L r t- t k t g I 11 r riP iP fe f V A- A I B At fl Tr Tr'S S t AX it- it f r 1 L w 3 Pt-e Pt M 4 h WM 1 1 iL iLI I W 2 i 2 r j- j Above Architects Above Architects Architects' drawing of Salt Lakes Lake's first Blue Star Natural Gas model home hom 1021 Military Drive which h was was for public i inspection inspection spec spec- tion Sunday and will remain open daily from fromi tolO to 10 p. p pm p.m. m. m for limited time Right Right Mrs Haven Exeter owner of the home is shown in hi n model kitchen admiring the automatic automatic auto auto- matic Natural Gas refrigerator and andr r range ringe AN N enthusiastic throng thronS' numberIng numbering number numb ring r- r ing more than GOOD formed a Ii steady procession process on through Salt Lakes Lake's first Blue Blua Star Natural Gas model mode home yesterday est and were rIO loud ld in lh their Jr praises of ot the thc beauty arrangement and nd conveniences which characterize erize tills this mod modern em rn dwelling The Th home la Is located at 1021 Military Drive Ull on the popular r east cast bc bench ch Without question one of at the outstanding features o of ot tho the home 1 is th tho of ot tho the beating facilities facUlties In the basement Designed to use the fine fino modern fuel Natural Nat ural mal G Gas s the appliances which heat tI the e home provide a a. dependable dependable depend depend- able ble water hot supply take care care- u of ur ventilation and assure the sani saul sanitary tary disposal of at alo am are grouped into an unbelievably small spate space This results in an an i n large amount of space available available avail p able for other and more attractive purposes in tn the basement The entire home Is Is' Isan an example of or what haf can be be accomplished l hithe in hi tho the WO way of ot comfort and convenience conven conven- fence lence when provision Is made forthe for forthe forthe the use se of ot Natural Gas Oa for tor all nil fuel purposes Everyone Is cordially invited to visit t the le Blue Star Stat exhibition home which will wUl be open from 1 l' l to 10 P p p. p IU m. m for tor a limited time Aside from Ita its charming architectural beauty and ad nd tho the attractiveness ol oj olits its Is tUll this homo home Is Is trl l unique for tor tho the facilities conducive t to comfort and convenience that thai have been thoughtfully provided Dont Don't miss seeing it if It youre you're Interested in interested In- In ii in the newest trends ins in s gracious loj s Jh nS' nS HI S cit S 5 C g k tf jt 5 qS a 3 tf tr Alth 4 b S 'S To S Sk k e r k lb i s' s kt 5 S. S C iI Qi S 'S e C S 'S S 'S 2 p 5 5 5 5 S. S t. t I i If h S. S 3 S. S r r k kr r S k SS X e S. S k 5 e tic S sw |