Show A NEW DEPARTURE I 1 fron this time jjr until further notice w BECKWITH LAUDER j will treat produce the same as cash in the distribution of premiums pictures will be ih enlarged valuable books will be given outright besides a splendid variety of H pictures in the latest styles will be GIVEN AWAT AWA jlii amma BRING IN YER beckwith lauder I 1 LEGAL NOTICE ira id the first judicial district court in and for the county of rich state of utah in ID the matter of tho the estate of dexter litchfield deceased it appearing ap caring to this court by tho the petition of charm charles E jensen administrator this this day resented anted and filed by said administrator ala ay y 25 a IM that it is necessary to sell the whole h 1 0 or some portion of the real estate 0 of said deceased to pay the debts of decedent and the expenses and charges of administration it is therefore ordained by tins this court that all persons interested in the estate of said decedent dec appear before the said court on saturday tho the aith day of Janu january ery IMS 1898 at tho the hour of 2 p n in at the court house in the town of randolph in said rich county atit t tato of utah to show cause why an order should not bo be granted to said administrator to soil sell as much of said real estate as shall bo be nece necessary esary and that a copy of this order bo be published five successive times in the ROUNDUP a weekly newspaper printed and published au iu pa said county dated december H I 1 HAET ART D district strict judge J H atty for administrator first publication december 11 am this only tri 40 4 1 1 steel world rw I 1 ange beater why under heavens should people send away for steel ranges or anything else for that matter when they can do df better with us ua 3 we also carry the MAJESTIC STE STEWART WARr ran ranges A and everything in FURNITURE alla and house furnishings as well as WAGONS SLEIGHS and implements A oats 75 cents g wheat sa s1 1 at hodges mill BEEMAN CASHIN MER co ithe people that holdup prices of produce THEATRE the randolph dramatic troop will appear in the randolph meeting 0 house fliday and saturday december 24 and 25 1897 in the popular drama 11 A 11 E wjk 0 V 1 t ert n A comedy drama in four four acts full of roaring fun and thrilling incidents CAST walter hastings A young attorney learoy N french joseph leavington leamington Lea who wears the web elmo W cook harry falconer A young virginian william T rex uncle toby of vast ideas robert mckinnon mr parkhurst Park burst A leading lounger A mckinnon jr tim nis his clyde spencer I 1 moses I 1 I 1 os es slightly tanned lem mckinnon bertha danvers an ali orphan mrs rhoda B cook louise falconer A virginian girl miss lillian webb aunt judy uncle tobys wife miss ruth tyson TICKETS 25 CENTS ItE RESERVED SERVED SEATS 35 CENTS doors oper opeo T 7 p M IT curtain Curf Cur cair tair up at 8 SS P EN ac EI R I 1 t 0 0 10 7 1 CARRY A general assortment of DRY GOODS GROCERIES SHOES NOTIONS etc we have purchased a few samples of LADIES and MISSES COATS at a bargain and will sell them for one third value call and see them we are going to sell them at SOME PRICE highut baesl markit M fries for or mm 70 70 paid for oats bookkeeping etc thorn demography I 1 I 1 1 9 hughly taught DY BY MAIL or personally our system of teaching gives actual dally experience in every branch ol of business including banking merchandising commission insurance transportation etc preparatory department tor for backward students we train for practical work and always secure situations for or graduates of 0 our business Busin cis and shorthand courses students enter any day no vacations tons expenses moderate dont throw away away time and money by g going 0 in 9 to temporary ac schools 1 when it will cost you less to attend the DEST BEST wo we always have a number cumbe r of student students who vo havo have left incompetent in disgust such people tell us that six months hero here is equal to a year byear la in any other school to any one tor for first information of a vacant position at 5 REWARD EWARD for a bookkeeper stenographer teacher clerk or telegraph evgraph operator which we successfully fill business louses supplied with competent compe tnt as assistants sistan tawit walthou bou charge refer to rom I 1 non t patrons in everz every part of tho the world abo next best thing to attending the MOST celebrated BUSINESS SCHOOL in america Is to take our instruction UY BY MAIL it if you are arc unemployed anil and willing to study send end tn ten tiro cent stamps for five easy lessons in shorthand beautiful catalogue tree addres Add mention paper CLEMENT G GAINES PRESIDENT poughkeepsie new YORK e J IS NOW ON SALE J tle the firest lire of 0 j christmas goods j 0 I 1 0 ever brought to rich fich co 40 q I 1 i FINE DISHES i 0 t A of all descriptions suitable for A 0 christmas presents f A fine line of DO L LS very low prices in fact all kinds of toys J etc etc ace K ilmi RM 0 00 01 4 |