Show G florence colorado aso ha for year or two new EIDl welter elters early the to coral aang T elpi arts are arc visiting grand en E ment in the interest of top desire to get possession of som some i 1 the cottonwoods Cotton woods east 0 of f salt have done more lae shipping this thi than for or years year pat past seasor the percent percent of copper is is steadily go increase me reain will eventually attract attention A gold strike e is is reported I 1 tle lie from ilat ll 11 lake district south of 0 rawle p ivsich goes several hundred bollara do llara f the ton copper abounds there this ihla is the first find fand 0 of gold bt in if reports are reliable 1 there many men working the are bars of the n snake who are making from 1 I so tote to V per day per man there is practical no ao limit to the amount of flour goliah gold in the ibe sands miners of the deep creek ca coin try are working out their tb air I 1 this his year with renet renewed ed hope leli eTUi that it at last 2 a railroad will he be built tuilt which will make that about the grew sst est country in the west vest the camp of eagleville Hag eville leville N nevada vada re ports many prospects that show as 15 says ranging from sis to in go goy per ton wood and water are arc scarce but capital will probably be found to overcome aver Dver come these difficulties W tho the re record cord says very few claims will be forfeited in that thai district th this is year for want of assessment work many hany claim owners nonresident non resident residents are writing from outside points and ar are arranging ranging ir for the protection of their interests it is reported that in the properly property ot of the M mining in ing company it at bea beaver V e r lake lahe a streak of ore showing gold 01 d hail had been found and that considerable ex sit zit ement prevailed in that locality dr K E steele president of tile the company says bays the story is true the stateline Stat eline gold mining Milling and milling company are pushing the work of instruction of their plant and expect to have lave the mill grinding by january jannary I 1 I 1 all of odthe the lumber and machinery is now on the ground and no delay 0 oi my kind is anticipated the building industry ind in line city cit keeps pace with the usual order of things and some fifteen different buildings of all sizes and dimensions dimension ire under construction every man in z a amp in p is 1 s working i v 0 r k i n g n and nj e everything v e r y t hing is in a t r rather at li e r f flo 1 0 ti r i sl ain I 1 eo condition n d i ti 0 u work at the alie mono in dry canyon lias has been suspended forthe for the winter the work of the past few months has resulted bulted in the uncovering of a fine vein df af ore showing over silver and about 14 in gold the lost vela vein df at very rich ore is still being sought several fine specimens of gold ore from the vicinity of casper layo have recently been sent in for assays essays with returns showing per ton the samples came from a ledge edge chich bibich Is 1 said to be sixteen feet wide for 10 feet and in the next feet widens out to feet of course it it is not all ore and very likely the ledge is not bo extensive as has bag been stated the directors of the diamond hill mont mines are making an eyvere cliental run prior to closing down the mine practical working has failed 10 show anywhere near the gold that as says gays showed to exist the awyer assayer now lias bas charge of the extraction of the metals and if lie he can t malm make it pay pi the mines will close the property is principally owned in scotland mergers Mes sors douglas adams of raw kaw ii lins ns wyo who are working g the northern beale belle mine in the sandstone min ing district of the grand encampment are ara erecting a ten stamp mill N with ith power for twenty stamps and expect to have bare the in in operation on january ista general average assay of northern belle ore shows go 00 to the ton in 9 gol old occasional pockets art are found in in vilich the ore runs into the thou thousands value hie john cudahy of ChIC chicago lull jut completed a deal for a con controlling trolling lain ir terest in the big seven in luine e near Ni chart mont for for or seven company isaeal nall v a silver and mas brigna orie mine which became almost valueless wheat the price of silver fell I 1 in alie diw struck lead was a gold running a ton and d the cudahy was made on oil tin the indication purchase lob in 1 out r that the mine would turn the A also colles iron from gold cold report county richmond district in ou the of several big gold strikes str ilves one in the anoil ler in anti and revenue It evenue mine at red bluff mout mont hard tim csan of owins owing to the story directors the elash ash the alie effort to secure ready of the 1 morgan company to po of park 1 ark city ila hare rc decided the ale ot of stoc stock k under the sa the place pla 00 shiell was to have jakell olli until the lath dinst relia reliable ble 1111 author thor lV it is reported on receiving cei hecei re mackay mack ay on oa aliat jolio john W close closed d neg otla reliable reports has bas rest i silar lions forthe for tho sale of tile the ill liine irle in ft I 1 county e ivas as 61 BUIU asked to fu till tho QUO |