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Show I - -- 4. o r. Pres. McKay's Opening Address Church Commended For Another Proiperous Year i ' . , . iirlis,trodi ity Proi demi AtiKal at ibo Omani Sittko 127ib ounsal Coxforesio i&off akr4-.of Friday itiororog, April 3, lo ib. Tobefoksaii 04 Tim- a 6 id, Sqto. My beloved brethren and sisters, this is one of the most humbling experiences of my life. In anticipation of this moment I have spent many hours of thought and many hours of prayer. I think there is no ex- perience, in the world that makes one of the General Authorities, or any man who holds , ' , I -1 ' No- ,,, grateful to the members of the- General Church Welfare Committee who have given direct supervision to this program for a period of over 20 years. The basic concepts of the Welfare Program have been tested and proved to be sound. The Primary Purpose Nevertheless, we must con-stantly remind ourselves of the Primerl purpose ef the plan' to supply in a which helpful and dignified manner food, clothing, and shelter to every person so in need. Second, to assist men and women who, through misforor disaster, find tune ' themselves without gainful ern- ployment, to become once again - .- -- --- ' t , '' , - . I '' I I ' ,, s. 1 '4,- - , oo ' - . 4- ,,, 1, - 4 12z...8' ; , t 17.,, i ' . . , , Nu. 1 lk,,1;''1. - 1,. 41oo, - ! ..,70-'- , - -,,- ),0 e' ) -, - ,,- , - ' k.,.'s,),1 , i -- - ,,,. v, , 7. ci ' t I oi ', .., - - ' - 4 1' , rt- ! - 4 f 4 ,., 404- I irst, -- 4- 4,-- 4' - , --1, ,,,,-- - lt,---- the priesthood, feel so dependtk,, ent upon inspiration, as standa vast before of audience ing members of the Church. I do pray for your sympathetic attention, and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It W a joy to meet with you, notwithstanding ...v....a...I the sense of responsibility. to the increase Third, among I have chosen as a text to Indicate a line of thought: "NO't members of the Church the true, WELCOME YOUNG CONFERENCE VISITOR spirit of the brotherhood of every one that saith unto me, Chr in all , h avin e Elders Antoine R. Ivins, left and George Q. Morris. greet Mrs. Robert IL Walker and her Lord, Lord, shall enter into the theiristservice --the divine saying. daughter Flora, prior to a conference session. Mrs. Walker is the former Barbara baby of he but that hea&en; kingdom "Inasmuch- as ye have done it Benson, daughter of Elder and Mrs. Ezra Taft Benson. Elders Benson and Morris are doeth the will of my Father least of these, members of the Council of the Twelve and Elder Ivins of the Council 01 the Seventy: which is in heaven." (Matt. unto one my brethren, 'ye have done it 7;2, unto me." (Matt,. 25:40). Individual Responsibility work is going forward in a spiring. Membership therein Is 4. Missionary Work: In 1956 Ile has left his, business The thought is, as expressed there were 23,923 baptisms per-b- and devoted years to this here' completely satisfactory manner, at once a privilege and a bless James: "But be ye doers of formed in foreign and stake mis- ect, and will continue to do so and in all areas is on schedule. ing. the word, not hearers only." sions, which is an incOase of until the completion of the tem Commendation and appreciation Looking around us, we are That applies particularly to each 9 per cent over the previous pie and the completion of these are extended to the local labor convinced that we are living in schools. missionaries and to the Saints an era of great progress, em Individual. Salvation is an in- year. dividual affair. We are not 5. Schools in Polynesia: I In Samoa, there are new addi- who contribute to the susten- bracing wonderful inventions and scientific discoveries. Mans saved as congregations, nor as am sure you will be inter- tions to the Pesega School in ance of these labor Samoa. The school is ,;4111,s in this vast building search for the unknown has led groups, but we are saved as we ested in the progress of the also at Vaiola, Savati, gram, as well as to our labor him out of the world of matter come into the world as individu schools in Polynesia. The New ilLs, and the Lord's purpose is !Zealand College will be finished Samoa, and one at Sauniatu, missionary supervisors calledI literally into the realm of space. lie splits the atom, sets off to save the individual, each be- and ready for opening in Feb-lo- Samoa. Another is now under from Amfg ijest construction at Mapusago, Si 6. Regarding our temples: In horrifying hydrogen explosions, precious in ids sight. ivory 1958. It is composed of moa. administration building, a Before commenting further on flies through space at a, speed Auckland: New Zealand, Col 'December In the Llahona at Tonga exto which center 'student I'desire the 22, another faster than sound, is taking upon theme, building, lege two large wings to the mileston'e in steps to build satellites to acpress commendation for the Is made up of two ' a and in its rev oludormitories, girls B. Elder ChurcnIgymnasiums, made the Brown, company cafeteria, kitchen,; new classroom passed. progress Hugh by dinnew a tions. wing, of the swim-thMany imaginations Assistant to the Council of the and individual groups, during student center, lounge, in kitchen facilities Twelve, u n d e r t of Jules Verne are now ,comlast six months and during 'ming pool, locker rooms, and g hall with appointment realitim flying-t- o . an auditorium combined witht combined, and dortnit ories for from the First Presidency, the past year men women the and teachers moon is an achievement the ducted the services and officiThis has been another pros the gymnasium which will seat are under construction now considered possible. i4,500 Ated five are at There Inthe cornerstone laying people. perous year for the Church. Spirit Of Activity , ceremonies for the New Zealandt The earth itself, figuiatkely creased faith and more acti-- e classroom wings which will acspeaking, is shrinking. The rail- In Hawaii, the new .Tutor 'Temple. participation in Church acti it), commodate 1,000 day students, . are evidenced almost weel:ly by three girls' dormitories and: College now being built at' Cornerstone laying ceremo- road, automobiles, the airplanes, made New York and San the reports of the General Au- three boys' dormitories accom-- : Laie, Oahu, will accommodateinies for the London Temple have next door neighbois, Francisco 600 I 750 not will be held students. fewer than at Newchapel, students.,will thorities of their assigned iis- .modating and Greenland and the South Its throughout the stakes and not go into further detail, but I. The large shop building and the Sinrey County, England, May Pole only a few days apart! missions. Some illustrative facts do wish to express a word of main building are already near- 11, 1957. Elder Richard L. Evans More Activity Needed to of the. Council of the Twelve commendation those who are ing completion. follow: DLit with ottiTi;t4t. 411, W..441441,profv-i4Illesethings of there.1 workingclown Lsbnuldi Regfo,,14" .1.4e. sa,rament name is one of the South Pacific are being The ground for this temple was comes increased responsibility but there them, Attendance at Sacra Meetings: th every individual, man, and his wife, particularly, built by Jahor. missionariesIbroken August 27,- 1955. meIt Meetings during 1956 Is an and child. New inventions catled local and awl to Brethren from deserve America, commendation, sisters, the highest yet attained in the:who missionaries called from take of the sPi,rit of faith and bring greater opportunities, but Church-15,0- 00 wife.' more people at and that is Brother more activity, more and sweet his their respective homelands. The activity in the churchisin demand of character. tended last year than in 1955.1Biesinger Many and that was the highest per!years ago you and I read the centage of attendance to date. following comment by Roger 1945 to 1955 there has Fr , ,,, , , W. Babson, the great statisti, ., , t been a gradual increase of atcian: , , , ,,P , ,. , Aille s, .24., Al,- tendance at Sacrament Meetri--, ,, 1 k .,i, "Although the airplane opens ,1 ,...,..1, 1 , , I up boundless opportunities, it i , Itt 1. blgs of 11 per cent. ,, t171 ' I' ,' , . ,,,., ' 1 :.e ''. I also limitless perils. ' ; I. Tithes, Offerings Up " '''C '4.,,,re'''' t' ' 1' i 0 11 ..' . ',,,,. whether we ,,, 'All upon $.... : 2. Regarding tithes and .-::,, , ''' 4 ' , :::r '' ., ' i ,''' '' !,t,, ' ""',. 4 can tini s I this flood of new Greater devotion is evi,, 4...1i,,,z ! , ,.7 -- kt," powers with an equal ' i dent, also, In the increase of t 4. , 4 , '. , i ..0 rain spiritual torreg The .., :, lithos and offorin.gspappears ' . " , can see in a '04' Al coming :' generation 'i i a the of that larger proportion ' 1 more minute than the former members are contributing a, 4: , , , could see in a week. , generation I in1 , ,:,,, of their 1 larger proportion The coming generation can out ' t r .. ,, . Ar t, i - , comes, the result being that 'k' ; .; hear and out travel the former k , , ,, , . .. ., tithes and offerings have in- TI generation. Horse power has exsubrecent creased during A years ,....,1 , panded beyond all dreams. But ' ' , 1 1 ; t stantially more than the growth A rt what about man power? What , In membership and the indicated 1 Y s labout spiritual power, and the . , ' In ease in average incomes of ato,,,wo of Judgment, discretion the Saints. Those two Items ; Unless there !power point to increased spirituality, of character development the ery object of our organiza,,.,,, to this enlargement of ,,,, equal ' 1. tion. , t physical forces there is sure 3. Regarding the Welfare tt t, t ; , ahead. Twenty-fivtrouble Plan: We are grateful for the years ago an intoxicated man I '' 4 '!' A , , progress that has been made in tt might tip the buggy over, but ' the Wyllate Plan. Hundreds of t commonly the old horse would 1 ,'dot.,...,,,,;.",;:4,.--"J projects have been established,14:: !bring him home. Today a driver 13 mind s Storehouses under the Influence of liquor ishop FROM NORTIIIITSTOne hundred percenters of the Portland Sixth Ward, Columbia maims and kills Tomorrow, to supply in a helpful equipped and dignified manner the needs Stake, at the Joseph Smith Monument on Temple Square as the group attended con--, thtrefore; it something to.. pon., Tar der over. Without moral progwith Clinier, second counselor gen; ress in pace with physical prognext to him. At left, rear, Kay E. Payne, first counselor and KentJ-logan- , ,rally and the ROW Society siress the airplane will merely Vleelt. Ending April 13, 1957 4CHURCH See PILES. IMAM', Page 5 - o - ., ''. ILI) , - ill-luc- t i - , id . I : I. Qt.-th- y - mission-Wester- - - g - - - full-scale- ! the-eart- - e mon-plac- e - , - - - - --A- - - U - , par-labo- r I I , : --------- Iry , 1 I"). 14 r7171---- ,...,,,,,ot- -, A , . , i, ' 4, ' .. kt, r k...,,,...- l-,..- ,..., ''',, 4 1 - ' t, , ' ,, ,, , - . ,,,, r: , ' , i E - , ' , ," , 0, , --- .i ...., . , t l ' ;;.,' I- , ' - '4' 'A,. . ....., ,,, , v, -; r offer-trigs- ,,,, ,, 0. 4, ,, : , : $. , , - - ! -- - ,41116 I .,, A. , r - : - t. , i , , - , t' , - i t, 1. 4t: - - - . . -- - - s- -- ) o' ( - , s x I , , , - - , , ' is--F- - t ',' N, o c, . . '',, ....,., et ''' i t - - I., f - k '' I ii t. .., .. - c' -- ,,,,,... vi, I ' ,,, ,..,.., . , , ' ' o A ' i 4 - . ;'il' ,o tens have responded to this hn-- , portant work. We are especially 1 i ' ., .., , , i41 ,,,, , o - ,,, - -- t - |