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Show ' -- - - ' - - , - ' ' , , - . - . ' ' , - , - - , , ; -- - -- ,., -- . -- . DESERET NEW' S AND , Saturday-- take City, Scat Apri iS, 1957 ,, - 1, , - - , I , . , , , . - - - , - .., - : INlyttoev11611-th-Addde To Dead -,,, - - i r II 111111,4manat Austria On Neutrality LON'D011 Darg , ''',. L "S. i ' 11 1 I Pees .1.0.,111 4-r3- -ty ammootilaaall t'..re t UM valuing,' 11.1 allowance MY evergiant. Ahin'specially after his parents bought a vision set. - he did sleep. he was tormented with nightmares. The physician presthe44iat the parents sell their television set. The Daily Express quoted the doctor as saying that the boy then recovered. The LonLON'DON (INS) Daily Express reported Saturday that a Danish doctor has diagnosed a new kiwi of illness "television disease.' The publication said that Dr. Carl Friderichsen of Copenhagen had examined a louryear-old boy brought to Sundby Hospital suffering with insomnia. He found the boy's trouble had commenced six months don Hi lion' 'Vienna Planned VIENNA ILTP)--- A new "Vienna Hilton" hotel will be erected In downtown Vienna, it was announced Saturday. The project will be constructed near the Schwarzen Bergplatz and The Ring, two big centers of the Austrian capital. tele- The child began going to bed late and had difficulty sleeping, the physician said, because of vivid images in his mind. When I t Reconditioned, It e new, esserted colors. Letandored, pressed end sterilized. 98 All - Si zes ip 1 cnoCLISITy3 A fat Mess Fresh roved. . . .,,, elnionte, mostariong. USE OUR THIS NEVER CHARGE POPULAR 'i-.--' -- I, , 'e:(1,- OR A 18-INC- POWER MOWER t ,..- - -- ..,-, -2 is z !Ns hormones'''. IA too 112 in. tinting hoolditt heavy gowns reinfonnil Net her. nossi voter 1I iodise& r 11 a eativ- -, 1, mtg. HI otirrsato . r' ' k - .. , fI ) - , .., . .,,,,- 0,, - and throttle stIt ne.il ; ! stood i Ira tow 4 Ores. chock (UPNATO re- A 0 . ter , ni il , - A i, 11 r , secretary-treasurer- ..1.11111711.-....16- 44x2, lo oready to 1 4 go. g 1, 1,,,:, 198 pimp, felt fishing 0 11144 1.1..,-.s.oirki''- ea. 6. ' . 0 les skettorproof and wilt colors. Como" In h. avid 12 ft. gotta year oleo 11 III toorkt. mites, paste tottostms. etc. offer II ouel;to this low, et otos pm& mow to tibot. able Sr. wo OM white . without rtt.::ri ft, i:h:Fot ' ,-t- Moms hast I li ' ,. PANELING FIBERGLAS- '11: ' floe I low 8 0 vG , C , SO. FT. jt. 4i..,,,,,. Nadi Cirettlittlas. 14$ S. Mim M. - 15. ISM i 17rrn ;Ii, y". 1, - month irtatir oniyi Pic months Hiatt,' only $ ISO DC. , .9x9 UMBRELLA TENT f El 1 LON ' 1 faam ry is a, II .1"11.1 A V2 - SHOVEL POLYESTER WALL TENT 8)(10 98 t!is Brand now, we. . rtooloid , k il 111 6,9;44 ., . it,g. 11 protots. - 24.95 val. 99.5 ' . ikt MO 78 88 10 38 54 as Mt 7' ill , . DEATHS ., s,'-'--"1- N.'. - s" z - - - - lair'' N. ,,.. 5,4 " .34 so 44 e , - .07 . If 34 33 37 t r e ,..1 ,...., - .,.,-i- ' .., ,,, 0,.- - - - ' r- Ar r omilloos - - N I ,, ',,- .10 .07 ,,- ' ,,,-'- 7 lbs. of warm II."" , II ifoill11,....0.0 - Nrasts.- est 1 WHITE 1.98 913 .- - i.., i ....7.,,,,s.... - AIR MATTRESS lireed wildrell bets. SWING Av... division' of Iseiswillo; - is. Strong plettic- - wkh a w 1"111Pr. seems, -- gear.. fell ." rd "ph YY filled Insolation. Covered with water repellent "Windakfabrk" complete with head pad; foci cover and patented spring loaded toggle drowcord ... closure to prevent the escape of warmth. , Used, but In perfect condition. .; ONLY BRAND NEW ERMSH SURPLUS BAGS- 9 ) , ,.! 16.95 l 1111Mil1 t D - ,leA'IrItt 'C..."- - - - INEVi , .GLOVES . f,...""trioy oil leather 1.39 69 c 3.98 ' - It ., , "I. Intl feather Inside and not t, BALLS1 0171:41,"zher'h-L.i-d- ''-- 41- 4: -- -- c -4 I, ,BATs .'' SA L. THINNER Dits ywai ego' -2-' g"fe'1101- - ; GAL--- ..s, -- ' . Spin your owo ourroktor. SINE OUALITY nod sz. Prow. SOILID LINSEED OIL- .......,. N .002, oi. , Pull -' WIATOUTSIDE bestailiss, poi. - . 7 - - - ir fill --.-- ... - REDV toforfall.:.' legit i .- - ej Only. - 399 trostmille. any ns small. l i SPECIAL N 98 GAL. 94 430 PAINT n5 4 Item oil - - O thsre's seethe, fine trhish Artily sisrplos bog end Ws reilocod f this weekead p.m. , n CTTON-fltLED-BA, , Y SUNDAY ' geese-dow- 4 STAIN - el ., ' ee I( ' ; 69 - 3 .0 e r a . voles. 'leo et modern colors. Om mot severs. Nog-l- P lig.. T . BRITISH ARMY SURPLUS . , 74BS. , AL1-DA- TILL 8 -''' N,,,. 147,.,.. -- - --, - , f - -- 9 p.m. , t v, - - 695 8 a.m. to - 1 ....,......, . ,: DAILY - 1 ...se...,, -; j4.4 ''...)', ' , ., f', ,,' I ,, 7 , ;4 I ... ' '.' 4 l'''' '7I''-- ; --- ;',7- 1,,,201,-,)n.T,,,,'I' . -v., - , es oir dvs seise- '''.., ii ACETATE FIBER A regular 10.93 value reduced for this week-en- d only. Dust and lint free, mildew resistant, flannel tin. ing complete with canopy. STORE HOURS GENUINE BRITISH ARMY SURPLUS GOOSE-DOVI- II FILLED 3r. W0131111'44. 11111GLAN3 (LP) Year ideas and Sunday) 1134- 1Freiman Nile (Volta. 77. writer et Said In advance sad t.r."1" .I 'Ill- Illeteetimrt --- .11'."44 NAIL 02112VIST SATZ' aisli asurlda,' Mau gaily with carrer service 09 ilunclaY. on. month. $7,75; etc- month& NsW TORN 4 Cir)waltrsd W. ono Vele. $21. Sip 5,), et tho Lancia. S4, vice Mali daily and SticidaIi NW giant& 1 ( wiser's, 'Corporationpresident at America. ill75 - died Frhil",---- -..' Saturday, anis or triAtt. ro moomo $2; an year. $3.50 favoilabie anis In I $10 DE 3itaiStit0 (tP) -- Dr. Sou-sArthur-d-1 Srms without sorrier service), Costs. SS. a leading 411 Mail IRibliCtiPtiODS ore poiroblo Itratiliss hositor sa4 !crow tilleollell advance. alilltil444 died Fritiss.. , ,P, e,. 27 43 ' -- r- ''. - 41 53 -- - f 1114 , 23 43 44 o, .,......,,..,....,,,, ..20 Iry . ,' c 40,11, -- t v.., - - ,, - l''"c -- t 1 ,s k - .- , , 6 f;1-1.- Se 21 - 2 lb. 100 BUY ON PHNOM BABY CREDIT MUMS. III Here's a fin. quality bag containing the features you would expect to In bags selling for is much as 24.95. Heavy nylon cover, flannel lining, 2 bags can be zipped together, ble air mattress size. 36)(83 pariment, mFLAT ,.. : ad PAINT SPECIALS! WALL PAINT . ;IV- 0 FIBER- - . 1 oft. - - 1.98 3.00 s i wo 77 m"."1,lit SIv s bard roe. quality top bar 2695 1 , . enter advance ori geld 141 In advance Ono year mild In 818 advance On. mooch 40111, and rundayi $2 $ir months idaily and Sun. Mud in 71,1 67 OGDEN Oklahoma City, Okla, 15 Mt Omaha. Nab ' 84 Phoeni ix. Ariz. POCAT11,1,0, IDAHO at FM Portland. -Ore. Published; pigavo each "vanilla LLItered at the as second Clan matter i socat spitiNolt wyo, City Post Office according to Set of Concerns Mardi LI SALT LASE (ITT 2271 Calif. San Th. Deseret News PubliatiMg Coen- s,,n Diego. Francisco. Calif. loony Douro. no reatiorialininy tor man. l 'AT Gtok6g useripts and photographs contributed, ti mo, Phototratom and articles may ba re stt;... tioohl occeiniation primed only with written ftmcitti3,01,, wygi,, In advance gIVISS Spokane. 'Wash. BATTS Totab14almat-4un- 1 6.1" I N Loamy complota wok pekoe emt stakes. Rag. MIS votes. itncct. . , II and Imo - IOW t.akt trickga171 Pat& Late Cy. Vial Rot ro. 231 litkitsrds It. - litilitorial Wilma, , An, foot bleb . . . foot long; sot inclitdos 2 swings, reshot glide, trapeze II ' DIS312:17,11111140;1:: t Logs of boovy gouge 2 stool tubing. Stands , . T. 75 tel. F.- lier, Jersey City, N.J. stock. broker, was sentenced Friday to 4 years in federal prison for swindling 1,4C0 persons out of In mail and stock $900,000 frauds. Judge Mortimer W. Byers, in United States district court, also Imposed an $18,000 fine on the Tellier. Tellier was sentenced for the sale of worthless Alaska Telephone Corp. debentures. His mdefendants ere Albert J. Proctor, 43, and Elton B. Jones, 48, , president and respectively of the corporation, which had headquartees in Seattle, Wash., where the two live. The court suspended sem , tence on Proctor and Jones, placing them on probation for one year. The three were con. victed by a Jury March 13. Tellier, released in $50,000 bond pending appeal, is alg) awaiting trial on two other indictments charging mail and securities fraud. These deal with the sale of $20,000,000 worth of penny uranium stocks, including Consolidated Uranium Co. of Salt Lake City. The Utah concern does not figure in the in. I hAll-tim- ,, 1 t , military SALT LAKE CITY AND ylCINIT- Y- i SUNSunrise Sunda), 5.51 a no. Sun cloudinema Continued COMPARATIVE TEMPFRATTIRT- SCI high Sunday 70, UTAHGeneralist fair with variable Salt Lake City friday: High 69. low 43. 49. A year ago: High high cloudiness Saturday night and mean 56. normal e high for month.85. Sunday. Continued mild. Low Saturday 60, iów 37. low for month 44 night 33 to 48: Partle for SOUTHEASTERN MAHO the 244our .period Temperature cloudy Saturday night and Sunday. Low ending 5.30 a m. Saturday were: 28 to Mai'. Min. Prew Sunday 28, high Eaturdal night 71 38 b0 to OA Albuquerque, N.M. 42 74 Bartle Atlanta, Ga. SOUTHWESITRIE MAHO 21 79 cloudy Saturday night and Sunday. Low sithnirc Mont :41 N II hien 16 to Sundae 24 Bismarck, 42; Saturday night on Mt SOlkit. IDAHO 60 to 60. .01 73 Mau. 34 NEVADAPart, cloudy Sundae With Boston, Mont 74 20 .04 Butte. little change in temperature. 17 Sundial, WYOMING ail CEDAR ellY Partly cloud, 02 25 IS with scattered snow flumes in the CHEYENNE. WYO. Tr. 77 northern mountains. Little chants In Chicago, Ili --.28 27 70 .06 Denver, Colo. temperature. 27 78 COLORADOPartly cloud Sundae. Detroit. Mich 12 19 Rising 'temperatures east portion. Duluth, Minn. . cent. m. 50 a 40 Per ts ,, GR. ErNcy, - BUMIDITY,At 830 , Pi ' 67 A8 VEGAN, NEV. .61.'1 Precipitation eine .Aprd 1. 1957 Pre-;11. 1 ; all minus Ili Departure smelt April Locust 56 64 , eipitation since Oot. 1. 1953 197. D. 11,0s Angeles. Calif. .06. 611 .76 1 g2 Fla. Muimt, parture ........-- -. plus ..- -' 72 40 MILE 0111' 31 2,1 Minn, lk f . NOTHING overainoSUN 00 F. Meg. " ,.1, - , , - , - 4: ilime sr, eas II - THE WEATHER - YORK-Wal- ,... an Auto I. l 1 Chernil i.1"1 . aP GYM SET 95 , e'''' - - - 8 i., AT THIS LOW PRICE! BEFORE PIM t14t 'I men and political experts will meet here Monday to study West Europe's defense strategy no sociations." for the coming decade. day) , AY 7 H Parley Ore , NEW- - Tribune sen'ico I secret cammild. LAYAWAY PLAN - . TTta P'"-"- - 3PC. hooks. A mg. 3.71 voles. Cetwoote 8-PL- , - ',N, - - -30-year-oid 400-f- 895 wombs,. 4950 fr , t, ta,,131a1418.-41.,-11D- ' Prison Term In Stock Fraud Kawagucht,- , FISHING OUTFIT 5,1t. owing psis, all meal t. mai, aylam has and silloorints". of union. Inside C , Statts n ' SPARK PLUGS 44CP'f knee home's, . sore light. am mantel. witioto eine walk. I a r g rotary laws mower, preparly poworod fee ell cutting conditioat. Cutting Insight adjustable with. S vaporetti ranges (3,14 te 24 with Its Inch stops). Dosigned for simplicity of eperation end service. Front sod roar leaf muichor guard. Reg. 6930 vale. . ' - - Broker-Give- ptirepThepedndeeKoltagewvseeramaild'anIsaTiasnkru'unt:thveren - -1 stock Ivo oh Find tient over .44...dlointactodat ' POWER MOWER . , Avalanche - dJ.3: ,. r Missing - :,i hi d.loWarning FISHING BOOTS , taling se ' - a aeit , , SUNGLASSES I It I kt-,- - N COVERALLS - Generally IC - Z. 173 ultra-viole- x .- - x)re rmehrom-sallThebefosl- (one-celle-d From TV, Medic Says 1 4 . Child 'Insomnia' Rises g4 1, is oUIMOnStrOSItyl rS0 I don't think It's terribly sweet of you to want to 'hare f i 4 raaeraale iorc.e and me mornen turn threw the vessel. over on its right side. a. wa the ree ship hit it. He said he knotii?cl tSuturngemthe ghaside etelettitoled to it was too late. TOKYO (UP)Police agested the captain of the Cherry Blossom excursion ship Kitaga- . wa Maru Saturday for causing the death of 93 persons by turnto ing ic:Lereel6riynegarwothideel apra an - ?IF Iwo. SPol PA. '1'9'1 TKI-- ' I ) 11 'Network Held 4 pammor , PARIS ' - NO , ) 1 - Eil io ..r.,o I .).14 the first big step in unlocktng prentice. the znysteryof life and finding Ct:lito"se4:31a cure for cancer. .api e, ultraviolet. ,Thmness.uch The spot i.e.-sEying g emicroscope was unveiled Fri. on the other fellow?' into Stern mart swung the ship's day in Chicago by its devela shoal-ithe Inland Sea Friday. opens, Dr. Philliii Montgomery arrested Police Nobuya School, Dallas, Texas, and Phil- 1Ra skipper of the co Corp. , ferry boat on a charge- of dereDr. Mcrntgomery showed be. liction of duty.' fore the American' Association They questioned officials ofGeibi Shipping Co., the Ve3the for Cancer Research a film sel's owners, to fix responsibilcancer cells as they fed and ity for the overloading. The produced. It was the first such LOS ANGELES (INS)The ship had a capacity of 71 pasfilm ever made. nation's Corketrad radio warning sengers besides its four crew Asked- - whethertheinfer. network has been blasted by a members. It carried 218 passenscope will lead to the cure of scientist as a "monstrosity" gers at the time of the disaster. re- that is of more value to the cancer. Dr. Montgomery Believed Imprisoned plied: enemy than it is to the AmerThe Coast Guard said that of "This 'Should enable us, to ican people. 221 persons aboard,' 129 the. learn the way any living cell, - Dr. Albert. W. ,.Bellan ny. prd 28 bodies were relives. Once we understand how fessor of biology at UCLA and were saved. 65 missing. Most and eovered an amoeba ani- a consultant to the Atomie of the missing were believed to mal) lives, the question of how Energy Commission, denounced been imprisoned below the a cancer lives will be element- the warning system without have the ship sank within deck when ary.": qualification at a southern Cal- two minutes after hitting the Dr.Montgomery- said the ifornia school civil defense con- reef. microscope "is potentially one ference Friday. The Coast Guard said if any lie declared: "Bad more time of the missing escaped, it was of the five great tools deteloped for researching the mystery of and effort been given, prObably unlikely they survived or they life." He listed the others as a system of less use to the peo- would have been found. An inthe original microscope; the ul- ple and greafer benefit to the vestigating official said the ship have been devised." 'carried tracentrifuge, which enalled enemy,c4-Julonly 39 life jackets. Dr. Bellamy's point was that helmsman scientists to isolate tiny forms The apprentice for of life;.. the electron microscope, Conelrad made it possible on was among the missing. to concentrate and the diffraction equip. the enemy Salvage crews were sent down for jam- into two frequencies only to rement. the sea transmission or for trans- cover the dead Saturday from the hull of Nucleic acid, a fundamental ming false information. the sunken ship. substance of life, shows up un- mitting He said: "Our present netder ultra violet light but pro- works of AM, FM and TV staStrikes With Force longed exposure to the rays kills tions are entirely adequate if Investigators said the ship's a cell. had turned the steering a structural into fitted are captain they In the new microscope, an of operation and suitable wheel over to Shigemori while plan t beam plays over the preparations are made for the he checked the passengers' microscopic field in such a way continued operation of many of 'tickets. that no cell is exposed for more them regardless of what an Shigemori swung the ship's than a fraction of a second. stern into the reef with con enemy does." ..111wirimn -- - - LIU P a'761,,, t A new (MS) . which permits to view the intimate scientists functions of a living cell. may be Z.,...11111111" Ilf-i- M- -- s ), , -- microscope, ,..,-A- , p,nr III rill! (UP) The Soviet Union turned its propaganda barrage on Austria Saturday charging it had violated its neutrality and become a camp for Western Intelligence agents. Moscow Radio broadcast an article in the Soviet government organ Izvestia charging "shortsighted politicians" had turned episode. Austria into a "tranIt base for When Neuberger asked Eastfascist pogrom makers and mer- land why the subcommittee had cenaries of the Western inteM- not relayed its data to Ottawa Instead of making it public, the gence service." Moscow Radio also announced Mississippian said there were that Norway gave to the Soviet "sound reasons" for this action. Then, he added: "We are not government Saturday an answer to Premier Nikolai Bulganin's reflecting on any country when letter threatening Norway with 1 say there is a very sound rea"obliteration" if it permitted son." Although his group had never Itself to become an atomic base In a future war against Russia. directly invtstigated Norman, The broadcast said the Nor he said, "from 1951 to this time, wegian ambassador handed the his name has conticxued to crop answer from Norwegian Pre- up in investigations we have mier Einer Gerhardsen to Bul- conducted." - Eastland said he had Amin. hoped to Substance of the note was not remain silent on the Norman isdisclosed. Bulganin sent a simi- sue "because I dijnot want to lar letter to Denmark but the be a party. to Utvthing that government has would cause tension" between Copenhagen the U.S. and Canada. not yet answered it. It was the latest blast in a However, he added: 11 do not! Soviet campaign that has raked think any committee has taken nearly every western European the abuse we have taken in the nation and some North African last three days." and Middle Eastern states in the Canada has threatened to shut last 11 days., off the exchange of security inThe article was entitled "Neu- formation with the US. unless Washington gives assurance trality Must Be Honest." "The position adopted by Aus- that such data wothuld not be Ottatria during t h e Hungarian Congress - events eatma be- Ni(.oncilell with' given wa's cOnsent. honest neutrality," the lzvestia N.Y. Herald Tribune Service , article said. , OTrAWAThe Canadian government admitted Friday that the late E. Herbert Norman had 8 Die, 11 Communist associations when he was a university student, but Hits it repeated earlier assertions As that its ambassador to Egypt Eight per. was "a loyal Canadian." ToKyo (Its) sons were reported killed and External Affairs Minister Les11 others missing Saturday ter B. Pearson interrupted a after an avalanch of thawing three-dapolitical trip in Onsnow engulfed a mining settle- - tario to fly back to Ottawa mezt,10,,,,,,Nitgar4 TSCCIUrg , e4411084,1414,142, in the House of Com(province). ,Police said there was little mons on the Norman case. Pearson said that "Mr. Norhope for survival of the 11 missing. man, as a university student many years ago, was known to have associated quite openly in NATO Dated, - CHICAGO 01110.1nowk miya?--- 1 LIIIMIllIpili"w-- 41low-,-fis- I FeillICOptiiiiii171:01d Foe; Wieptir(itillirig..):S , ,,,4 la - ' pertaining" to Norman. A portion of what was described as a US. "government executive agency security report" was contained in one of the transcripts made public by the subcommittee last month. There was also a diSpute between the subcommittee and the State Department over whether the latter had approved the re-lease of the March 12 transcript bearing on the Norman incident. Amid these developments, Sett Jacob Javits asked the Senate Friday to pre-- ' vent its committees from publicizing such disclosures as those Involving Norman. Claims 'Reasons' Eastland made his comments In a colloquy with Sen. Richard who-haL.. Neuberger Ina Senate special proposed of the Norman vestigation , Illyslety 01 life , - 1 Ittarlinlock ffl, - Soviet Blasts - I series of developments that added up to further curiosity over the origin of subconumittee data which alleged that Norman had The affiliation& Communist had Canadian government cleared Norman of the charges. FBI Denies Pert ' FBI-Chi- ef J. Edger Hoover said Friday his agency has not given the subcommittee many reports or files or Information 111 - Eastland's remarks capped a - lierimicroscope LI7kis ' Envoy-,Cas- WASIMNGTON, (In) . An air of mystery was injected into the Norman case Saturday by Sen. James O. Eastland's indication that some information about the dead Canadian envoy is, being -withheld. The Mississippi Democrat said there was a- - Very- sound rya- H, why zharges gainct Norman; ambassador to Egypt who committed suicide in Cairo last week, were not sent privately to the Ottawa government. Declining to elaborate, the chairman of the Internal Secu------ told the rity -- Subcommittee -Senate Friday: There, are facts I would not divulge On this Door. - By Marty frommoolms,Mtoiy end cotrtitny SAG! 'CIIILDREN'S i 4 ' 1 r3 LIIIPLUS It 0 Ii3ISTO. 0 II .1 ono i4111I5 A' -1- 21" RiELP -- w..---- .. I I - CEITTEll La , 1111 gma I" In III I W 6,t NJ " . 41 d - . 1 SIIIDALS ',V. , , - i .1'hl.4 , '' ' 1' -- ' I wsits loather. 4.9t males. - i, .1 , EASTER-- - I 4tWV 1 1' A III rat. , t39 ffai 441 AlO111111Mr SHOES, OXFORDS ,. Mimi tre - boys' of prie la Doren grad ah.A..1,L. A " MIL ' 98 -- - 9 - - - -- - II 1 'M |