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Show Into i'.ai t: nm i. :.. N 1'iU; I'KtiliATK I'lil"!:!' ! V Fill; . JL ( Ml: eoiitn.v. In ilie urn i te: . ii i , esiale inid ru-tr'.-ii!!-!iii ..I' Lin y . . ili-l, an in-eiiinpe'.'ii! in-eiiinpe'.'ii! ..!'.. in. ) Irder to simv e: ,i-e why orne'i , -j ,e i if real estate should no; i..- in.-.iic. l.'Ui I'. I.urn!. i no LMijii-dian of l he lu i -on and state ol Lui y A . l'.ishoi. mi iiieo:ti;i'!c,'t jicr-" jicr-" son. haeiiiir lii' d his la-tition hv rem iirayinp lor an or,. er 1' Mile of real estate ol said in-eoini.i'tent in-eoini.i'tent (ei son, for t'ne jiiii'inises tlu-iein set lortji: It is then-lore ordered, hy .lo-eph I. Jones, rroi.uie .iud.'je of said court lhatiill persons iutej-esU'd in t lie estate of said ineoni-ji-'teni iK-r-on. a'iear i.efoie the said lu-ohate court on mii ui'day tht')sdavof April. l-'.l. ;t; lii o i ioek in ine forenoon ol siiid day. ut the eourl r.ijui ol said probate court, at the cour; hou-e nl i'rovocity. t ounty ol 1 tali; to nliow c.-oi-e why mi tinier should not lie granted to the --aid iianiiaii to sell so much of real esmte oi the -hi, i incompetent person as should If ii'-ee-sary ; .Aon i ii.' i a copy nf this order lie published at i.-itsl lour necks successive in Tun IUs I'vri 'ii.ti n.-u.-,,.; r printed and pulili'. lied in said I lal: l our,! '. . at 1'rovo cil V. .Ins, I'll M. Junks. ' i'rohate Ju.le. Hated Ma.vh lu. 1". 1. Ti.Kll!T"I(V ne I'TUt, I I '. it'M'V ll t'TA II. f ' ' - 1. V. L. Ma! -iiia. v. chrk of the Probate Court, in in i.i for I'tah 'courtly. Territory of Utah, hereoy certify that the loreoinu' is a lull. H ue an.; correct copy d' 'lie oniinil order to show ciUr-i- why order of Hale ol real estate should j n il I made in i he c-tate of l.uey A. liishop, j an in. omp.'ient person, an Inuw on tile and of rec-'fl ,!i my oiliee. lines- my hand and tbe seal of said Probate , . t oiirt. a: niv oMico in Provo eitv this tAl.i i,;ih ,'iav of March. A. U. l-'.H. V. I. HA I.LI IA V. j Clerk of the I'r.l'.ate Court. It ah count v. U. T. : l |