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Show UPftKr RlCHAr.PS Private; accre- 1 nn ""nJ MFaT oryvul.!'-. v I &r bed '"" wan,? hor ' Vrv. KVlln-.' Wnnulwiimou-.' Qr the IL ,air ' IttlCjKrone. V..",! .loi: - :1 ' -'IK, 1 ha K advaii' than bfri-i' " 1 ' "tr.ijaBr a i'Hoti (.1 tlajStiMnamp ':in' l: 1 "'' '" "' as - Reom' ilinr.fr with n-'" , FilEd to .!! -'"' u" ifUfcjcBfct her mo ni dou-. .1 nd pla S rec-rii- n" - Ion - ,6 ndtri.tuldn't B4 H down ui-o.i (i I' ll In j been poet ;SLntr. 1 1 -1 1 Kit for Km the kit li.-n I ' 1 1 1 h-r In ihot &Mfcrs. fJ fflejKdidn't ' ' 1 ' iiu: Ktfd pu-Ea, pu-Ea, sllpp' i kitchen anl Br mother Baaaa ,C said f lfcetsrvln;,' iliIc"- (?.! Rich-: ' Wiinmn 1 ! Hp mcin aBLBkry') ..1 pe a I attOOk a h mil Httnd In P STllWtle. u '"l1lcr'n r. 'Urri l,e w IHnilfh F Ha! 1 " 1 Boiv -I-.. . . Hfaest ! 1 1 1 ' I : IKES Kvvers, Ht thinK- ' l ii-.it BMW t" ! ..-) I ; ' if that !: rfn rfm The i 11-' 'lvWj I get spll- " ' I .11 -'hi ;,n.l mt, Isn't It : jnn . ' OIH VII tct i.w r 1 , .1 ., 1 1 1 ,, MP 'auPhf'l -i'nr v- Ed yo j Bcag' ' i.i,-, in B tha! . froupli )T WBie you had potn 6t homo'"' 1, Hiked simp JiilUvmi" Tht' r'' ' M' '''''' ,f- Bbtt tlmo JrBt sort of pfo.i.- y Bg houso 1 Jim- .1-1. 1 1 pius In which hr mother's tempt-j tempt-j Injr Rxodtos rapidly rlisappr-arlnp. 'Boarding: hof(r',, Hatrh- naked, I ffUiplAg a mouthful of coffee down hardly. ,,Gee! What made you re-I re-I mind me of it . I don 1 know where I I II sleep tonight They askd me J to move." "But I gave you you had ten dol- Ian " Jane reminded her. I "Yei The lamllHcly took that. r owed her twelve;. Then she said shed take no nif re cham ejr, and out went my thing:" Jftne'a mother wan hoi ked. Tho very Idea!' she exclaimed Indignantly In-dignantly You'd better let ns make up a bf-c for you on the couch. It isn't verj wide, but you re a thin lit -tie th.n and our Cousin usan iom" times slet-pi un it. X rix it with a nice, thick comforter," "Gee' wan ill the girl could suv After dinner H.mtle played with the dog, A vdu sat upon the floor wl:h her head buried in it. soft coat, she suddenly looked ui with n sigh. "Gee! I'm hftPPy!" she said Jane's mother walked into the kitchen beivuise lours were dropping down upon her knitting' VA'hen Hattle and Jane were alone. Jane broached Iit plan "You can borrow one of my suits, and go down to all on a broker t. whom 1 was recommended, Just tell him Mr Reynolds said he needed a stenographer ''nd asked you to call.'"! --nd. handlnx Qattie the card of Intro'dudtfon to Mr Carruth'efs. 'The 'alary s twenty dollars." "But h '11 want references and 1 d N'mi think 1 could do it ' I ni' - Cot that lllixll UAforA." lli. .l,.miirr.,l t "Tell him Mr. Reynolds si-nt ydU. or 1 hero's no need of fibbing. Say; that the girl Mr. Reynolds sent could j not come, and sent you Instead That outfit to bo reference enough Mr. Reynolds ran call mo up. if he wants to "know more." 1 "Gee!" the girl said again, but a j new vibration was in that voice, and I a new courage was born with the I thought that someone would speak . for her that she had references! "Do you think I could do it?" she , appealed, and Jane tnerh undertook a: little sermon. 1 "Remember, von can do nnvthlnir 1 Don t you believe in God" "1 used to," she admitted I "Why don't you go back to the i farm'."' Jane asked, j 'They're dead now my folks." she whispered', and again fondled thf dog : hungrily Geo! I used to love my I dog." nd she put hor head down. 1 overcome once more. Mi Richards came in then ind , fixed the beds Anyone who lives in j a one-room apartment, with only a kitchenette and dressing room to stir about in. will appreciate the extent , of their hospitality. Jane's mother I was all sympathy, whispering aside I "To think that she had nowhere to I go tonight! And she was hungry. I too' 1 can't wait until breakfast when 1 can tlx some nl c ham and eggs for her Sh" will pick up -Srhen she gels proper nourishment." she added practically, "And I have an idea that she could li e very cheaply in the house across the way. ii.- Rogers is taking boarders, and It would be nice to hai hor cume over here for a bit of mene!-' ing an-J washing and Ironing' "And to dinner now and then." Jane recommended. "She'll be a new girl." Mrs. Rich- 1 nrds promised happily. Jusl then; Hattle emerged from the dressing room, wrapped in a gay Japanese klmona Jane had given her. She' looked almost pretty The colors brought her out Jane was prompt-1 ed to go further with her protege,! and produced a blue serge suit anil white dimity blOu&C. ll.-re Hattle If vou want to wearl this sjit anil waist, 11 might help you 1 to get s place I inlnk it would be belter for business than lhat black silk dross with the beaus.' "Yes, the beads are all hanging j off anyway," Hattle observed. "To bod how, children," Mrs. Rich-I ards cautioned "Remember, early to bed means 0 good day tomorrow." The lights went out. Hattle rush-1 ed over to Jane's mother and kissed h-r Then in Jane she said. "You've I ju.t saved my life." (.Copyright, 1922 by The Bell Syndl- cate, Inc |