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Show - - 4- I , , .. 'N , , i - PIPMPOPo.we.W )0 , r AI, r , - t "i, loom tr. t ) t It I 1 1 A7,' .... t ,, A . ' 0 11,,, I , N 0 , '' : 4 ., , , , , ,I , 1 , It-- . , 1 , , 0 , 4t 1 .IIIII6-- k I, e ' , - t ) r:"'':ttl i !v.,. . q t ; i - 4 . ! , 1 i I .. ; 4 , I t .. .. .f I, I ' .. , I - s.' , , . - . , , I ........ TABLETS FOR 'THIS IS THE PLACE' MONUMENT Bronze tablets relating highlights of the history of Utah and a description of the figures and scenes on the "This Is The Place" monument were put in place on the monument during conference week. Material for the plaques, seven in number, was written by the late John D. A Giles secretary of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association and active in the planning of the monument. One of the plaques Is shown above, being inspected by President J. Reuben Clark Jr. of the First Presidency, center, chairman of the monument c o in mitte e; Elder George Q. Morris of the Council of the Twelve, left, vice 1 chairman, Hamer and Elder A. Reiser, acting committee secretary. The monument was erected and unveiled at the time of Utah's Centennial ten years ago. President David O. McKay was chairman of the centennial commission, and the late President George Albert Smith was chairman of the monument committee. ' atm! Oro re N ;-.: .1 i 1 ,,,,. .. 4:t ', , ';'l' prevent. A Clean mind Is one Evans said: prevention. Richard There is nothing constructive done without its being preceded by plan and purpose. The blueprint precedes the building- -if not on paper, at least a blueprint in man's mind. And similarly it is suggested, that before the unworthy act or utterance, comes first the thoughtmaybe not with complete awareness of its consequences, but sometime, somewhere, within the mind, there must first have been the mental commitment. If we don't want to build, the building, there is no point in making the bluekrint. If we don't want to invite action we'd better to a Latter-da- y Saint David O. McKay said, "Chastity is the crown of beautiful womanhood." So we must hold our Ideals high, for before we can enter the temple we ' are asked if we are , 'we clean and . morally must be prepared to '1 ,' I answer honestly in 1, - ,o- - ' , - I the affirmative. It has often been . that an ounce of prevention- is worth-- a '''Is pound of cure. back to turn good from error, but along with the power to re- pent let us not lose sight also of the pow- said A , It 1, 4 '"0' -- -t, -- EttiL . , it 1 t ,,...,, .,,,, I ' ' a , (:Ihit' 4 itI,.. Y.'; (t'4 . ;''' . ,.:('''--' - 'I ' -, t- ' ' ' t t' ' -t ' k ii - I Arikviikamt4011...t, Stitilit.t4IL 4a.ih.....ipesp;tiomil siolayoto,aott , , 111 I, ;itlf, lt ( y , (1.1) 'Iti'', A' t.., 4 A I alas, 4,"za was the floor show featuring dancing of the theme by Ernest and Margaret Brown. The committee for the event, at which new were initiated, included Marie Kurtz, Marilyn Feathers, Bonnie Stewart, George Woodward, Arthur ClayLson and Clark Reber, the chapter officers. s plc-Age- 91)c A mutt PUSLICATION Of THE OfFICIAL ORGAN Of CHRIST OF LATTER-DA- WtEKLY litetvs (CI Airci) TELEGRAM. THE AKY POWS ANO SALT CHURCH OF JESUS SAINTS News articles and pictures of Chtircb-wid- e interest are welcomed and should be addressed to Tim Church News. 33 Richards- - Streets Salt Lake City 10. Utah. The Church News assumes no responsi1(4 manuscript& sad material only when so requested and when accomtturfl suchreturn postage. The Churcp News Is Included ea e part panied by of the Saturday daily newspaper st regular subscription rates. The Saturday paper including Lb. Church News is available by mall wily in areas without regular carrier service. Saturday only mail subscription, six months. $2: one year. $350. Payable in advance. Circulation office. 143 8. Main St., Salt Liao City. Utah. phapwMt surrounding ourselves with an enviconment that is clean and pure. A father once forbade his daughter to associate with a person he I See CIIIIECIL rags 19 j Miss Ilarker t v ' lidoiatmaita Another preventative measure isrlhat of ili 4,;:01,1 te ,,,i - ' 1 rik . '' such IONOrtING , v:. to er 1 , , 4, "IA By LaRENE HARKER gh en at Taylor Stake Conference) womanhood is of greatest : t 4 itif:ti fp'. ' 4 'i; 'Virtue Is Its Own Reward' I lir .0 - 'If r4;1111P'7411' i , r.-:.,- Teenager Speaks (Talk 4. 16,9, ASIATIC FAITHS SEEK MEMBERS IN U.S.' IN CIIICAGO.111..., Eugene L. Smith, secretary of the Methodist Church's division of world missions, warned that Hinduism, Buddhism and Islamism are all three reviving and are concentrating their missionary and evangelistic work on the United States. He declared Asia is determined to win not only political but also religious initiative away from the West. "In every country today people are caught In cyclonic uncertainties and are seeking religious rootage." he said. kdding that these Asiatic faiths are "seeking to fill these empty hearts." RENO INSTITUTE HOLDS .ANNUAL BALL IN RENO, NEVADA, the annual Sweetheart Ball of Lambda Delta Sigma of the Institute of Religion of the University of Nevada was held Friday night Chapter members are shown in the accompanying picture. A feature of the evening , ,...., t,: , , . ,.... ' 4 'it. -- A. I; - . ' 4. vtellt- -' " 11416- cl.t.t.111 i - (ft : i . Salt Lake City, Utah WEEK ENDING -- - - 13, 1957 APRIL 1 , ,, - ,., le, ,..,, ,. i ., ,,t ' cy4. -- , s t oast , 1. l t, it 4. - - . , - 4- t lot ', ''' 7 4 .f k ( , - ' ;7 l'i, a . 1 - ..,s, ,, 1. A- .- ' , at.,....., , -,- - ,, 1 , ', ' -- ',"' ' ,.., , ',, (r., r ; , , ; it it, ' ;40 "'" ,.0 ' t-t- v i A, ,,, --- o ... -- , ,,, 7!... I. ' fl, - 4 ii,,, r 's- il- . A ''' it- ..." 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III ': rakl T' 0 ''' , , , .,t O'''..., , 11,, ,t A A , . , , .i; , . .. 71 1111 , 4 I li ''''l A i, 4i 11 , nn ro- ,., , 1 , ' 1 ., ) 1 t', ,.,,i, 4- 1945' -.1,, ? f r,r t 'in f n,le it ..t, tit 111,1 ; 1.3 ., j "d,",:, t .,,,' 1 ,..,,,r ,terk.. 4 r 1 ,irrr t ,,,,.r.'1.' , ) ' , , 1, ,,, ,. ' ..,, I , t, N z t - 4'. r,,,,,., , i i 10.0110.6ftwiArLAWW Lttmoti, 4404 po ,t it ' -- "kob 4,-- , I ' , ,,N1.41, ."' I ; ir- I - 1 ' . , 4.c......,,,...A...,moolo.,.4f...uolosiow.....,,....ffor.--...4- , 441,014000.-44,4- f , I, , - ,, 4,,,-it,11,;- , I) . YOUNG IDAHO SINGERS BLEND VOICES IN SPRING FESTIVAL 4 1 . A combined chorus of 350 young people were presented In the annual Division 7 District A Music Festival in Blackfoot, Idaho. The young people represented six stakes; Pocatello, West Poca- - . aLJ.AL 1 , l . , It I I . .. , . Blackfoot; The festival was under the direction of the District R. Dunn of Pocatello, and the stake's mottle ' Jane Superviror, i a 4 , , , - i , 44 L 4 0 , .4. directors: Mrs. Ray Kelly, Vera Howard, Farris Edgely. of Pocatello; Mrs. Lydia Duffin of American Falls, and Mrs. Lon. raine Wray, D. D. Thomas, Arville Hansen and Mrs. Barbara i. t, . ' ' 1 I ' Merle Sanders, Mrs. Jackie Christensen of Pocatello, and Mrs. Gayle Biles of Blackfoot Am audience of 1,500 attended. . . .: ' . . . .. . 0 , , 1 1 e , , ,,:. .. 7 . 4.- : 1 t 1., I |