Show 11 ina IMP fi WOMAN N 41 I 1 isk T 0 C all V making ribbon rose to make a handsome dibbon rose is low one of the most iio popular pular of ohp smart girls dress accessories you take three yards of no 60 satin ribbon in ir two shades of pink three loops two and a halt half inches to three arid a 9 bait inches deep and one end tour four inches ot of light pini ribbon with two loops of deeper pink ribbon r lorm form a bow bo w which Is the backe freand of the rose the single end ts 13 tied about the bow and trimmed to t L point in this row the rose Is en the center of the rose is mad e of the deeper pink A yan yar 1 and a fourth ot of this Is doubled down the mid die the and ind wrapped about a T rire stem to form the rose center obice tb iee petals of daris darc and three of light p ink ribbon ate are added each two and a half to three and ahall a talf inches dep diep these are simply loops of ribbon which form the outer petals of the large la rge rose A spray of TOSS tose foliage cart cari be used to make the effect more realistic A bow for the butr can be mad a of one yard of light pink ribbon with five loops and one end bend four buds made of dars dara cpr r pink ribbon are added the stems with calyx are axe bought ready made abiouse of white silk blouse et of white silk made with groups of tucks and trimmed at the top yoke fash ion ton between the tucks with straps V of pink velvet or silk ornamented with motifs motif or white lace T the h e standing collar Is m made de with groups of or s sIt itching and t the h little 0 cravat is of pink velvet or sli silk the sleeves are ed in the same way the tucks op opening out to form a puff at the elbow and the lower part is trim med with the pink velvet and lace motifs tho the girdle is of pink velvet or alk fastened with a silver buckle wien er chic taffeta shirt waist when the summer girl wishes to look the most captivating in the morn ing she will appear in either a fresh linen shirt waist or in a crisp looking shirt waist costume of taffeta the stylish way of making a taffeta shirt waist dress Is to trim it with medallions of irish or para guay zuay lace with french knots in some striking etri king contrasting color outlining each medallion two medallions are sufficient to use on the shirt waist which will look smart it fastened with pearl buttons which are so much the fashion this season cherry boince boi nce cherry bounce is a species of lar cordial used in the south and kept among the familiar rules of sickroom cookery take four pounds of sour cherries and the same quantity of ajeet ones put them in a wooden dish pound them hard enough to C rush the cherries and break all the I 1 tones pu o 0 the cherries into a stone jai jar mixing in two to and a half pounds of white sugar pour a gallon of the best or brandy over them and nd turn the whole into a demijohn efad it corked tightly and shake it curf enry day lor for a month at the end of six months or a year strain it and bottle it ue it for a cordial serving it in miniature glasses for country house party gown of ve very ry light beige or cham pa pane ne silk voile the skirt is shirred finely at the top forming a hip yoke then about halfway down the fullness is drawn in by groups of shirring leaving plain places be tween the groups the corsage Is made party of irish guipure and party of the voile volle tha the latter forms two fichu like draper les in front shir red at the ders also the hot bot torn tom of the corsage shirred to the guipure yoke the upper part of the is of the guipure with puff of the voile volle shirred at the top and finished with a deep cuff of guipure le guide dea des cou tur turi leres eres fried cauliflower a cooked cauliflower into small branches and dip them separate ly I 1 to some stiff be chamel sau sair e has been mixed with sufficient tomato catsup to make it aln pink and put them aside until the sauce is set then dip the pieces of cauliflower into beaten egg and cover them thickly with pan urette red bread crumbs and after atter allowing about a quarter of an hour for the crumbs to harden hamen fry try the cauliflower in a wire basket backet boys sailor blouse the sailor bloese Is the accented favorite for small t boys and the jaun ty style shown N here Is character vv iced by a double breasted front un der which the edge of the yoke is sewed the sleeve C Is the navy style wita niti nit i plaits at wrist and at shoulder the collar may te to pointed or square in front as provision Is made for both styles the trousers are shaped by side inside and center seams and may be a fly or at the sides linen pique gal atea flannel duck cheviot and suit ings in general are suggested using braid or bands or contrasting material for trimming and decorating the shield and ald sleeve with emblems calico coming again there is an old material coming to tho the tore again and this Is nothing more nor less than old fashioned cal loo t calico gown Is so out of date as to be hopeless to the majority of people yet those who keep right up to the marl are looking at the new now calico and investing in it the special cause of the return of calico to popularity is the shirt waist suit for calico makes up so very neat ly into these suits and another rea son is the improvement in the pat terns of the new calicoes which leave so very little to be desired there come very pretty calico patterns in cream with a little figure and in light blue and light pink and in the darker colors brown green and navy blue these wash well wear like iron ands are so very neat that one is tempted to invest co 0 o that one can have a pretty shirtwaist shirt waist suit for morning wear white ind a silk frock simple and girlish is a white india silk frock fora 16 year old girl the skirt has a yoke effect given by row rows of lace inserting and fine tucks A ruf rufi i of lace and tucks round the toot foot gives ft it the soft frilly look so dear to the feminine heart the round waist has a square yoke of lace with groups of lace and tucks below the puffed sleeves are caught in by bands of the lace and finished just belew below the elbow with a lace ruffle gown of blue voile the skirt Is cut in panels opening at the bottom over long points of white foulard dot ted with blue the front panel Is bor dered at the top with bands of blue embroidery the blouse is also slashed open over the dotted foulard and the fronts are bor dered with t the h e embroidery I 1 I 1 h e deep cape like shoulder collar la Is cut in pol bolted abed blocks or tabs at the edges the plastron and era cra vat are of white taffeta and the girdle is of blue the sleeves flare at the bottom where they are slashed open over under sleeves of the dotted foulard le guide dea des Coutur leres gooseberry pudding stew a quart of green gooseberries and sweeten well when cold add the juice and grated rind of a lemon beat beats en yolks of five eggs and beaten whites of two mix all together beat three whites of eggs and add sla six ounces of powdered sugar and a few drops of lemon juice butter a small baking dish put fruit in and pour ie ic ing evenly over the top bake ten or fifteen minutes bizarre trimming practical frocks in biscuit yellow and ivory shades are mostly trimmed with black taffeta but these bizarre contrasts are not effective unless carried out with consummate skill T THE H E SMALL BOY DRESSED IN HIS VERY BEST of atrit AY N ISO r frech flannel and hutcherso Butch ersO linen costumes for little boys are exceed angly chic ind pretty and while tah fash ions tons for little folks are generally sup posed to be quite simple and easy to follow yet they are not at all easy to make attract fye the newest models tor for small boys are decidedly daly picturesque and attract life e tuie me russian blouse suits still cling to popularity but are made somewhat more elaborate a great many of them being hand embroidered the three models shown in the cut were sa s1 1 etched from the latest designs they are simple and easily made yet stylish and pretty and suitable tor for afternoon or morning wear the coat and vest effect on the center figure Is one of the newest designs and is here shown in navy blue french flannel combined with white silk flannel with a tiny blue figure the other two are linen suits which are kept clean and fresh with very little ti bouble butchers batchers linen Is extensively rood nerd bw these |